space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1280 Plans for Luxi Village

Chapter 1280 Plans for Luxi Village
"How long will it be delayed?"

"Delay until next year and we will harvest a season of winter wheat." Qi Ke no longer played the piano on the table, but snapped his fingers, and it was still full of rhythm. Planting, only supplementing fertilizer, and checking the irrigation and water conservancy by the way, not all the land is planted with wheat, and some spare parts are left to build greenhouses to grow vegetables, and send them to the county border to count as our support for the army."

"You can have this. I'll calculate how many people I want to send there."

"Send more, and count the manpower that patrols the fields day and night. There must be no less. Don't underestimate the maliciousness of the farmers. Seeing that your fields grow so much in the middle of the night, they come to destroy them or steal them all. All the fish in the fish ponds are poisoned. Turning white belly is a common thing in the countryside."

"You went to college and this kind of thing still happened?"

"There are still, not only those who steal vegetables and poison fish, but also those who take advantage of swine fever and throw sick and dead pigs into other people's pig farms. When the epidemic prevention station comes, the whole pig farm will be closed." Qi Ke curled his lips. They were all stories she heard when she was driving to the countryside, and some of them were read from the news media and the Internet, "I learned from these stories not to underestimate people's malice. When dealing with people, I feel a little persecuted Symptoms are not a bad thing, and one must be on guard against others.”

Zhaolin immediately doubled the number of people he had just calculated, and according to what Qi Ke said, the manpower for work and patrol was sufficient enough to work in three shifts.

"If someone is really caught at the scene, what do you plan to do?"

"Beat it first, can you beat it so that it doesn't hurt on the outside but is actually crippled or disabled?"

"It's very simple. When you catch someone, you use a little force to make a slight bone fracture on the limb. The skin surface will be swollen and painful. There are signs of soft tissue injury but the outline of the fracture cannot be felt. The consequence of delayed treatment is that the hand or The feet will not work very well, unless there is a reclusive orthopedic master in the village."

"Minor fractures are tiny cracks in the bones, which can only be seen on radiographs, and orthopedic masters don't work." Qi Ke recalled the injury criteria for bone fractures, and slapped hard, "Okay, the soft tissue is contused to a slight bone fracture." If conditions permit, kicking someone with a fractured tailbone is fine, and they will be bedridden for two months, and their butt hurts when they see my field."

"Okay, the Detachment of Women will not miss."

"Catch people and beat them up and throw them to the village chief. If the verdict given by the village chief doesn't satisfy us, we'll send them to the Yamen."

"How can you be satisfied?"

"Well, let's see if you can get it. If you don't steal anything when you are caught, you will beat him up and throw it to the village chief. If you steal it, no matter one grain or several plants, as long as you get the stolen goods, you will be punished as theft. If you are the most vicious Take out a knife or other actions, theft becomes robbery, let’s kill him.”


The discussion between the two ended here, and the Ma family took back more than 120 mu of land, 20 mu of which was reserved for planting winter wheat, and more than [-] mu of land for planting vegetables.

The three families planted 550 mu of land, and the labor force of each family was actually at its peak. Men, women, and children had to plan food in the field day and night, but it was still difficult to support the family, so they thought that the land was not enough and wanted to rent more. I can't think of any other reason at all.

Qi Ke gave up a little bit of merit, but there is still a chance to earn it back from other sources. If she uses the 100 mu of land as an introduction to lead the villagers of Luxi Village to grow grain and bring the whole village back to the food and clothing line, the Ma family The merits lost on the body were easily earned back.

(End of this chapter)

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