space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1080 A New Merchant Arrives

Chapter 1080 Here Comes a New Merchant ([-])
Now that the manpower is sufficient and the preliminary preparations have been made, the next step is to proceed step by step.

A few days later, the foreman of the construction company came to Siliu Village by boat. Under the leadership of Qi Kehe, the village head went to the field to inspect the field and discussed in detail how to arrange the water conservancy facilities such as ditches and waterwheels.

This discussion took two days, mainly used to convince the village chief and the villagers, telling them why the layout was done in such a way and where the rationale was. I signed three contracts, especially the time for the farmland should be completed before the official spring plowing, and then I went back to prepare materials and bring people over.

There were several days of vacancy between the foreman's visit and return. Qi Ke seized this time period and announced the method of remuneration distribution in the whole village. The two income methods of monthly wages and annual dividends made the villagers very happy. The benefits of increasing production are directly reflected in the amount of dividends at the end of the year, and enthusiasm immediately arose, and all households readily signed contracts with Qi Ke for the transfer of their own farmland use rights.

After finishing her work in the village, Qi Ke also temporarily left the village for a good reason. The ocean ship sent the second batch of goods. She had to go to the factory to supervise the cotton storage and check the production situation during the Chinese New Year. Blow up your own business and lose everything.

The two village chiefs who knew about it certainly didn't want the 1000 taels in the village account to be lost due to business accidents. As soon as Qi Ke promised to come back before the start of the farmland, they nodded happily and asked her to go back early.

Qi Ke took Zhao Lin to go together, and went to the county first before parting ways. Zhao Lin went to the county boundary to show her face. The diversion camp hadn't been withdrawn yet, and she happened to go there to bring back the female workers who had signed death contracts during the Chinese New Year to the factory.

Men are actually accepting them all the time, but according to Qi Ke’s rules, men and women change their surnames after signing, and women’s surnames are Liu and men’s surnames are Bai. Once women figure it out and stop insisting on freedom, they can let go. It doesn’t matter what the surname is, especially after marriage. After being called a sister-in-law, aunt, baby, and mother, they thought it was quite interesting to give themselves a new name after changing their surname to Liu.

Putting it on men is another matter. For men, the surname is equal to incense. In their view, changing the surname is breaking their own incense and sorry for their ancestors.

So the year is over, and no man has signed yet. It is rare for a few people who are tempted to be persuaded by others to stop writing.

Qi Ke deeply admired such integrity, and decided to keep a distance and not to do things like sticking hot faces to people's cold buttocks, and let Zhaolin not care about the life and death of men, just eat gruel and water a day so that people can not starve to death, and recruit more women.

As soon as he returned to the factory, Qi Ke sent out a large number of assistants to make up for the shortage of manpower in the factory. Then the cotton yarn workshop stopped working for three days, saying that it was for maintenance and installation of new hydraulic machinery, so that the cotton yarn workshop could produce at full capacity.

The female workers who were on vacation were not allowed to stay in the factory, but were sent back to the maternity and infant hall in the county for three days in the name of annual leave, so that they could work wantonly in the factory after the factory was cleared.

When the female workers came back to start work again, seeing the new workers standing in front of the new machine with extremely fast movements, the old workers felt a sense of urgency that made people nervous, and they all stepped up their work, fearing that they would be thrown away by the newcomers.

Village head Jia went to the Qianhu Office, signed a contract with Bai Qing, and formally cooperated with Bai Jiajun to deliver goods for them. He received the task on the spot and went to Liangshui Town to deliver cotton and grass potato powder separately. They went to several places, and for the convenience of their sailing, they also received specially made flags to show their identities. They also returned the flags when they handed over the business. They were not allowed to keep them privately, but Jiajiacun and Jiaji Shipping were allowed to use this identity to gain fame and solicit business. Both parties are mutually beneficial.

(End of this chapter)

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