space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1818 Year-end Summary

Chapter 1818 Year-End Summary ([-])

This is Qi Ke's next research direction. She has already successfully drawn one that is twice the size. Give her a little more time, and there will definitely be a six-fold one.

It's like she used jade to set up a defensive formation against natural disasters. The larger the area to be protected, the more formations to set up and the more jade to use.

In the same way, to lay out a large enough hidden rune array, you need to know how many talismans you need to draw to support the rune array.

Mathematical calculation is Qi Ke's strong point, and the difficulty to restrain her lies in the success rate of drawing talismans.

Although he is talented, there is no shortcut for proficiency, and the more impatient, the more mistakes he makes.

Let's draw one by one.

Qi Ke stretched his waist, followed Zhaolin, and went out to set up an array outside the Zhuangzi to release the aircraft. In the future, he would prepare sand and stones and expand the Zhuangzi to include the land where the aircraft was placed in the Zhuangzi.

This step was indeed not considered when planning Zhuangzi at the beginning. Fortunately, this is Qi Ke's private land, and it can be expanded anytime, anywhere as needed.

Qi Ke followed the boundary drawn by Zhaolin on the ground and set up a concealment formation. He placed the three aircraft in a triangle, and there was room inside and outside for aisles and carrying things. After the wall was built and connected to Zhuangzi, it would be even more concealed.

When Zhuangzi was first built, this step was not considered. One reason was that it could be built or not, and Qi Ke and Zhao Lin would not split up. At that time, they thought that they could release the aircraft nearby and use it anytime, anywhere.

In addition, Liangshui Town is under construction everywhere, and the amount of sand and stone bricks is too large, and these materials are all mined and made by hand, and then transported from other places. It is good to be able to build Zhuangzi in a short time. A yard where materials are dispensable is out of the plan.

But this time on a business trip in Fu County, in order to go abroad to buy donkeys, Qi Ke carefully carried the vigilant veterans on his back, and found a spacious place to sneak out the aircraft.

It was too exciting, Qi didn't want to do it again.

Now that there is a hidden rune array, quickly put out a few aircraft and use it as you like.

Afterwards, Qi Ke went back to the Qianhe Realm to continue to struggle, and the general affairs of Liangshui Town were taken over, but there was no news of calling them back.

The fact that the people live and work in peace and contentment shows that the local social rules are operating normally, and there is no situation that requires Qi Ke to show up to deal with it, so it is good to keep a low profile.

Just like last year, after returning to Liangshui Town from Fu County, it was already the twelfth lunar month, and there was a festive atmosphere preparing for the New Year everywhere.

The agricultural school is preparing for the end-of-year exams. Like other schools, it only has a one-month holiday during the Chinese New Year, no summer vacation, and then follows the yamen holidays on several traditional festivals. Officials have a few days off, and the school will only have a few days off.

Qi Ke copied this holiday habit, and this year the first annual vacation of the Agricultural School was done like this.

Besides, where did the agricultural students get their summer vacation?Isn't the month of summer vacation the busiest time in the field?
We talked about it last year, and this winter, all villages and towns in Donglin County will choose people to come to Liangshui Town to learn how to plant winter wheat. Qi Ke has been in Fu County these days, and the people who come to study have already started to attend classes.

But the cultural level of the people who come here is really low. No matter what age they are, from teenagers to old farmers, they are all illiterate. They can only be educated while taking them to work in the fields. teach.

After the harvest in the early summer of next year, these people will get two acres of wheat seed per person to try planting at home for a season and see the effect.

(End of this chapter)

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