Chapter 1330 Going to Hundred Households to Solicit Business ([-])

The order meeting will be set after the Mid-Autumn Festival, because during this period of time, rich people are inviting opera troupes to sing. The schedule behind the other party is on September [-]th, which reminds Qi Ke of a poem, when autumn comes on September [-]th, I will kill the flowers after they bloom.

Fortunately, given the geographical location of Siliu Village, the time is neither too hot nor too cold. September [-]th is September [-]th. The date is fixed, and the invitations are distributed immediately. The number of people who will come is the master's house, men and women, servants, men and women, so that they can arrange accommodation.

The wives and ladies who visited last year happily filled out the receipts, and some of them even attached letters expressing that they would bring relatives and friends with them.

It is a great thing to have new customers, and the order meeting is to attract people, even if it is currently focusing on household items to attract female relatives, it will be seamless when Liangshui Town is up, and the flow of people will be attracted. In the future, Siliu Village will still focus on agricultural products. In terms of trade, the medicinal mushrooms and fruits in the mountains are all pillar products.

The day of the order meeting was late, so Qi Ke was able to concentrate on the medicinal materials waiting to be harvested in Qianhe. She also asked the maids to cut a bunch of reed boxes as packaging materials, because there were no corrugated cardboard boxes, and they used to use There is no small production threshold for customary packaging materials these days.

However, this reed box gave Qi Ke a new inspiration, and asked Jia Ji Shipping to take a few boxes to the bamboo weaving shop in Donglin County. The size is the most suitable for one person to carry. This is from the dormitory packing and moving. experience of.

The bamboo weaving shop put the sent boxes as samples in the store, and divided the prices into waterproof and non-waterproof, both of which are more expensive than bamboo baskets. The non-waterproof ones cost twelve yuan each, and the waterproof ones cost fifteen yuan, because the requirements for waterproofing are not high. High, pour some water or light rain for a while to keep the interior from getting wet. The extra three pennies are money for glue or other anti-seepage coatings. Qi Ke believes that the folks have great wisdom, and there must be cheap, easy-to-use, safe and non-toxic local methods. It doesn't matter the soil, as long as it works well.

Boxes are prepared for medical supplies, especially after connecting with the Military Medical Bureau, medicines, gauze bandages, etc. have to be packed in boxes. Before there are corrugated cardboard boxes, it is estimated that reed boxes will always be used, so they are listed for long-term purchases.

Considering the convenience of distributing medicines by the Military Medical Bureau, it is natural to pack them in waterproof boxes when they are delivered, and keep the non-waterproof ones for your own use, or pack some welfare products for the female workers during the New Year's Eve, or change them to other ones. The style is also very good as a storage drawer for cabinets.

The blue wood tendons for fractures were still harvested in less than half a month, and the preliminary preparations for the medicine had come to an end. With some free time, Qi Ke took Zhaolin and the king to go around the Baihu Office, and showed it in front of the Shangguan and his colleagues. She showed her face and said that she was still there, and that she did not disappear from the world. After all, she was not on duty as a specially appointed adjutant, and she was not seen every day. If she didn't take the initiative, she would be no different from a missing person.

Because of the way of ore, Qi Ke is now like a mascot in Baihusuo. From Ma Zhiwen to the bottom soldiers, they all smile when they see her. Except for places related to military secrets, other places are not allowed. Let her go, go to the playground or watch the soldiers training on the water.

Qi Kequan took a walk and wandered around, probably because he had done too much planning and building a house recently, and developed a little conditioned reflex.

 Happy National Day everyone~\(≧▽≦)/~la la la, enjoy the holiday o(≧v≦)o~~
(End of this chapter)

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