Chapter 453
The fort is very imposing as a whole, with the muzzle facing the sea. There are three cannons at the top, and there are several small cannons on the left and right, totaling eight.

"Wow, it's completely built against the mountain. No wonder the landslides caused heavy losses."

"Look carefully at the ground and walls of the fort's carriageway, they look miserable in disrepair."

"Damn it, it's so dilapidated, the former Donghai Navy didn't do any maintenance, these artillery can only be used as scrap iron and refurbished?"

"Count the number of artillery pieces again, have you found anything wrong?"

"Eight statues, three big ones, five middle ones and small ones."

"Don't you feel something is wrong?"

"Well, it's not symmetrical." Qi Ke almost lay down in front of the map. Fortunately, she still remembered that it was a holographic image, so she didn't push it up hard. "There is nothing wrong with the three cannons. The size of the middle platform can only hold these three big ones." , but the number of small cannons is wrong, and there are traces on the ground. Isn’t it right, how many small cannons are missing?”

"Count the blastholes on the fence. Small cannons are hidden guns. Several blastholes on the fence correspond to several small cannons."

Zhaolin adjusted the angle of the map so that Qi could see the dark holes under the wall more clearly.

"Sixteen?! There are sixteen dark holes, but there are only five small cannons. What about the other cannons?"

"Who knows?" Zhao Lin shrugged.

"The former Donghai Navy was beaten as a whole, and his death was not wronged. No matter how pitiful and unavoidable the reasons are, if so many guns are missing, they have to pay with their heads."

Qi Ke clasped his hands in his arms and shook his head, "This is just the situation in Donglin County, zoomed in on the whole, the Bai family army has taken over a mess."

"The situation that this dynasty is now facing is quite severe. If major changes are not made, the king of subjugation may appear within three generations."

"What did you monitor?"

"A strong enemy has appeared."

"... Overseas strong enemy?!"

"Hmm, when I'm not moving forward or even going backwards, others are always moving forward."

"Uh, this historical process is so familiar..." Qi Ke couldn't complain.

"The crisis of others is our opportunity to earn merit."

"Of course." Qi Ke and Zhao Lin exchanged a profiteer's smile, "We are the No. [-] benevolent people in Tianzi."

"The current farming strategy is very good. If you have the food, you have everything. We are slowly developing weapons and medicines."

"Well, I'm currently a military household, so I only need to enclose the land and farm, provide a little shelter for the suffering people, and don't take the initiative to beat others, but those who want to rob our land, come and kill one by one."

Zhaolin smiled and agreed with this strategy.

After learning about the current situation of Goujingu Town and Goutouya Fortress, Qi Ke asked Zhaolin to close the map and no longer care about the follow-up. She had to hold on to her identity as a military household in Siliu Village, and she could not understand things outside the village beyond the level of market gossip. degree.

Zhaolin is very aware of Qi Ke's personal strategy of holding on to his image and not letting go, so the information she collects is only recorded and stored, and she will not take the initiative to tell Qi Ke. Even Qi Ke himself doesn't believe his acting skills and mouth. He knows too much. Who knows when it will be leaked.

After the discussion between the two of them, Zhao Lin was busy arranging the dry food that the scouts would bring back tomorrow. Bai Qing said that it would be fine to bring only the planed pig roots and dried vermicelli. Long-distance travel on a hot day, fatigue may not be in the mood to light a fire to cook, a few cereal bars and a few pieces of stewed meat can also handle a meal.

(End of this chapter)

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