space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1210 Returning to Zhangfu County for revenge

Chapter 1210 Returning to Fu County to Take Revenge ([-])

Qi Ke raised his left arm high, and soon his forearm sank, and the little eagle stretched its wide wings and landed precisely, with both feet tightly encircling Qi Ke's forearm, standing firmly The reason why Qi Ke dared to let it stand is because he had already worn a cowhide armguard under his sleeves to not hurt her, coupled with the use of spiritual energy on the arm, it could easily support its weight of more than ten catties, nothing else could not bear it .

Yu Yu turned his head and looked at the crowd around him. His eyes were piercing and majestic. It was clearly not a nocturnal bird, but it was still full of energy at this time.

Being stared at by a bird of prey at such a close distance is not pleasant. For a moment, Xianzun and the others felt that they were being treated as food, and their faces became more and more ugly.

After Yu Yu finished looking at her, he turned his head and kissed Qi Ke's face affectionately and called out to her twice.

Qi Ke's eyes fell on Yu Yu's left foot, a small piece of fabric was hooked on one of the toes, obviously torn from someone's body.

"Someone tried to climb over the wall from the outside and you drove them down, didn't you? Good job."

Qi Ke took off the cloth and threw it casually on the ground, touched Yu Yu's head and neck, as if he understood the meaning of its cry.

In fact, when he heard Yu Yu's cry, Qi Ke had already received a secret reminder from Zhao Lin, knowing that some outsiders thought it was dark and others could not see, and secretly tried to enter the Chen family's mansion from under the wall in the back street, but they did not fight forward. As soon as the person climbed onto the wall, he was spotted by the air vigilance and lifted off in time. The small piece of cloth on the paw was torn from the turban of some unlucky guy.

The high wall of this big family is quite high, and it takes two ladders to connect it to the top of the wall. Falling from such a high place will definitely end badly. Of course, Qi will not sympathize with those people.

"Master Wei, let's go, it's getting late, finish your work early and rest early." Qi Ke said to Wei Hong, while ignoring the Xianzun and his party. There is a difference between the military and the government. She is a military household, and she seems to have ulterior motives for being too warm to local officials.

A group of people finally climbed up the stairs. Wei Hong was the first to stand outside the gate. As soon as he stood still, he heard the dull sound of pulling the bolt from the inside of the closed door, and then the two black doors slowly opened, revealing the Chen family mansion. Tree lined first entry compound.

Wei Hong was followed by Qi Ke and Zhao Lin, followed by the county official and his party, soldiers and government servants walked at the end, a group of people filed into the gate, and the women's army outside the gate was still in charge of guarding the bound captives.

The courtyard is very bright. In addition to the lights under the eaves of the surrounding houses and the stone lanterns in the courtyard, in order to increase the brightness, four large bonfires were directly lit in the four corners of the courtyard, guarding the entrances of the passages and courtyard gates. They are all women soldiers.

This is to make the main house vacant on purpose, so that it is convenient for people to come and go, and the clerks to do desk work in the house. The women and children are in the back house, and the male master and male servants are locked on the left and right. In the large and small yards on both sides, the master and servant are separated.

It is not a problem for the masters to be locked up alone in one room, and the servants who have a ministry, such as the steward, are also locked up alone, just to prevent them from staying together to collate confessions in advance.

The servants with low status and the largest number of servants will not be treated well, as many people can be filled in a room, the clean water pipe is not enough for food, and they are allowed to go out to relieve their hands if they drink too much water, some of them are bold enough to take the opportunity to pee , but without exception, as soon as they escaped from the yard, they were strangled by the elusive detachment of women and shut their mouths and noses to other places. For the servants who stayed in place, it was like someone went out to relieve themselves and never came back, scaring them to death , so as to dispel the eager mind of the ambitious, and obediently be a prisoner.

(End of this chapter)

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