space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1063 Expansion of the Spirit Realm

Chapter 1063 Expansion of the Spirit Realm ([-])
"What about the input method?" With a new computer, of course there are matching requirements.

"This is up to you. If you are used to typing and don't want to change it, I will make a new keyboard for you. It is completely customized according to your palm size and keystroke strength. You can add as many keys and extra functions as you want."

"Then I want two, one full keyboard and one palm keyboard." Qi Ke gestured, typing with both thumbs, as if holding a mobile phone in his hands, "add a voice button on the keyboard, hold it down to speak, Let go and stop."

"It's simple. I will prepare a model machine. You can use it to type for a few minutes, record your typing and keystroke habits, and a new keyboard will be available in a few days. This is the process for private custom keyboards."

"Hmmmm~" In addition to the new keyboard, Qi Ke thought of a new requirement, "The keyboard needs to be muted. I don't like mechanical keyboards because they are too noisy. No matter what axis I think, the volume of keystrokes should be like my laptop. There are also input methods, local text input methods, Wubi Pinyin strokes and handwriting are all required, and I still want to be able to type directly when writing articles in the future, without converting Chinese characters."

"Yes, the input method encoding is also very easy, and we just finished it together." Zhaolin paused, "But, are you sure you want Pinyin?"

"Isn't Pinyin not working? I use it and don't let others use it. I don't want the locals to accept alphabetic characters."

"Pinyin rules still need to be promoted. Last year, so many pig rooting and planting manuals were sold, but most of the people who bought the books were illiterate. Can they really understand them when they take them home?"

"They need to master the rules of pinyin and then learn to use a dictionary." Qi Ke suddenly realized, and clapped his hands together, "We want to compile a dictionary. If we can't use letters, we should use phonetic symbols. In this way, even if we don't know how to write, we can use phonetic symbols instead. spelling."

"Then I'll add a Zhuyin input method to help you remember the phonetic symbols. Even if you don't use it every day, if someone asks you a question, at least you should be able to answer it."

"Okay, let's add it. Print out the dictionary before the school starts, and everyone who comes to class will have a copy." Qi Ke realized belatedly that he had written two agricultural skills books, but he forgot Dictionaries are such an important tool.


"Well, is there anything else you need to do in a hurry?"

"Have you finished writing the revised draft of your rabbit raising manual?"


"When the new computer is ready, you don't have any excuses to procrastinate. I will save the dictionary, and I can't write the manual for raising rabbits. Finish it early and finish one thing sooner."

"Yeah, I'll write, I'll write, and I'll write when I get the new computer and new keyboard, hand typing and audio together, and I promise not to delay the update." This kind of face-to-face reminder is the most heart-pounding, Qi Ke nodded Dare not say a word.

"I will do what I say, and I will supervise the work."


"Okay, I took away the things on the technology side, and it's your turn to find the treasure on the metaphysics side."

"Ah? Also?"

"You don't really think that there is only this heritage on the land of more than 300 square kilometers?"

Zhaolin projected the map again, marked the villa with a black circle and their current location with a red circle, and saw two points far apart on a large map. If the direction of the villa is north, the distance between the two points Connect them with a straight line from northeast to southwest.

(End of this chapter)

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