space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1704 The same wave of refugees

Chapter 1704 The same wave of refugees ([-])

"How is it?" Zhao Lin asked with a smile.

Qi Ke gave a thumbs up.

"Initial success, and then expand the scope to include the entire Qizhuang."

How big is the back garden, and how many people are there in the refugee group? If you want to attract a group of people to gather wool, the magic circle must be large and cover a wide area.

Qi Ke said, but she didn't act immediately. The sun is just right now, which does not conform to the law of fog in nature. She waited patiently until evening before throwing out all the talismans in her hand, and laying a huge maze covering the entire area of ​​Qizhuang.

The subjects of the experiment this time are the women and children in Zhuangzi. Everyone is still active at this time, eating and washing, washing and washing, and it is not surprising that there is fog in the evening.

Women and children are really not interested in the thin layer of fog, and they do their own things step by step, only to realize that the fog seems strange, and walking around in the fog can't reach their goal land.

Obviously wanting to go to the cafeteria, I walked around and found myself back at my residence; after eating in the cafeteria, I wanted to go out to wash the dishes, but I couldn’t reach the well; the child couldn’t find his mother, so anxious that he cried loudly Yes abound.

This experiment made people panic, but the effect was outstanding, and it perfectly achieved what Qi Ke wanted to achieve. Taking advantage of the darkness of the sky, he took back the talisman array.

When the women and children who were too afraid to walk around were trembling, they suddenly found that the thick fog that made people always go astray seemed to have lifted, and they would no longer lose their way and turn around and get dizzy. They all let go of the fear just now, and cheered up one by one.

The experiment was a great success, Qi Kemei had a hearty meal, and at the second watch, he and Zhaolin rushed to the southern county by air.

The other end of the county border has been blocked by the government army, and even the local county residents can't get through, but it doesn't hinder Qi Ke, she flew across the county border and landed behind the refugees, taking advantage of the night and the weeds on the side of the road to cover , and Zhaolin quickly hid in Qianhe Realm.

She is waiting here for the refugees to change.

During the daytime today, after realizing that the road ahead was blocked, the refugees did spread out to find a trail to go around Fu County. However, they all came from a long distance. , It is possible to find a way out from a wild forest.

Qi Ke didn't know whether the officers and soldiers had discovered this small road in advance. He himself found this route from several farms near the county, like playing a maze game, looking for a small road that bypasses the official road.

According to the pictures sent back by the monitoring little flying insects, there are almost no people walking on that path on weekdays, at most, wild animals have passed by, because they have seen the excrement paw prints of wild animals, but no human footprints.

Qi Ke decided that after dawn, as long as there were refugees walking into the wild forest, she would use the maze to lead them to the nearest farm to beg for food.

To put it bluntly, the way for refugees to return to their hometowns is very simple. Give them enough food to survive, and they will take the initiative to go back. They went north to Fu County just to find a way out. Wealth, with a little fund-raising and some food, they can be sent away, and there is no need to get into the current situation of facing an enemy.

But this method is stuck in the fact that the wealthy households are unwilling to provide food to help Zhang County solve the problem. Even if so many people are already trapped in their own county, they still feel that the matter has nothing to do with them.

If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry.

Qi Ke understood.

Then let them see the coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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