Chapter 1239 The More Manpower Shortages, The Better ([-])
These five girls became friends because of their illness. They ran into each other's houses every day, ate and lived together, and at night, the five of them squeezed into a room and chatted on the floor.

They are all scrawny, with a typical malnourished figure, exactly the same as Qi Ke's physique at the beginning, but a little stronger. At least the girls in the village have the opportunity to add meals, and wild vegetables, wild fruits, and mushrooms can fill their stomachs. Like the original owner Qi Ke, even if he didn't die under the murder of his relatives, he would die of starvation sooner or later.

It’s just a little bit stronger, otherwise Niu Daya would not be known as a stone girl. This statement refers to girls who are very old but have never had menarche. Niu Daya claims to be 17 years old, black and thin. To Qi Ke's shoulder height, he was 1.5 feet [-] inches, which is [-] meters tall. It is normal for malnutrition to have no menstruation. The menstruation of the four girls is also unstable. They can only have two or three times a year. , the country people are ignorant, only seeing girls come to fame, they think that they can talk about marriage and have children. In fact, there are many people who can't have children.

In order to create a tall and benevolent image of a big landlord who is not short of food, Qi Ke arranged a new meal plan for Niu Daya and the other five girls. A stomach accustomed to vegetarianism develops a new habit of accepting all kinds of meat.

Girls are worthless, and they can’t even eat meat since they were young. Girls who can grow up are dead leftovers. If there is an egg in a boiled fish, the men will eat it first. Daughters, including female elders, can only watch it and get some. Soups are plentiful.

The first meat meal the girls ate was a bowl of seaweed and egg flower soup. Lard was added to the soup to enhance its flavor and flavor. Just such a bowl of soup made them have diarrhea for a long time, and each of them ran twice on average.

It was miserable, very pitiful.

Because of diarrhea, the staple food of the next meal was replaced with double-egg porridge cooked with preserved eggs and salted eggs. The salted eggs were all good eggs that were oily and sandy. The cooked porridge was stained with a little egg yolk color, delicious Oily.

After eating this bowl of porridge, the girls did not have diarrhea anymore. Their bodies are quickly adapting to their new life, showing a strong survival instinct. Otherwise, if they pull back after a meal, their bodies will not absorb any nutrients, and they will really die. Not far away.

After the girls had enough to eat, drink, and settle down, they began to take the initiative to find work on the boat. They didn’t sit and wait for food. It would be nice to help with the decking as well.

Of course, Qi Ke would not refuse someone to do the work, so sooner or later the work of cleaning the deck was handed over to the girls, and they all did a good job.

The fleet continued to go, and when they were about to leave the waters of Fuxian County, they picked up another pair of mother and child who threw themselves into the water.

The child is a breastfeeding baby girl, naked without a quilt, held in the arms of a black and thin mother who looks like a shriveled loofah, walking step by step from the shore to the depths of the river. Someone saw this scene from afar But she didn't come to stop her. The mother's eyes were numb and calm, but she held the child with great strength. Half of her body was in the water and she would be submerged in the water at any time. The child was still clinging tightly to her chest. Fa first took the child away, but could only grab the woman's shoulders and forcibly lift him onto the boat.

The mother and son were rescued, and the onlookers on the shore started to move, and soon a group of men, women and children came running, among them a few young men and women standing in the front were yelling at the river, but they were far away, only I could hear them yelling and yelling, but I couldn't understand or understand a word.

(End of this chapter)

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