Chapter 1733 Sharpening the Knife and Raising the Wool ([-])
After doing this, everyone of them really thought of Bai Jiajun's good, but in turn scolded their Zhangxian Yamen bloody, and scolded the thief's Yamen if something went wrong. They used to scold God.

The burden of guarding the county border was much easier, and the general even walked around the private camps to pass the time.

But it’s just a few days of leisure, the follow-up young and strong team that Big Tiger said has been found by the scouts on the way, five or six days away from the county, if there is a change in the weather, it will be delayed for a few more days .

The follow-up young and strong team, each of them is much less energetic than the vanguard team led by Brother Da Hu, each of them is so thin that their cheeks are sunken and their feet are sloppy, just like what Qi Ke saw all the way when he went south. The refugees are exactly the same.

Thanks to the hot and humid local climate, there is no winter all year round, and there are bright green plants all year round. When you are hungry, you can pick and chew the leaves, and you can always find something to eat. The tragedy of that refugee was really true. Purgatory on earth, even grass roots and bark cannot be picked up.

At the beginning, I changed to go out at night in order to hurry, and I knew how dangerous this road was. A single woman travels a long distance, and if she is not careful, she will be the meat of others.

If it weren't for the Thousand Lotus Realm, even killing Qi Ke wouldn't dare to take such a risk.

To deal with the young and strong refugees who came later, Qi Ke made up his mind to make the big landlords bleed.

Qianhusuo and Qizhuang contributed manpower, money and food, and stood on the high ground of morality. Those big landlords whose grain was full to the point of overflowing and had nowhere to put it, Shu Qianhu would really be impolite up.

After Shu Qianhu got the news from the front line, he directly copied the information and sent someone to the yamen to ask the county lord what the yamen planned to do.

The Qianhusuo was already on the front line, but the officers and soldiers had limited food, and it was difficult for the Qizhuang family alone to support them. If the yamen pretended to be dead and pretended not to be seen, then he, a sixth-rank Qianhu, would have to change to a local director.

The meaning of this is nothing more than that if the county lord continues to pretend to be dead, then he, Shu Ying, doesn't mind coming to the county government to sit in charge.

What does it mean for a general in the army to sit in the yamen? Martial law is under military control.

This threat really hit the heart of the county lord, and he couldn't object yet, because it was indeed the truth. If the county couldn't stop it, it would develop like this next.

There is not enough food and grass for the officers and soldiers, and there are not enough troops. With just a few people, they have to face thousands of refugees. No one can stand up to them. Moreover, these are the people of their own country, not the enemies who knocked on the border. We cannot riot because of their hunger. And when they break through the level, they will be massacred like enemies.

If this kind of thing is really done, although it can solve the temporary crisis, the infamy afterwards will not be able to get rid of for a lifetime, and there will be no peace in life and after life, and it will be recorded in the history books, leaving a bad reputation for thousands of years.

Shu Ying managed to achieve six ranks of thousands of households, and others are not stupid, so how could she do such a stupid thing.

He didn't want to do stupid things, so why not force the yamen to take things.

Food, grass and troops must be given the same amount, right?

Obviously, the yamen can't provide troops, so they will provide enough food and grass.

Such a simple thing has been dragged on for so long, and up to now I have not seen a bag of food allocated by the government. If Qi Ke's support did not come in time, the frontline camp would have been unable to survive.

It is too much for Yamen to pretend to be dead.

After the yamen received the letter, all the county officials came down.

Now the number of refugees in the county is already a headache for him, and he did not expect that there will be more people on the road, which makes him wonder that the Zhang County Yamen did not stop the refugees at all. Neighbors, the hungry refugees naturally ran to the rich Fu County.

(End of this chapter)

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