space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 529 There is an emergency military situation

Chapter 529 There is an Emergency Military Situation ([-])
"Where did the pirates come from?"

"The identities of pirates are complicated. Most of them are fishermen who cannot survive in the local area due to taxes. They fled to the sea and became pirates. They are real mobs who rob passing merchant ships or collect protection fees. After analyzing the language samples, it is found that the language of pirates is similar to Pirates are no match."

"Aren't you right? Could it be a foreigner?"

"We don't have a national language sample database, so now we can't judge the origin of the pirates, whether they are locals or foreigners."

"Then let their big boat go and let the big boat take us to their lair." Qi Ke took a bite of the watermelon, which made her shake her head.

"Yes." Zhao Lin took a tissue from the table and wiped off the watermelon juice splashed on Qi Ke's nose, "Do you want to change the plan? No matter which sea area the pirates land in, we will only grab the small boats and let the big ones go." ?”

"Yes, it is good to find their lair as soon as possible."

"Okay." Zhaolin immediately revised the plan in the to-do list.

"The big ship is disguised as a civilian merchant ship, and what is it trying to do? Sell the looted things for money? Do they have a channel to sell the stolen goods?!"

"This possibility is not ruled out, but it may also be that civilian merchant ships are less likely to be interrogated, or they have documents to deal with interrogations on board, and the source of the documents is legal."

"Fuck!" Qi Ke couldn't help but swear, "The pirates have a close relationship with a certain place on the shore!"

"That's interesting, isn't it?"

"We must find out the truth first. If there is really a collusion with someone on the shore, we will go to the black and eat the black."


"Big ships have to dock for supplies. They are disguised as civilian merchant ships, so they can really berth at any dock very conveniently."

"Yes, no one will suspect that their identities are wrong."

"Tsk tsk tsk, how clever, what's the situation with those boats now? Are they still floating at sea?"

"It's floating." Zhao Lin changed the picture and replaced it with the picture of a small fleet of ships floating on the sea. Most people on each boat had closed their eyes to rest, and only the driver was awake.

"Hehe, they are really at ease." Qi Ke's tone was sour, she was so nervous, but her goal was so leisurely.

"The typhoon has just passed, and there are no new storms, so there is nothing to be afraid of. They are very familiar with the sea."

"Tsk, I don't want to watch it, I'm angry after watching it, I'm going to bed." Qi Ke stuffed watermelon into his mouth in big mouthfuls, put down the bowl after eating, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and really went to bed.

Early the next morning, the first thing Qi Ke did after waking up was to rush back to Qianhe Realm to release the animals.

The leopards and the little sea eagle had nothing to do with each other, they rubbed against Qi Ke and left to look for food. The king was very angry, whining around Qi Ke and biting her palm to express his dissatisfaction.

Qi Ke coaxed the king dumbfoundingly, stroking him and turning his head away, whining all the time, as if he was cursing someone.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I was wrong, I know you don't like to leave me, I won't send you back to Qianhejing tonight, stay in Zhuangzi with me."

"Wow~" The king's eyes were clearly filled with distrust, and he didn't believe Qi Ke's nonsense.

"Really, trust me this time." Qi Ke rubbed the king's face vigorously, pretending to be very sad, "You see, I have never lied to you, right? I always have this bit of credit, right? Or do you not believe me at all? Do you want to leave me?"

"Wow, woof, woof~" The king's voice immediately softened, it was no longer the quick, curse-like cry, but rather "Okay, trust you again".

(End of this chapter)

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