space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1764 Rectifying the New Order

Chapter 1764 Rectifying the New Order ([-])
The yamen has no objection to this, they have seen Qizhuang's farming skills this year, no big landlord can guarantee that the yield of millet harvested from his farmland can reach [-] catties per mu, Qizhuang and its subordinate farms are light It's all done with ease.

The army's own farms can provide food, grass and supplies, and the county's support will be easier.

But whether this ease is a good thing, whether the county magistrate will think of it, Qi Ke and Qianhusuo don't care.

If the army supported by the imperial court is completely self-sufficient in food, grass and materials, then what is the difference between the imperial army and private warlords?
Qi Ke had a little intention to see how the imperial court would react when they realized that the Bai family army was full-fledged.

Zhang County was overjoyed when Fu County agreed to provide food. At the same time, the army also announced the news that the refugees had returned to their hometowns.

The refugee camps began to move people, and those willing to return to their hometowns slowly gathered in the refugee camps on the border of the county, and those who had nothing to worry about behind them moved to the rear camps, and changed to military status on the spot, with an ID card and a passbook for each person. The remuneration for the early work is converted into copper coins and recorded in the passbook, and then the work is done every day, and the money is paid, just waiting for the final distribution.

These days, Qizhuang's publicity among the crowd was not in vain. At this time, many refugees with only women and children at home were willing to stay. Both adults and children received an identity card, and those over seven years old had their own passbooks.

There is no adult male in the family, and uncles and brothers are about to come to eat. Anyway, there is nothing everywhere, so it is better to stay where you are, and you can keep the salary for working these days.

The women and children who can make their own decisions are considered lucky. Most of them are wiped out on the spot. Orphans and widows are separated by relatives and sold to others. Boys are best sold, and most of them are bought by others. Incense from home.

Therefore, the cries of women and children can be heard in every refugee camp.

Qi Zhuang made another move, displaying the bright little silver ingots openly, yelling loudly to bribe women and children, attracting a group of men who set prices on the ground.

A group of people were haggling and haggling about the price, and in the end it was a chaotic scene. No one could hear what they were saying. Just by looking at the movement of their mouths, they all seemed like fish struggling to surface to inhale oxygen.

However, just taking advantage of this chaos, the monitoring insects began to play special audio with suggestive effects among women and children, guiding these women and children who do not want to be separated from their flesh and blood to join Qizhuang, and they were rescued. They don't get the slightest benefit.

This kind of audio can only be used as a guide. It is not a hypnotic suggestion for all the staff to run to Qizhuang together. It just stimulates those women and children who are unwilling to their fate to muster up the courage to fight for themselves. both.

Of course, except for young children, that is to be taken away directly and returned to their mother's arms.

Believe in the power of technology, this kind of stimulation is very effective. In the middle of the night, women and children walked out of the camp one after another like sleepwalking. They were picked up by the aircraft in the dark night, and they returned to Qizhuang after leaving the county for a hundred miles.

During the day when the women and children woke up, they stared blankly at the surrounding environment, touched the vests under their bodies, and heard the maid driving the car say that they were on their way back to Qizhuang, all of them were dazed, unable to remember what happened to them. left.

(End of this chapter)

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