Chapter 1327 Grab the Cao Gang ([-])
This sudden attack made the chief rudder of the Cao Gang, including the leader of the gang, all the leaders, big and small, as prisoners. First of all, the chief rudder was attacked to catch the leader, and then the prisoners were guarded and detained according to their status. There was no need to extract confessions. Under the hypnotic suggestion, why not All the known secrets were revealed cleanly, and checking the accounts was much easier. I grasped the meanings corresponding to the code words in the account books, and recovered the other hidden materials.

For so many years in the Cao Gang, the leader and other main leaders are not stupid. They know to leave a way out and hide things everywhere, whether it is food or gold, silver and jewelry. Now it has fallen into the hands of Jiajia Village.

After taking down the main rudder, it took a few days to disperse the manpower to defeat the sub-rudders one by one. The combat effectiveness of the sub-rudders was even worse. One punch made a child cry, and they tied up the people after the beating. The steps were repeated, and it turned out that none of the fourteen sub-rudders was clean, and the sub-rudder owners all colluded with the accountants to enrich their own pockets, and it was just the difference between taking more and taking less.

From this point of view, it can be pointed out that Caobang is very willing to ask the accountant from top to bottom. Those who can make this kind of account are experts. After all, the relationship between the main rudder and the sub-rudder is not so harmonious. If there is a problem with the sub-rudder, it is obvious who is unlucky.

The captives of the sub-helm are temporarily held in the warehouse, and they are divided into different categories according to their confessions, because some are responsible for doing dirty work, and some are just guarding the sub-helm to do some daily affairs. This kind of hand is still clean All the members of the gang were singled out, and a few seniors were selected from among them to be in charge of non-important positions. Important key positions, including sub-heads, were naturally held by the children of Jiajia Village.

Under the efficient actions of the children of Jiajia Village, except for changing the gang leader, the Cao Gang is still the Cao Gang. As for how to deal with the captives, it is not up to the gang members below to ask.

But to put it bluntly, the captives have family members. The Cao Gang has been in business for more than ten or twenty years, and the older children of the gang members have grown up, married wives and children. Behind each gang member are countless relatives and friends. The wives and children have heard Naturally, the news came as a bolt from the blue, and they ran to each branch to ask the new boss for mercy, willing to spend all their wealth just to let people come back.

Naturally, spending money to redeem people is not acceptable. Qi Ke disagrees. The confessions of the captives have already distinguished them. Now those who are still locked up are vicious crimes such as involving human life or robbing houses. Letting the tiger go back to the mountain is asking for trouble. The purpose of robbing the Cao Gang is for the success of his own business, not for fighting with people every day.

But the begging looks of the family members were really pitiful, so Qi Ke instructed the Cao Gang lord and sub-ruler to tell these family members that it is impossible to let the tiger go back to the mountain, and now there are only two choices, or the family members give up the search for people, and the Cao Gang sends the captives to the officials. , or send them to other places with their own men to start a new life, anyway, they can’t stay in the local area to be an eyesore to the new Cao Gang. If those who want to leave want to sell their real estate shop for money, they can sell it to the Cao Gang.

The money that the helpers made in the past was not clean, their wives, children, old and young were all prosperous and all were damaged. They enjoyed good times before, but now they have to endure bad times. It is their own choice whether to divide or not.

There are tens of thousands of people in the Cao Gang, and as long as more than half of the people who have misdemeanors and serious crimes are worthy of the criminal charges, so many people include their family members, and the number is less than [-]. How to arrange them is not a small problem.

(End of this chapter)

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