space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1903 Another Windfall

Chapter 1903 Another windfall ([-])

General Bai saw what machine tools can do when he visited the arsenal last time. It is impossible for any general to accept military raw materials being stuck.

Who knows how to borrow a knife to kill someone.

After killing people, she still wants to snatch the mine.

Being an idiot is not worth getting angry, Qi Ke ate half a watermelon, his mood improved, and he continued to settle his own account.

After dark, I changed my clothes and set off.

The boat I bought yesterday has been towed to the sea today. It was not dark when Qi Ke came here, but it doesn't matter, she has a special way of landing.

First show up on the flagship of the Ocean Five fleet, and then jump to the ships behind one by one. Except for the flagship, which didn't have a tail, the other ships are dragging one or two ships. It's really troublesome to bring them out.

The second-hand boats that had untied their cables disappeared one after another. There was no one around in the vast sea, and no one saw them. Qi Ke just acted boldly.

After finishing everything, Qi Ke returned to the rear deck of the flagship, with a chair and a small table, comfortably watching gossip with the sea breeze blowing.

There is a delay in the transmission of news across the sea. Anyway, this is not a necessary real-time news. Even if it is fermented for a whole day, it is not easy to sort out the news.

Such a big incident happened in the middle of the night last night. The machete gang was knocked on the door, and all their belongings were lost. A boss in the wealthy area of ​​the city disappeared during a dance in his villa, and his home was also evacuated.

With all these things, all the ghosts and monsters involved with this rich man were alarmed.

In order to whitewash their identities, they invested in other serious businesses after they got rich. Those who only knew about this part of the business were fine. The two parties were just ordinary business relationships.

But knowing that he is the shipbreaking yard and the boss behind the machete gang, the upper-level people will naturally think more, wondering if someone is looking for revenge, all the valuables in the house have been emptied, and even the most terrible ledger contract IOUs are all gone. I can't see anyone alive or dead now. My family members have contacted old friends everywhere to ask for help, but little progress has been made.

Qi Ke watched and giggled.

After a few days, the corpse washed ashore with the waves, and there is still more excitement to watch, but Qi Ke is not interested in the follow-up. Without the shipbreaking yard and the machete gang, others will soon replace them, and the lives of the local people will not be the same. There won't be much improvement. As a foreigner, it's enough for her to read gossip, and there is no need to care about other things.

However, apart from gossip, she is more interested in where those people got their guns from yesterday. She is very interested in the factories that make guns.

As for the Industrial Party, how can stealing technology be called stealing?

The windfall collected yesterday, there is an arsenal, and there are long guns and short cannons. If they are pulled into the streets, they are enough to influence the outcome of a block of land wars.

The stenciled places on these weapons have worn off, but it doesn't matter, it is very simple to restore this mark.

So Qi Ke now has the name of a firearms factory.

Tonight's task is to touch this factory.

It doesn't matter if you don't know the specific factory location, the sheriff in the city must know, even if their firearms are not from the same factory, they must know a little bit of rumors.

After dark, Qi Ke was still sitting still on the rear deck, concentrating on playing games, and the deputy in charge of inquiring about news went ashore directly on skateboards.

Half an hour later, news came back that the site of the factory had been obtained, and it was produced by the Falstein Alliance country next door. The country is weak and has no industry in this field, and all of them are imported from neighboring countries, even guns and ammunition.

(End of this chapter)

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