space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1865 A Newcomer Comes to Liangshui Town

Chapter 1865 Newcomers Come to Liangshui Town ([-])
There will be summer grains on the market in two months, which will also affect the price, especially recently, the situation is not peaceful, riots are becoming more and more frequent in various places, many farmlands are left uncultivated, and grain prices will only increase year by year. The town's grain output is particularly fascinating.

Qi Ke has a lot of land under his name, and it's no secret that she owns land in Fuxian County. But the merchants focus on Liangshui Town because they know that the output of other lands is not on the market, and the harvest has nothing to do with the grain market. There is no surplus, only Liangshui Town will sell part of the grain.

Businessmen who just want to know the grain production in advance so that they can deal with it are normal business behaviors, and they have no bad intentions, but some spies come here to steal grain seeds.

The grain sold in Liangshui Town can only be eaten. Don’t try to grow grain from generation to generation as seeds. Even if you can grow a good yield in one season, the next season will fail immediately. Qi Ke's grain is completely in Qi Ke's hands.

Everyone in the town knows that there are special grain fields and experimental fields, but no one has ever seen them. The agricultural area is strictly controlled, and the spies themselves have to find ways and even bribe the farmers to get in.

The spies who behaved normally in the shopping mall were warned and let go after writing a guarantee and paying a fine, but the spies with bad intentions and the farmers who were bribed were sent to the Baihusuo.

The Baihu Office has just added a group of elites, many of whom are specially trained capable people, so just rest assured when it comes to interrogation.

Farmers take benefits and bring outsiders into the agricultural area and let them run around to listen to intelligence. From the soldiers' point of view, this is a serious betrayal. The spy is hired. In other words, the traitor really did not end well, and all related files were sent back to his original place Tell such a thing, as for the people, of course they will be sent to the labor camp.

After the farmer's family received the news, it was none of Qi Ke's business that the world collapsed and the ground collapsed. She used these to clear the field and even cleaned up the industrial area.

Compared with the agricultural area, the number of spies in the industrial area is much smaller.

There are many factories and many people in the industrial zone, but there are only female workers there, not a single male worker, and even the maintenance of the machines is done by Qi Ke's female technicians.

It is very conspicuous for a man to come out of the crowd of women to inquire about this or that. Only female spies are sent to sneak in as hired workers, but they are sneaks in, and the daily workload can be so heavy that people don't even have the heart to think about it.

However, two less honest people were cleared out. At first glance, they looked like the type of people who like to chew their tongues. They poached corners in the crowd and provoked the trust of the female workers in Boss Qi.

While eating the boss’s meal, he still wants to turn over the boss’s table. Isn’t this a young man? I found out and asked carefully. The boss of the textile industry is behind the scenes. I want to provoke some skilled workers to change jobs. If I can find one, it is best If they can poach a few female technicians, they can at least know what the hydraulic textile machinery in Liangshui Town is like.

It is not uncommon for factory owners to poach corners from each other. They are free to change jobs. If they can really poach a few female workers, that is their ability. Unfortunately, they are too greedy and want to poach female technicians. Is it all exposed?

After the secret cleaning was over, the day of harvesting the wheat came.

God is beautiful, the next ten days will be cloudy and sunny, which is good for harvesting grain. Qi Ke wrote two press releases, and even gave him a new pseudonym. Di Bao is the news source. Use the old pseudonym.

(End of this chapter)

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