space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 228 Go to the Village

Chapter 228 Returning to the Village ([-])
After the preparations were completed, Qi Ke rode a tricycle to the edge of the farmland, unscrewed the water outlet, started the tricycle, galloped back and forth in the farmland, and watered the farmland with the clear water from the spiritual realm to restore soil vitality and get rid of the trend of salinization.

After all the ton buckets filled with water were poured, Qi Ke returned to the spiritual realm to refill the water and then came out to continue, one trip after another, tirelessly watering all the [-] acres of farmland, and rolled away exhausted after packing up After bathing and sleeping, she didn't even have the energy to practice exercises, and the refugee she shot to death during the day didn't have the slightest impact on her mind.

I know that my mentality is changing, but I don't want to change.

Early the next morning, after dealing with the affairs in Qianhe territory, Qi Ke took the mules, horses and sheep bought yesterday directly out to Zhuangzi's farmland, and found that overnight, the weeds had grown into lush weeds, and people stood in front of them. There is no roof in it, let alone a livestock that is not as tall as her. If you drill into the weeds, you can't even see it.

Qi Ke's face was overjoyed, which proved her conjecture that the water in the spiritual realm does have a miraculous effect on transforming nature, and there is hope for saving the farmland.

For the next whole day, Qi Ke recruited women in the village who were willing to earn money, and helped her clean the main courtyard. Everything was cleaned up, and the unused furniture was moved out and placed in the open space outside the yard. When the people who went to the beach came back, almost all the villagers, young and old, were there, and they came together to pick out the furniture they could use for their own homes. Just give a few pennies. If there are several companies that like the same thing, they will bid, and the highest price will win.

Old furniture is almost sold at a free price, which naturally makes people happy. Everyone’s house is empty, and buying new furniture is expensive. There are ready-made ones, which can be used after cleaning and repairing. Why not do it.

So, the money earned by working for Qi Ke today, after changing hands, it was returned to her because of the need to buy old furniture.

Once going in and out, Qi Ke didn't actually spend much copper money, but the old furniture she didn't need was almost sold out, and the rest of the furniture that no one really wanted was badly broken, not worth the effort to repair. Only the value of chopping it as firewood.

In addition, Qi Ke also bought a lot of live sheep, and the news was released in the morning. In the afternoon, the villagers from the neighboring villages who were close to them drove their sheep to Siliu Village to look for Qi Ke. Anyone who is not sick needs to be weighed on the spot, which is very refreshing.

The people who went to the beach also got a lot of harvest. Yuan Ting and the others sent Qi Ke a big pot of clams harvested today. Qi Ke immediately took it to the kitchen to force the clams to spit out sand. God knows how long she has been hungry for this stuff.

After each family had dinner one after another, they almost turned off the lights and went to bed. Qi Ke closed the door and closed the house, took the animals back to the grassland in Qianhejing, changed into working clothes, took out the alfalfa seeds and the plant protection drone, and went to her Sow seeds in the two hundred acres of farmland.

She didn't clear the weeds in the field, but just sprinkled the alfalfa seeds on the field. She didn't need the deep plowing and seed dressing that had been done in advance, and she didn't care whether the lush weeds would harm the seedlings. She just used clean water from Qianhe territory last night After watering the ground again, Qi Ke believes that grass seedlings will surely emerge even with such rough planting. What she wants is the nitrogen fixation effect of the alfalfa root nodules to improve the soil quality.

(End of this chapter)

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