space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1852 Opening a Newspaper Office in Zhang Town

Chapter 1852 Going back to town to open a newspaper ([-])

As soon as the Liangshui Monthly Newsletter was put out, first of all, these children were the first to know. When they got home and said it, those who were willing to buy it would naturally come and take a look.

The soldiers in the military post are well-informed, and they have already passed literacy. Anyone can afford a monthly newspaper worth two cents. Bai Qing in the Qianhu Station is still staring at the newspaper sent by Baihu in Liangshui Town. The subordinates in the county are already reading the ink-smelling monthly newspaper.

When Bai Qing knew what was going on in the county, he made the same decision as the Baihusuo of Liangshui Town, and subscribed to Qi's Bookstore for a year, and there were many copies, which were placed in the Junyi and Qianhusuo for distribution. People casually read.

The Hundred Household Office of Erma Town also received the news. Cheng Feng personally went to the county to buy a copy.

The land road from the county to Erma Town is still being repaired, because it has been suspended for a few days during the Chinese New Year, but now it is coming to an end. The woodworking workshop is under construction in multiple sections at the same time, and the progress is very fast. The weather has not been very good since the resumption of work later in the year. It rained every now and then, and it was wet everywhere, making the finishing touches dragging on.

Chengfeng was worried that the rain would be good for spring plowing but would affect road construction, but then he read the monthly report saying that this year there might be a spring drought in the north and a spring flood in the south. He immediately felt that the recent pattering rain was good, at least there was no danger of spring floods.

Many people in the yamen also bought the Liangshui Monthly Newsletter, saying that Liangshui Town is under the jurisdiction of Donglin County after all, so it is only natural for the yamen to care about the situation of a town under its own control.

Then I was shocked by the content of the first and second editions. Yamen at all levels must have mansion newspapers. The contents of the monthly newspapers have been re-edited, but the core content can be seen from the mansion newspapers, and even a few sentences are Excerpt from the original text, every word is good.

Regardless of whether it is a mansion newspaper or an excerpted tabloid circulated among private individuals, anyway, Qi Ke has a way to get one of these two as a source of news for his monthly report. How to put it, the fact that she can get these things shows that she has a wide range of opportunities, which is enough to show that this little girl who is not yet in her twenties already has her own contacts and influence.

I just don't know if Bai Jiajun knows?

But thinking about it, even if you know it, you don't care. Did you subscribe to the monthly report for the whole year without reading Qianhusuo?

It is inevitable for such a powerful and easy-to-use subordinate to establish his own influence. There must be manpower to do things. If there are more manpower, the power will rise, and it cannot be stopped or prevented.

Several dignitaries in the yamen sat together to discuss, and finally sent their servants to subscribe for the whole year.

But to say that the biggest supporters of Liangshui Monthly are the businessmen and wealthy households in Dong'an Prefecture.

First, the merchants who bought goods in Liangshui Town brought the news to Dong’an Mansion. People who had enjoyed the sweetness at the Industrial and Agricultural Products Fair in Liangshui Town last year came here one after another after hearing the news. There are simply not too many guests, and there are even those who will have to spend money on the spot to advertise in the next issue of the monthly newspaper, which crowded the spacious reception hall on the first floor of the newspaper.

Businessmen are so keen on it precisely because this is a monthly newspaper, which only comes out once a month. If an advertisement is posted, readers will read it over and over again for a month, and it will leave a deep impression on them, which is beneficial to their own business.

(End of this chapter)

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