Chapter 1073 New Actions in the Village ([-])
"Why don't they end? Isn't this cotton very good? What are they waiting for? Waiting for local cotton? That's for the second half of the year, and they won't work for the first half of the year?"

"How risky is shipping? Sea storms and pirates will capsize ships in distress. Overseas cotton is of high quality and expensive, and only big textile merchants can afford it. Then they must care about whether the supply is stable. The goods are so bad that the follow-up production can't keep up, what should I do?"

"Ah, yes, it turns out that's the case."

"Then what if the weavers don't take an interest in such fine cotton?"

"Good cotton weaves good cloth. If we don't do business that makes money, what does it matter to us? Isn't it good for us to make our own quilts with good cotton? Do you know how much cotton and cotton it takes to replace the entire army's quilts?"

"I don't know. You know?"

"I don't know either. Aren't you old military households? I thought you had a general impression."

"Don't count on us. We don't even know that the frontier army has always been poor. They can't provide enough food and grass. They are still being served. It is not easy to buy a piece of cloth."

"Oh, well, if the weaver really doesn't know the goods, then we can enjoy the good things ourselves." Qi Ke shrugged, she was not worried about the risk of a backlog of goods at all, as there are too many things that can be made from cotton.

"In this way, it's not easy to do business. I worry about this and that. I can't decide whether I can make money in a business." Old Ninth Master was a little emotional.

"That's right, if the business is easy to do, then everyone will get rich and there will be poor people." Qi Ke nodded carelessly.

"But it's business and farming, are you busy?" Lu Chen asked with concern.

"As long as the villagers do what they say and are really obedient, don't question any of my arrangements casually, say that things don't go west, that dogs don't beat chickens, then I'm sure I can be busy." Qi Ke is most worried about this. If she is young, if she doesn't listen to her instructions, it will be over.

"Then this must be no problem. It is related to the increase of food production in the whole village. Let's see who dares to talk nonsense. Why didn't you get any results last year when you have the time to sell your lips?" Lu Chen slapped his chest loudly, "What the old general ordered, this is it. For missions in the army, if you don’t work and make trouble, you will be good if you eat the army stick once, and you will eat twice if you can’t do it once.”

The old ninth master nodded in agreement.

The two village chiefs made such promises, and Qi Ke let go of his worries and caution. The old general came up with a good idea. The farmlands were collected and handed over to the farming experts for unified arrangement. The ownership of the farmlands still belonged to each household. The right to use has been crossed, and it is not a farmland, but more similar to the idea of ​​land transfer.

"All households transfer the right to use the farmland to me for unified arrangements, and then listen to my command and work for me. They are counted as my farm laborers, and I will be paid monthly. Is this what the old general means?"

"Uh, it should be..." Old Ninth Master and Lu Chen looked at each other in blank dismay.

Seeing the faces of the two of them, Qi Ke knew that there was no need to continue the conversation, "Okay, I know, I will come out with a charter for everyone to discuss, let alone go to the military station this afternoon, measure the farmland tomorrow, today and tomorrow Just do these two things, okay?"


At this point, the two village chiefs didn't stay any longer, they made an appointment to meet in the afternoon and went home.

Qi Ke sent them out, turned around and rushed towards Zhao Lin.

"Did the maids already know what the village chief and the others just said? Then you also knew about it? You are the only one keeping it from me?" The villagers discuss such a big matter, and it is not possible to discuss it clearly and unify in a day or two. In terms of opinions, Qi Ke didn't know a single word from the beginning to the end. She didn't believe that the monitoring of the whole village would miss such important content.

(End of this chapter)

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