space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1779 Thrilling Xie Jiabao

Chapter 1779 Thrilling Xiejiabao ([-])

I stopped here because it was a four-way intersection, with official roads, dirt roads stepped on by ordinary people, and small roads built by rich households for their own convenience, which finally formed such a complicated intersection.

Over time, this place has developed into a free market, and people from all over the world come to set up stalls every day, and the restaurants and cart shops are booming.

The place so close to his own territory, Xiejiabao naturally wants to hold it in his hands. He opened a big car shop here as a secret whistle, mainly doing his own business, and occasionally picking up one or two scattered people who came from other shops when they were full. customer business.

The army spies revealed their secrets, and it started from here.

Strangers introduced by acquaintances will definitely come to show their identity according to the rules when they come for the first time. Strangers who don’t live in the store and have no one to recommend come straight to the town. It’s strange that Xie Jiabao, who is suspicious by nature, can let them go .

As for the business travelers who often take this business route, at some time, they have known from various gossip that this official road going south cannot be taken. go south.

A large number of business travelers flowed southeast, which actually promoted the border business there, that is, according to the coastal chieftain tribe that Zhaolin once talked about Qi Keting.

Over time, the surrounding people and business travelers have become accustomed to it and regard this good official road as a private site by default.

Before entering this free market, a group of 26 people had already changed their mounts along the way, which was different from when they set off.

Now they dress more and more like the mountain folks or tribal natives on both sides of the border.

The hairstyles of Qi Ke and his subordinates have been a thick twisted braid at the back of the head with a wooden hairpin to make a big pile and then tied with a scarf. Men now also wear a thick twisted braid, but their hair is mixed with a thick braid. A multicolored rope is braided together, and the extra end of the rope is just used to tie the end of the hair tightly.

The burden that had been exhausted all the way so far was no longer on his body, but was stuffed into a basket half filled with dry food, drinking water, dry goods, salt bacon, and the like.

The woolen felt cloak is still worn to keep warm in the morning and evening, and shade at noon. When it gets hot, take it off and roll it up and put it in the basket, which is very practical.

The animals used for transportation were replaced by donkeys, all carrying two or three sacks of grain on their backs.

Coupled with the travel and dust, the image of the 26 people at this time is that of mountain people or natives who have traveled long distances to buy from other places.

As for the people in the free market, do they have any impression of their group of mountain people riding donkeys? Regardless of them, there are so many people coming and going here all day long. A team of mountain people in costumes passed by.

In the borderlands, there are many native tribes, and it is common for people to wear colorful and strange clothes. Those who want to wear serious clothes have already been robbed by the vicious guys on the way.

Now the end of the year is the time when new year's goods are on sale. Businessmen who are busy doing business don't care about mountain people. Those who can't afford things don't pay a second glance. Forget it as soon as you leave, and she is not a big beauty, who is willing to remember so many black and yellow faces with bitter looks.

Taking advantage of such a favorable time and place, Qi Ke, Lao Yan and his group led the donkey into the free market with a tired attitude. A female spy bought some dry food at the restaurant with a strong native accent. Continue on the path heading east.

The whole process, including the waiting time for the store to prepare dry food, adds up to a quarter of an hour at most.

On the street with people coming and going, no one really looked at them more.

Qi Ke, who has a keen intuition because of his cultivation, didn't realize that any probing eyes fell on his group for a long time.

It's okay if no one investigates.

(End of this chapter)

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