space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1222 Revenge and Compensation Are Reasonable

Chapter 1222 Revenge and Compensation is Reasonable ([-])

Shu Ying nodded in unison. He knew that he lacked knowledge in this area. People who are good at war and those who are good at production see the value of the same thing differently, so let's listen to those who know how to do it.

"Also, there must be docks and boats in the Chen clan. The army needs to train sailors, and the docks and boats are also used for personal use. Leave me a village with a dock. Smaller ones are fine. Do you still remember Mr. Jia Ji Ship Xingshu?" ?There is a dedicated pier, and it will be more convenient to travel between the two sides. I can store my miscellaneous salt once a month in a safe and reliable place. If there is an accident on my own site, I can’t blame others, which can be much less dispute."

"Okay, I have a pretty good impression of that shipping company. Why don't we just build another semi-colon locally? Zhuangzi with a wharf, find a place near the water in Zhuangzi to renovate as a warehouse, and kill two birds with one stone." Signing a long-term contract with Bai Qing to become an exclusive cooperative shipping company, Shu Ying couldn't be less impressed, it is indeed convenient to have such a powerful partner.

"Okay, okay!" Qi Ke was overjoyed. This was indeed an unexpected joy. With Shu Ying's words, she will definitely leave a good pier with a good location. A ready-made site only needs to be rebuilt The cost is small and acceptable.

"Okay, let's settle it first, and we'll talk about the details later. As long as the general finds out about this, he will definitely not let the army suffer."

"Okay, thank you Lord Qianhu." Qi Keshun nodded. Her request was very simple. After seeking justice for herself, she would get some compensation. The request was not high and it was easier to achieve what she wanted. As for the military, the government and the court How to share the profits is none of her business, she is just a small military household at the bottom, and it is a foul to ask too much.

"The compensation is over, let's talk about something else." Shu Ying stroked her beard, eyes half-closed, "That booklet..."

"I'm sorry, my lord. The source of the brochure is a secret. I must protect the safety of the informant." Qi Ke understood Shu Ying's words in seconds. She knew that the brochure of black history would make many people feel uneasy, but making up stories is the worst strategy , the more you edit, the more loopholes you might as well keep the mystery of the secret.

"That's right..." Shu Ying naturally understands how important an informant is. Sometimes one of the sources of information for scouts in the military is through informants.

"That booklet is the original. I didn't make a copy. It's not that I don't have time to copy it, but it's unnecessary." Qi Ke first opened his mouth to block back what Shu Ying might say, a smart person knows what the other party is worried about.

Sure enough, Shu Ying showed a choked expression, and then turned into a hint of amused and helpless.

"I'm not talking about this booklet. After the Chen Clan is finished, the usefulness of this booklet will be over. Just use this time."

"Oh, what did your lord mean to ask if the informant has any black history books of other families?"


"Maybe or maybe not."

"How to say?"

"The thing was handed over to me by accident, that is, on the night I beat Chen Jingyun, a scholar who looked plain and disappeared in the crowd knocked on the small courtyard where I lived in the middle of the night, left this thing, and said The local people have suffered from this clan and family for a long time, and I hope this thing can help."

Although there would be loopholes in making up a story, I still had to make up one when necessary, otherwise I couldn't say that such a terrible booklet fell from the sky and just fell into her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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