space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1783 Thrilling Xie Jiabao

Chapter 1783 Thrilling Xiejiabao ([-])

Qi Ke, who was ruthlessly abandoned, had to go to the Thousand Lotus Realm, and returned to the stream where he had washed his hands before. When he lowered his head, he saw a few of his men squatting not far away to collect wet mud and prepare to make beggar chickens.

"Hey, I also hunted, so I have a good meal tonight."

"Who knows when you will come out, there is always something to do."

Zhao Lin was still letting the wind out, seeing Qi Ke coming out, he didn't relax his vigilance, the pebble in his hand bounced towards the other side of the stream with a whoosh, and he didn't know what he hit again.

Soon, one of his subordinates ran to the opposite bank with his hands full of wet mud, stepping on the stones in the water, and saw a rabbit shaking in the weeds for a while.

Qi Ke clapped his hands.

Zhao Lin took the rabbit, weighed it, and nodded in satisfaction.

"It's okay. I have some meat. I'll roast it tonight. Everyone can share a few pieces of meat tomorrow."

"Oh yeah~"

Not long after, they went back with packed pheasants and hares, and the men cheered softly, and then they took over, started a burning fire, buried the pheasants covered in wet mud, and started the fire again , Rabbit slices are sprinkled with salt and roasted as jerky.

Qi Ke and Zhaolin were sitting by the fire by their woman's side. A small pot was placed on the fire to cook vegetable soup. The vegetables were naturally dehydrated vegetable cubes, a unique commodity in Liangshui Town.

When you go out, the cooking utensils you bring with you are all small pots for one person to eat. Cooking a full pot of vegetable soup is enough for one person to share a small bowl, and then bake a pancake. It is absolutely no problem to eat.

As for Zhao Lin and the assistants eating in public, it is not a problem at all. They can sneak into the brothel, and the newcomers can't find their false appearance even in the physical examination, so they can know how advanced mechanical life the assistants are.

There were many people, many donkeys, and many fires, and they were busy with each other in full swing. The person in charge of guarding the guards saw a group of travelers approaching not far away.

When they got closer, they realized that they were the group of temporary fellow travelers who had been robbed by the Dashan Gang before and bought the road money.

Qi Ke, Lao Yan, and the others rode donkeys, and they ran faster than the heavy-laden caravans and travelers on foot, but they were delayed, and they rushed to settle down before dark. Seeing the fire on their side, they knew Some people are camping, why don't they just come here for their own safety.

When camping, I met fellow travelers and squeezed into a good place near the water. This is a common thing on the road. It’s convenient for each other when going out. Qi Ke and Lao Yan don’t mind sharing the good campsite tonight, but this It was the king who led the pack of wolves to find it for them. Naturally, they occupied the driest and smoothest place first.

Later caravans and travelers thanked each other while sharing the remaining open space.

The caravan took up a large area, so there was really no way. The travelers were actually three groups, but they were small in number, so they could only join together to share the last small piece of land, which could make two fires.

As a show of peace, the caravan gave each of these travelers two pieces of dry biscuits, and the matter was over.

Qi Ke drank the soup and chewed the pancakes, and passed the time by looking at the excitement from time to time. When everyone guessed that the beggar chicken buried under the fire was about to be cooked, she regained her energy and geared up to eat chicken tonight.

After the pheasant was cleaned up, spices and wild onions and ginger were slowly collected in the belly of the chicken. After digging out the mud on the surface and peeling off the wrapped leaves, there was an appetizing taste. The strong aroma drifted out with the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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