space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1844 Leisurely Vacation

Chapter 1844 Leisurely Vacation ([-])

Today the two of them had a big bowl of snail for breakfast, I don't know what it was called, it was dusty, so Qi Ke casually named it Huiluo.

Locally caught, the shell is thick and fleshy, and the whole thing weighs several kilograms in the hand, most of which is the weight of the shell.

Qi Ke eats it himself, cuts the snails into slices and stir-fries them. If he feeds them to the eagles, their sharp beaks can tear the thick shells apart with one peck, and pull out the meat to eat.

Both vultures had a hearty meal and flew away with wings spread beautifully.

Qi Ke continued today's training, increasing the difficulty, driving up two big fish at a time, further testing her endurance in sea water.

It wasn't until lunch break that she had time to sit down and take a good look at what information the deputies who went out to investigate yesterday found.

Before the deputies set off, Qi Ke was still worried that they would not be able to catch the remaining traces. As a result, the deputies drove along the strait in an aircraft. After passing the military base, they flew along the coastline of the continental shelf for a while, and saw a There was bright red blood everywhere on the sea.

The source of the blood is hundreds of sailing fishing boats at sea. It should be a large-scale hunting operation, but human activities have affected the lives of local wild animals.

Because the deputies found the lair that the male eagle was suspected to be located on a cliff.

Looking at the sea from the perspective of the cliff, the view is excellent, coupled with the fishing boats on the sea, it shows that this is a geomantic treasure land rich in food.

The fishing boat catches the same kind of fish, which is quite big, comparable to tuna. The dorsal fin is a beautiful reddish-orange color, otherwise it is silver-gray as a whole. A superb craftsman is enough to make beautiful specimens or handicrafts.

The two eagles had been hungry for a day, obviously caused by this fishing activity.

So far, it is the record of yesterday evening.

When it was getting dark, when the fishing boat had finished gathering the harvest on the sea and was about to return, something happened.

Countless sailing fishing boats came from a distance, blocking the fishing boats that were about to return, and the two sides began to quarrel. Although they couldn't understand it, it was obvious that the scolding was very intense, and they started fighting after cursing.

The main reason is that the group of fishing boats who came to block people from behind were armed. The fishing boats rushing forward were serious fishing boats, but the ones blocked behind were actually gunboats.

The scolding in front attracted the attention of the opponent, and the gunboat in the rear adjusted its position, adjusted the muzzle, and fired.

The attacked fishing boats couldn't bear the firepower of the cannons, and their masts fell down one after another. One after another, the boats were hit by shells and began to sink into the water.

The party that opened fire didn't seem to want to get back the fish. Their goal was to kill the people and the boats on the other side. After the gunboats ran out of shells, the people on their fishing boats immediately turned into pirates. Pick up the long knife and go to harvest the life on the opposite side.

The surface of the sea, which is stained red by fish blood during the day, is also stained red by human blood at night.

In the end, the group with the gunboat won and left, leaving only the wreckage of the boat on the sea, not a single struggling living person.

The lieutenants released monitoring flying insects to follow the gang of murderous boats, and found the place where they landed, a somewhat bustling seaside town. The men in the town celebrated a victory that night, and the streets were full of drunken people. drunk.

Because of the language barrier, it was difficult to judge whether the two sides in the exchange of fire belonged to one country or two countries, so the deputies came by aircraft and spent the night looking for larger cities around them, breaking the barriers of language and writing, and then doing it the other way around. Understand what happened to the murder at sea yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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