space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1258 Sneak Attack on Outposts

Chapter 1258 Sneak Attack on the Outpost ([-])

The aborigines chattered and chatted, what they said and what they thought, the deputies didn't know anything, they could only observe from their expressions that the situation was fine, not an atmosphere of tense confrontation.

This can't be helped, according to Ado, these hundreds of natives actually come from many tribes, and some of them don't understand each other's language. There were also tribes that were hostile to each other before, but the soldiers were killed when they got annoyed by the constant fights. The reason why Ado stands out is his excellent language talent, which has become the only bridge of communication.

Zhao Lin seized the entry point of the Duo Tribe, and asked his deputy to ask about the basic situation of the local area from A Duo, and learned a piece of news that was very important to them.

The two sides of the strait are actually open spaces, because the sea is very dangerous, there is a lack of fresh water and food, and there are terrible wind and rain. They actually live in the more inland virgin forests on both sides of the strait. They use the protection of the forest to resist the sea that can blow people into the sky. The wind and rain, when the wind and rain are over, you can still pick up some broken trees for firewood, the navy soldiers of the Erguito Federation landed and took them from the forest to work and build outposts, men, women and children died Yes, some are missing.

What the foreign invaders will do after discovering the New World and the indigenous people is written in the history books. Living in isolation in the deep mountains and old forests can’t escape the catastrophe. Zhaolin expressed sympathy for their suffering, but did not give Any guarantee, because now is the era when powerful countries compete for territory and re-divide the world structure. The indigenous people are completely behind in social development. It is their luck to meet Qi before the genocide is extinct.

Qi Ke slept for two hours and was woken up by the alarm clock, her hair was disheveled and she came out of Qianhejing when she came out of Qianhejing and heard the good news Zhao Lin told her.

"There are empty spaces on both sides of the strait? Didn't the federal soldiers occupy them?" When it came to topics of interest, Qi Ke didn't feel sleepy at all. "Where did the underwater robots go? Did you find any new military bases along the way?"

"No trace of long-term landing activities has been found, and there is only this outpost of fixed buildings at present."

"How far did you run?"

"It's been more than a hundred kilometers, and I haven't seen the end yet."

"Oh~" Qi Kefly rubbed his hands, "I hope the longer the better, when we occupy the sea estuaries at both ends, and the land on both sides of the north and south, it will not be easy to build a land area of ​​one million square kilometers. ?”

"It's a good idea."

"People still have some dreams, what if they come true?" Qi Ke clasped his hands in front of his chest, tilted his head, blinked his eyes quickly to pretend to be cute, and was covered by Zhao Lin's slap on his face to block the malicious and cute expression .

"That's not what you said at the beginning. Last night, you said that it would be enough to build four to five hundred square kilometers. Now you can open your mouth to become a million kilometers before dawn. Are you afraid of talking about such a large span?"

"I don't have balls, so I'm not afraid." Qi Ke raised his head and puffed his chest out confidently.

"A million square kilometers, where are you from?"

"Indigenous people." Qi Ke waved his hands, "I will lead them to run into socialism."

"Isn't running into communism?"

" should also talk about reality in your dreams? I don't know when the primary stage of socialism will start, so let's not mention communism."

"What if you said a minute ago that people still want to have dreams come true?"


(End of this chapter)

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