space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1755 Continue to clean up the mess in Fu County

Chapter 1755 Continue to clean up the mess in Fu County ([-])
"Your experience means killing him?" It's not Zhao Lin complaining, Qi Ke's only experience in prescribing medicine is killing the former patriarch of the Shen clan in Donglin County.

"No, no, no, no, it's not up to that point."

Qi Kelian shook his head, he didn't feel that he was cruel at all, he just thought that this new county lord was incapable of governing, and was an obstacle and an eyesore, so he quickly dismissed him while he was new here and his foundation was still weak.

"I just want to try what you said before. After people eat some chronic poisons, the symptoms and reactions are the same as those of illness, and the cause of death is also the same as that of illness."

"Look, you said it yourself, don't you want to poison him to death?"

"Okay, I take back the last sentence. As long as he is sick, and the disease is serious and incurable. Anyway, he can't be cured locally. Let him quickly resign and return to Beijing to recuperate."

"If you want to put it that way, there are too many drugs for this kind of medicine. You want him to have any pathological reaction, such as headache, sore throat, lungs, heart, stomach, arms and legs, what do you want him to do physically? It doesn’t matter if he feels uncomfortable, and I guarantee that even a famous doctor from the state capital can’t cure him. The longer the delay, the more terminal symptoms will appear. After returning to the capital, we will no longer treat him. will slowly disappear."

Qi Ke is very satisfied with so many rich options.

"He set off from the capital, traveled a long distance, and came to this place. The journey was exhausting, and some diseases accumulated on the road should be released now, right? Is there such a possibility?"

"Yes, there is a general term for this kind of strange and complex disease that has no specific cause but the patient is really uncomfortable, which is called acclimatization."

"Hey, yes, he is not acclimatized! Just let him get this disease!" Qi Ke applauded.

"There are always some symptoms of this disease. Where do you want him to hurt?"

"The first one is headaches. Migraines that occur from time to time can make people irritable."


"The most common manifestation of acclimatization is gastrointestinal discomfort, but he has been here for so many days, isn't it too late to let him have gastroenteritis and other diseases?"

"No, there are many causes of gastrointestinal discomfort. Daily catching cold or eating bad food will make the stomach uncomfortable. It just makes him have a few stomach upsets. How can it be related to acclimatization?"

"Okay, then let him have diarrhea, bloating and frequent farting, and when he farts, he can't hold back his diarrhea."

"Your symptoms are frightening. Don't make them think you have dysentery."

"Hey, headache and diarrhea are a bit like dysentery. Dysentery has fever symptoms." A small light bulb of wisdom lit up on Qi Ke's head.

"Then fake the symptoms of dysentery? He got dysentery just a few days after he took office, maybe he can really scare this delicate young master back home."

"Dysentery is infected with pathogenic bacteria. In order not to hurt innocent people, we can't pick him when he is eating out, otherwise the store that entertains him will be unlucky."

Zhao Lin nodded understandingly: "Then pick him when he is eating in the yamen. His cooks are all brought from the capital, and outsiders can't blame him for his bad stomach."

Qi Ke gave a thumbs up.

Zhaolin began to select from the extensive list of medicines chronic poisons that could achieve the symptoms of dysentery.

"Our medicines are not fatal, but his diarrhea is real. If there are too many times, he will also show signs of dehydration and weakness."

(End of this chapter)

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