Chapter 1746

The Jiang family wanted to regain their status, but last year's power struggle within the clan really hurt their vitality, and they had to endure it for a few years before making plans, but the Kong family invited them to discuss matters, and the patriarch Jiang still wanted to sing against it.

So when he heard that the family was going to share the money and food, Patriarch Jiang was not happy on the spot, and his voice was louder than the sky.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! The refugees in the county have nothing to do with me, and they still want me to pay for food. Seeing that my Jiang family was in chaos last year, do you think I, the new patriarch, is easy to bully?"

"It's hard to say that. We didn't bully you. Now the matter is imminent. If the county can't stand it, the [-] refugees will come in. Who will be unlucky then?" Patriarch Kong was not happy when he heard it. Yes, this scolding is too ugly.

"Haven't the army already passed by? If the refugees rushed in, they would let them go!"

"Nonsense, thanks to the fact that you are still the head of the clan, there are only a few people in the whole thousand households. I told you that there are [-] refugees in the county, and now they are only young and strong, women and children, and there are countless groups of young and strong on the road. Almost all the people in Zhang County on this side of the county have come north to us. They are still dreaming here, hoping that the soldiers can withstand it. The soldiers themselves have no food and grass. What are they going to do to stop the refugees?!"

"I agree, it should be given to the officers and soldiers. The king of Hades does not send hungry ghosts, and the court does not send hungry soldiers. To make an inappropriate analogy, this is like letting hungry soldiers face hundreds of thousands of aliens outside the city wall. Strong enemy, this is not a joke, why do you work hard when you are hungry, mutiny happens at any time." A middle-aged man who looked bookish said slowly, "I have a farm over there, and I have been terrified these days. , but I thought the Yamen was prepared, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult. When I go back, I will arrange a convoy to deliver food and grass to the officers and soldiers within three days."

"Patriarch Liu is right, I second the proposal, and I will also prepare a convoy for the officers and soldiers." The bookish head Liu finished speaking, and a head next to him on the left agreed.

"You, Liu and Zhang, really deserve to be good brothers for generations. Either you stay silent, or you come together." Patriarch Jiang said sarcastically.

"Patriarch Jiang, don't mock us. As far as I know, you also have farms in the county, but looking at the appearance of the patriarch, it seems that you are not worried at all. What's the matter, isn't the farm owned by the patriarch's family? It is the property of the clan? So dignified The patriarch doesn't care at all? Just so happy to see his own people suffer? No wonder you are in the position, and you are proud of bullying the women and children of the whole family, right?" Patriarch Zhang is not as meek as a good brother, and he was ridiculed and scolded on the spot.

"You...! Presumptuous!" The patriarch Jiang was poked at the pain point, and immediately wanted to fight the crime for three hundred rounds.

Patriarch Kong quickly smoothed things over and held Patriarch Jiang down. They were discussing matters today, not to see him quarrel.

The process of the new patriarch of the Jiang family's ascending to the throne was indeed quite mysterious, which directly caused damage to his reputation.

Last year, the two men of the Jiang family were taken away by the apparition of the Sea God. Not to mention the whole city, the whole county, including neighboring counties, were talking about it. , No one talked about it before acting, and things were done slowly.

Unexpectedly, the Jiang family was so impatient that they didn't want to wait for a little time. They started their work before the end of July and July. After everyone finished their busy work in spring farming the next year, they were surprised to find that the Jiang family mansion in the county had changed to a new owner. The new patriarch also distributed invitations and held a large banquet at home.

It's nothing to be sexually high-profile, but the new patriarch is very jealous of his ascension process, so it is inevitable that people will guess what dishonorable means he used to drive out all the women and children of the former patriarch's family in such a short period of time .

Now seeing Patriarch Zhang's reaction when Patriarch Zhang poked him sore spots, it further confirmed everyone's long-standing speculation.

The women and children of the former patriarch's family who have disappeared since then may not end well.

(End of this chapter)

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