space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1077 A New Merchant Arrives

Chapter 1077 Here Comes a New Merchant ([-])

For the rest of the day, Zhaolin was busy arranging manpower, while Qi Ke was studying the farmland distribution map of the village while eating in the living room of the villa.

At that time, the cultivated land in the whole village was demarcated and demarcated uniformly, so they were all close together. Some industrious people opened up wasteland in remote corners, one piece to the east and the other to the west, and it was not next to the big fields. The whole field is also included, she likes to use machinery for the whole field, even if it is a human-pedal bicycle structure, it is also an agricultural machinery.

When choosing the yard earlier, Qi Ke confirmed with the two village chiefs that her own [-] mu was not included. It was up to her to decide what she wanted to plant. There was no need to demolish the walls and release her farmland to merge with Together.

In the evening, the second steward who stayed behind at Zhuangzi came into Qianhe Realm with Yu Yu on his shoulders and a sea fish in his hand, and brought Qi Ke a letter from Jia Ji Shipping Company. It was written by Bai Qing. Arrived in Liangshui Town, ten ships came this time, five boats of cotton and five boats of grass and potato flour, Bai Jiajun ordered some, and gave the rest to Qi Ke, Bai Qing didn't care whether he ate them all or resold them, anyway, the money Logarithms will do.

The so-called money logarithm means that according to the price negotiated last time, the payment for the goods will be paid to the captain, the tax will be paid to the Qianhusuo, and Bai Qing will hand over the money to General Bai.

Qi Ke took a closer look at the amount that Bai Qing had set aside in advance. He asked for half of the cotton and two-thirds of the grass and potato flour. It was obvious that food was still in short supply, even if the price of food from overseas was not cheap after tax, but Food is food, so it is easy to understand why General Bai came up with such an idea, it was all because of the lack of food.

"It's only the third day of the Lunar New Year today, and our Lord Qianhu has already decided how many goods we want, so we moved very quickly." Qi Ke held the letter paper with his left hand and flicked it with his right hand, because the content of this letter is related to property and must be bought. Keep the original.

"Liangshui Town is under his rule, so there must be rules for him to be free to decide. Otherwise, in the past few days, the news from Liangshui Town has reached Qianhusuo, and the letter from Qianhusuo may have just arrived in Fucheng. Know what time it is."

"What cargo did the fleet bring back?"

"Tea and sugar."

"Just these two?"

"Under the praise of our four aristocratic customers, the business of iced milk tea is very good, and the supply of tea and sugar is in short supply. The milk tea pearls and taro balls we made with grass potato powder are regarded by them as a secret formula that cannot be deciphered."

"Wait a little longer, tea is hard to say, I hope sugar can attract a few higher-level nobles."

"It is possible to attract larger nobles or big businessmen. We can be sure that there are no sugar crops in their country."

"Then where did the candy for their rich people come from? Did it come from other sea merchants?"

"Maybe, the steward over there hasn't come into contact with other sea merchants yet."

"It's okay, don't worry, our island is too outlying, far away from the rich big island, standard country bumpkins, how can proud city people look down at us? The business has just started, and it is developing very well now. A small circle, steady and steady, first serve the existing customers and become our loyal customers."


"We can cooperate with minor nobles. Our six islands correspond to four minor nobles. Who is the landlord of the sugar island? Use sugar to corrupt him and pull him into our camp to form a community of interests. We give him sugar to develop ways to improve his class." Opportunity, he used his contacts to open up a bigger market for sugar for us. There is no sugar crop in their country, so it is up to us to fill the gap.”

"Ok, no problem."

(End of this chapter)

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