Chapter 401 The Running-in of Both Sides ([-])
To make lard, put water in the pot and boil slowly, and the aroma of fat gradually wafts out. It is an attractive aroma that cannot be replaced by any other oil.

Qi Ke was greedy for lard residue, so he didn't make the lard residue too dry. He divided it into two plates, one plate was sprinkled with salt and eaten directly, and the other plate was reserved for stir-fried oil residue with green onions, a good dish for dinner.

After the first piece of oil dregs entered her mouth, the crispy and salty taste immediately whetted Qi Ke's appetite, making her throw a few more pieces into her mouth without fear of burning, her mouth was full of lard and a sense of happiness.

After being hungry for so long, it can be regarded as tasting pork again.

"It's so delicious! The pigs I raise are delicious!" Qi Ke held the plate and spun around.

"It's so pitiful, it's like this." Zhao Lin's electronic voice could be heard full of sympathy.

"You don't know, during the Chinese New Year, although the upper management sent two pigs to each village, the pigs were as thin as the sow now, and the villagers in the whole village shared a few pieces, and the meat tasted gone. "

It sounded full of heartache.

Zhaolin couldn't help laughing, and let out a crisp "puchi".

"You only eat part of the meat of a pig, have you thought about what to do with the rest of the meat? Feed it to wolves?"

"No, I have an open space in the village where I plan to build an inn. Because I am good at cooking, it was specially granted to me. When we have all the people, we will build the inn. This is also to solve the reality of where the businessmen who come to the village will eat and sleep. The problem is, by then the livestock we raise in the mountains will be ready for slaughter, as long as the villagers know that there is pork in the inn, it doesn’t matter if the pork is my picky eater or not.”

"Is there such a piece of land? Where is the land? No title deed was found."

"There is no title deed, just a verbal agreement. Zhuangzi, another landlord in the village, will be converted into a military post in the future and cannot entertain civilians, so it is just right to build another inn."

"A verbal agreement is not safe. In this way, after we have all the people, you can take the land from the village immediately, and you can feel at ease when you get the land deed."


It was said before that she agreed to build an inn, but Qi Ke knew that the problem of manpower is a big problem. Once there are external hired workers, there is a risk of exposing her secrets. Fortunately, now that she has Zhaolin, building an inn is no longer a problem. It depends on the village. Give her which piece of land.

Qi Ke took the plate and stood aside to eat the oil residue. The robot came to deal with the aftermath, took the oil pan to a safe place to cool, then cleaned the stove, washed and chopped green onions under Qi Ke's command, and waited for the lard in the pan After it cools down, put it into an enamel cup, which is exactly [-]% full.

In just such a short time, most of the plate of lard residue has entered Qi Ke's stomach, wiped his mouth, put on the stove to cook, and by the way ordered the kitchen robot to help her take two big steamed buns from the refrigerator and warm them up for dinner. .

A plate of fragrant fried scallions with oil leftovers was served on the table, and the steamed buns were ready. Qi Ke specially made old noodle steamed buns. The portion was solid. She didn’t bother to cook for tonight. One bowl of steamed buns and one dish It is also a full meal, and at the end of the meal, the soup on the plate should be wiped clean with steamed buns.

It's so rough that it doesn't look like a southerner who has been accustomed to a refined life since he was a child.

Wiping his mouth with a tissue, Qi Ke let out a happy belch, rubbed his stomach and thought for a while, and finally came up with the idea of ​​splitting up the pork and eating it.

"I don't eat pig's head and pig's tail, and I don't know how to cook it. I save the ears for lo mei at most, and feed the rest to wolves. I want to save the tenderloin for stir-fry or other ways to eat it. I also love roast tenderloin." Yes. Pork ribs and tube bone stew, braised pork belly, braised or roasted pig’s trotters, see if there is any meat that can be used to make some meat floss and jerky. Don’t eat internal organs, except for the sausage. Feed them all to the wolves."

(End of this chapter)

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