space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1714 The same wave of refugees

Chapter 1714 The same wave of refugees ([-])
"My surname is Du, and I am the ninth eldest in my family."

"It turned out to be Brother Du Jiu. Since you started this matter, and what you said is reasonable, anyway, I have no objection."

"Yes, yes, brother Du Jiu, I have no objection either. I still stutter when I talk to the elders in my family. It's scary to think about talking to the elder brother who is the leader."

"Wow, you are too timid." Someone beside him immediately laughed twice.

"I can't help it. My parents are very dignified. I have been afraid of him since I was a child." The two even chatted.

"Thanks to everyone's love." Du Laojiu, who has a raised forehead, cupped his hands in a circle, and did not make any excuses for everyone's high hopes, "But I can't do it alone, and I have to come to a few brothers to help me take these injured people away. Take it out and show it to the leader."

"It's easy to work hard, I will do it."

"I'm coming too, I'm coming too, I have nothing else but a handful of strength."

"Then you must be good at farming at home."

"That's it! What a pity, there's nothing left in a storm."

Among the eighty or ninety people, dozens of lean and strong men rushed to stand up, working in pairs to lift up the injured companion, and walked out of the forest with Du Laojiu, while the rest stayed in the forest. Collect some dry firewood again, pick some edible wild vegetables, and those who know how to make traps and hunt also set up some traps on the spot to see if they can catch one or two stupid rabbits.

The vanguard of the refugees on the official road confronted the Bai family army guarding the county border for a long time. Juma was still in the same place.

At this moment, Du Laojiu came out of the woods with his people. Their miserable appearance was full of wounded people, and the nearby refugees were in an uproar.

"Hey, look! Isn't this the group of people who disappeared early in the morning?"

"Why are they all injured like this? Is there an ambush in the woods?"

"Hey, what happened to you in the woods?"

"Is there someone in the woods? Have you met someone?"

Du Laojiu, a small group of talents, was surrounded by refugees on the official road when they came out, and the noise of chattering and asking was getting louder and louder. Before Du Laojiu went to find someone, the leading brother had already followed the sound .

"Scatter, scatter, what are you all doing here? Scatter quickly, Brother Big Tiger is here."

Seeing the big brother in charge, the vagrants who were crowded around scattered in all directions, but stood a few steps away to watch, and many people ran into the woods to see what happened, and then the woods started screaming again, attracting more people to run go in.

"What's going on? Where did you come from?"

The leading brother who came to check the situation was a hunchback. He looked like Lian Jiazi at first glance. He didn't know what he had gone through to become a refugee and became the leading brother of the vanguard team.

"This is our big brother." The younger brother who was following the leading brother said like a dog.

"Brother Tiger."

Du Laojiu led a group of people behind him to bow down and salute. No one took care of the wounded they brought back. The refugees lacked medical care and medicine. These people were all shot by arrows. They couldn't catch them if they wanted to. They could only pretend not to see them .

"Brother Big Tiger, we are the ones who went into the woods early in the morning to collect firewood. We lost our way in the woods and just found our way back."

"Nonsense, if you get lost, how can these people explain it?"

Brother Dahu hadn't spoken yet, but the younger brother immediately refuted him like a dog. Just now he pretended not to see the dozen or so wounded, but now he can see them again.

(End of this chapter)

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