space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1849 Opening a Newspaper Office in Zhang Town

Chapter 1849 Back to the town to open a newspaper office ([-])

The daily output of the comprehensive platform is astonishing. Four of the eight legs are precisely placed in the best position. Oil and gas were extracted during the preliminary test, and then three were sealed off, leaving only one. Not only can it be used for Qianhejing, but it can also It is used by Qianheguo, and because the current consumption is low, it does not need to run at full capacity all day long, and it can be shut down for maintenance when the oil storage tank that comes with the platform is full.

In addition to these, the mining machinery in Qianhejing has been left behind. There are rich minerals in the virgin forest. These machinery can mine deep underground without destroying the surface vegetation on a large scale. The operation method is relatively environmentally friendly and more concealed.

Once the platform is set up, mining and a series of downstream industries must keep up. Otherwise, if the oil tanks are full and there are no oil barrels to repack, no place to transfer, and forced to stop production, it would be a waste of such a big guy.

Factories related to heavy industry must step into the era of oil, gas and electric power. They are all run and managed by their assistants and hidden in the dense forest to prevent outsiders from knowing. Qi Ke is also thinking about it. Hide them all.

As for those big living people who were arrested for various reasons and came to the Qianhe Kingdom for construction, the large-scale machinery they can touch must start with hydraulic spinning machines and steam engines, and must go through a complete industrial development process, which is independent. The path that a normal country should take.

After Zhaolin worked for a whole day on the [-]th of the first lunar month, all the oil products that could be taken away were transported to Qianhejing. That night, the entire reef beach was cleaned up and restored to the environment where no one came before. The lieutenants stayed behind, and Qi Ke and Zhao Lin boarded the aircraft and returned to Liangshui Town.

After the end of the Chinese New Year, the two stand-ins in Siliu Village performed the scene of returning by boat, took off their disguise and returned to their duties. Based on inertial thinking, if no unexpected news was heard, Qi Ke must have returned to the town as scheduled.

Everything in the town was normal, and nothing happened that required Qi Ke to deal with it, but after she came back, she didn't have much time to rest, and she had to prepare for the opening of the newspaper.

All the manuscripts are written by Qi Ke alone. Fortunately, it is the Liangshui Monthly at present, so there is not much pressure to write manuscripts, but she has to think about what content to put on the first edition.

Summarizing the results of last year, looking forward to the future of this year, it can be included in the second edition. The first edition must be based on the imperial court and local policies, but there is no policy for her to write about, which makes Qi Ke a little scratching his head.

She, a low-level female military household, would definitely not be able to get the imperial palace newspaper. She dared to ask to borrow it. It is also in the hands of a limited few.

Qi Ke was not among this minority.

Zhaolin solved this problem.

The [-]-person spy team sent in Dong'an Mansion is really not just for leisure, let alone tabloids, it is a trivial matter to sneak into the yamen and pass back the original copy of the mansion newspaper.

Because I have never had the idea of ​​building a newspaper before, I have never collected such things as mansion newspapers. Fortunately, there must be mansion newspapers in the yamen. By the way, Zhaolin added a task for the secret agent team to remake and send back any new mansion newspapers in time. .

Qi Ke took the mansion newspaper and studied it with great concentration for several days, and finally got an understanding of the political public opinion issued by the imperial court last year. In summary, riots broke out in many places across the country, which seriously affected food production, especially the famous land of fish and rice. The hardest-hit areas where the mob robbed food, the civilians who were robbed of food joined the mob team to rob others in order to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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