space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1058 Expansion of the Spirit Realm

Chapter 1058 Expansion of the Spirit Realm ([-])
More than half an hour later, Zhao Lin heard Qi Ke's slightly panicked screams from the direction of the upstairs bedroom, and rushed upstairs.

"What happened?!"

Zhao Lin rushed into the room, and saw Qi Ke wearing a bathrobe and hair, standing at the end of the bed with a dull expression, holding a half-burned bra in his hand, and the bed sheet was also scorched.

"What's wrong? It's on fire? Where's the short circuit?" Zhaolin walked up to Qi Ke, touched her face, took off the wreckage from her hand and threw it on the bed, looked around, but didn't find anything around the bed Electrical outlets and such.

"I, I seem to be able to make a fire." Qi Ke blinked, recovered from the huge surprise, and raised his right hand excitedly, "Look."

Before being able to stop him, Qi Ke quickly uttered a spell, and a small flame appeared in his palm.

As soon as the flame appeared, the flame didn't stand still, Zhao Lin suddenly reached out and pinched Qi Ke's right elbow with numbness.

"Ouch!" Qi Ke cried out in pain, and subconsciously shrank her arms, interrupting the spellcasting, and the little flame disappeared in the palm of her hand.

"It is forbidden to play with fire indoors." Zhaolin knew what happened to the burnt clothes and sheets when he heard Qi Ke's incantation, and decisively pinched off the source of the fire again, then pinched the tip of Qi Ke's chin and shook her from side to side Head, "Once the monk's spiritual fire triggers a fire, ordinary people's fire extinguishing methods cannot be extinguished. You have to practice fire magic and practice it outdoors. You will not be afraid of burning it in the Thousand Lotus Realm."

"Oh." Qi Ke glanced at the scorched bed sheet, the excitement of just mastering a spell receded, and then he became afraid, "Fortunately, there was no fire."

"You're lucky. Novices who are mastering spells for the first time generally have very poor control in casting spells. When they cast spells for the first time, they either do not use enough force or use too much force. You only burn out this little thing, which is not bad."

"Is there really an unlucky person who started the fire?"

"It's too common. When a monk who is new to the immortal road learns the first spell of his life, accidents are commonplace. The focus of spelling is control. This precise control comes from thousands of times of practice to achieve conditioned reflex. Novices How can there be such control power, the fire magic is so aggressive, a single spark is enough to start a fire."

Qi Ke stuck out her tongue, and put her hands into the pockets of her bathrobe.

"How did you find out that you can spell?"

"Just now!" Qi Ke shook his head, his loose hair raised waves, "I came out to get the hair dryer after washing, thinking in my heart that if only I could dry my hair by myself, and then my hair dried, and a picture appeared in my mind. A spell, I tried it casually, and it burned."

Only then did Zhao Lin cast his eyes on Qi Ke's long hair, put his fingers into the back of her head and combed it casually twice, it was indeed dry without any moisture.

"You can cast fire magic, which shows that you have the root of fire. You can do alchemy or weapon refining. In addition, you must learn the talismans and formations. You must be proficient in at least three of them."

"I'm a mechanical major, maybe refining is the most suitable for me?" Qi Ke began to fantasize, imagining that he could practice a superb craft of refining, and it would be easy to master all kinds of fairy weapons.

"You can try it all. Don't jump to conclusions. Self-imposed restrictions will only hinder your growth. Think about your master's former realm master. She tried for so many years before admitting that she really didn't have the talent for refining weapons, but she still didn't have the talent. Prevent her from collecting all kinds of minerals and using all kinds of refining materials as toys, you, a novice who has just started on the road, can't give up lightly."

"Master, she is really capricious."

"You can be as willful as her, you have the capital." Zhaolin once again pinched the tip of Qi Ke's chin and shook it left and right, "Go change your clothes, you, the master of the spiritual realm, have to go inspect your territory."

"What is there to inspect in that palm-sized territory?"

Qi Ke muttered puzzledly, and a subconscious thought stretched out from the balcony, after two seconds of sluggishness, he turned and rushed to the balcony to look out.

(End of this chapter)

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