space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1379 Mrs. Bo came to drink tea

Chapter 1379 Mrs. Bo came to drink tea ([-])

"...!!!" The four unmarried girls, Bo Min and Ding Lin, folded their hands and shivered, even hot tea couldn't relieve the coldness in their hearts, "People's hearts are terrible!"

"You don't have to think so badly about people..." Mrs. Bai, who was also a little dumbfounded for a while, sighed helplessly and stroked her forehead.

"It's not about my property. Why do they want to marry me? It is said that this son is still the son of the son. Do they think that if they don't send a son of the son, they are giving me face. Marrying a son of the son who is not very good at studying? Should we still be grateful to Dade?"

"Haven't you ever thought that people see you as beautiful?" Mrs. Bai looked at Qi Ke very pleasing to the eye, with delicate features and soft facial lines, but sharp eyes,

"Pretty is worth nothing in front of strength. If I am beautiful and have no other advantages, then I am not married but taken as a concubine." Qi Ke spoke eloquently, and continued to make tea in his hands without stopping, refilling the justice cup.

"It's the same as having a beautiful daughter from a poor family is not necessarily a good thing." Zhou Lanchunfu interjected inwardly.

"Yes." Qi Ke nodded.

"Hey..." Mrs. Bai was speechless, only sighed, and then put her teacup on the turntable.

After the people at the table finished their tea, the mood that was frightened by Qi Keyitong before also calmed down.

"The Lu family's marriage was unsuccessful this time, but it was still a test. Ake is so capable. After a long time, there must be someone who is willing to marry sincerely. What should I do then? I can't find a reason to refuse."

Xue Rui worried about Qi Ke with a sullen face. Her family didn't care whether her daughter married or not, she could just ignore her if she was patriarchal, anyway, she didn't have to worry about it, but the young girl was interested in the topic of love and love. Use your enthusiasm on others.

"Then be blunt, the situation is unstable, and you don't think about it for the sake of your life."

"Uh..." All the girls, including Mrs. Bai, were stunned again.

"Qi Ke, you are young, so you don't have to be so resistant to marrying, right? How can a woman not marry?" Mrs. Bai felt that Qi Ke's future marriage might suffer some twists and turns, but it wouldn't mean that she couldn't find a suitable husband.

"Hey..." Qi Ke sighed, "All of you here are my own people, so I'll tell you a scary story in broad daylight."

"Can you not listen?" The young girls hugged themselves tightly in unison, telling them intuitively that this horror story must be terrible, and they would definitely regret it after hearing it. Even Mrs. Bai had a bad feeling in her heart, and stared at With Qi Ke.

"No." The words started, how can they let them stop talking if they don't listen.

"Okay, tell me." The girls bowed their heads helplessly.

"The story is very simple. Let me ask you, the old emperor will live a long life this year? Who is appointed as the prince? Do all the officials have any objections to the prince? What does the prince think of the civil and military officials and the current domestic and foreign situation? Insufficient or deliberately delayed? How much support will the new emperor give to the Bai family army after he succeeds?"

Mrs. Bai: "..."

Bo Min: "..."

Ding Lin and the others: "..."

Qi Ke's series of questions baffled the women, but in fact she swallowed a sentence without asking—is the imperial army and the separatist warlords, which side is the Bai family army ready to turn to?
If these words were spoken, the lives of Ding Lin and the others would be in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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