Chapter 588 Open for Business ([-])

At dawn, Qi Kezeng's staff arrived in Donglin County as scheduled, and the shop under the name of the boat company was opened quietly, because it was not officially opened, there were no firecrackers and no signboard, only a wooden notice board was hung on it. There was a piece of red paper on it, which said that Boss Qi of Siliu Village, Erma Town had been buying sacks and bamboo baskets for a long time, and the purchase price was attached at the back. When the sample is finished, it will be accepted only if it meets this standard.

Qi Ke's name is very useful. As soon as the notice came out, the surrounding residents first heard about it. The two maids in charge of the shop greeted the neighbors with smiles, and took the trouble to tell them the purchase request. How many times did they say it? Not tired.

The purchase rules are very simple. Prepare the materials for weaving by yourself, and only send the finished products to your door. After passing the inspection, you will be paid according to the price. But at the same time, there is another method, that is, for the common people who are inconvenient to prepare materials by themselves but want to earn some money, they can do it like a worker. Come to the store to do things, use the materials prepared in the store to weave sacks or bamboo baskets, count by piece, and pay for the day. Of course, the pure manual cost is relatively low. You can only earn two yuan for weaving five sacks or one bamboo basket.

The low cost of labor comes from the fact that the handicraft is not difficult, not to mention the sacks, just the bamboo baskets, a novice can weave two or three in a day after learning it. Seven or eight can be made up, and a family of adults and children will join the battle, and it will be absolutely no problem to earn enough money for the whole family to eat and drink in a month.

Donglin County is a poor county, and there are not many earning businesses. None of the big households in the county has ever done this kind of business of buying sacks and bamboo baskets for a long time. Based on their previous experience, many people speculated that Qi Ke would cost so much. Could it have something to do with the autumn harvest? The maids laughed and didn't answer this question, letting the people make up their own minds.

Fortunately, the common people just discussed, what is Guan Qi Ke doing with so much money? She gave the money to others to earn, and she would be a fool if she didn't earn it herself.

The people surrounding the store dispersed in a rush, and the news spread to the entire county at an extremely fast speed, even the refugees heard it, so waves of people who inquired about the situation were ushered in the store, and the refugees settled outside the city , collecting materials is the most convenient. After looking at the sacks and bamboo baskets used as samples, and carefully noting down the sizes, I can't wait to go there.

After the spectators dispersed, another master came from the government to ask how long the acquisition business would last. The maids gave a very positive answer, as long as Qi Ke was still farming, he would always need sacks and bamboo baskets.

The master got this answer and went back to his order contentedly. No one in the government is stupid. Qi Ke's acquisition business is like helping them. The refugees can earn money and have a way to survive, and the possibility of trouble will become smaller and smaller.

Not long after, the army post in the county sent a corporal over to inquire how many sacks and bamboo baskets Qi Ke wanted, and the answer he got was that the more the better, he also asked them to tidy up the old baskets that were not in use. During the autumn harvest, they will be sent to the village to store food. If anyone knows how to weave, they can also build some chicken and duck cages.

The autumn sowing has just begun, and the ground is still being sown. The words of the maids undoubtedly indicate that Qi Ke's subordinates will still have a bumper harvest during the autumn harvest.

The head of the corps happily went back to report, and the news was quickly sent to Bai Qing's desk. Not long after, everyone from the top to the bottom of the Thousand Households received an order to collect materials to weave sacks, bamboo baskets and chicken and duck cages. There is no limit to the number. The more the merrier, ready for use in the autumn harvest.

(End of this chapter)

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