space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 804 Returning to Business

Chapter 804 Return to Serious Business ([-])
The yarn field is a task that must be completed as soon as possible. Taking advantage of the current price increase of cotton, cotton yarn and cotton cloth, we can seize the opportunity to earn a fortune. Down jackets are only a supplementary method. Qualified down jackets and special fabrics are not cheap in themselves, and people who can accept them Limited, most people still rely on cotton for the winter.

When it comes to cotton, Qi Ke and Zhao Lin's eyes returned to the overseas tropical archipelago country.

Qi Ke's energies these days are all on the Maternity and Infant Hall, but Zhaolin's attention is infinitely divergent, receiving various messages from outside anytime and anywhere.

Therefore, as soon as Qi Ke said he wanted the latest situation in that country, he immediately had it.

First of all, the country’s name was transliterated bluntly, and the pronunciation is similar to Chawabo. The number of islands it owns is also counted. There are more than 4000 in total, and there are more than 500 with fresh water suitable for humans and animals to live and reproduce. But At present, there are only more than 200 islands with a fixed population living in villages and cities. Among them, [-] islands have developed large cities with the most concentrated population. The rest of the islands are all uninhabited in their original state. The scope only accounts for a small part, and there are tens of thousands of people, which is considered a large number of people. Generally, there are only a few hundred to a few thousand people.

Zhaolin thoughtfully circled the islands on the map of this country that she thought could be used as overseas plantations. A big yellow circle is several islands, one circle on the left and one circle on the right. On a good map, you can look around and see yellow islands. In the circle, only the big islands with the most concentrated population were not circled.

"There are so many circles, does this mean that the environment is suitable, or does it mean that we can succeed?"

"The environment is suitable."

The map was copied as it was, and the second picture appeared. The yellow circle disappeared, and it became a small number of green circles. These are all concentrated on the outskirts of the archipelago and are uninhabited desert islands.

"How do you get it? Buy it directly from the ruler of this country with gold?"

"Yes, for gold."

"Huh? Allow foreigners to buy their own islands?"

"Don't think too much. Not all the more than 4000 islands in this country are in the hands of the ruler of a country. Even if the king doesn't sell the islands under his name, there are other nobles who will sell them. Remember the slave entrepot Is it a small island? That is a private land bought by a big slave owner from a nobleman, even the population of the island belongs to the new owner, and then the nobleman is brought into the slave business with him."

As Zhao Lin spoke, a photo of the nobleman appeared on the light screen, an old man with wrinkled face, shiny head, dark skin, and bright gemstones all over his body.

"Uh, this man looks really good..." Qi Ke pursed his lips, gave up making any comments on this nobleman, and instead noticed a surprise question, "Have you solved the language problem?"

"Eavesdropping on the students in class, getting their textbooks to learn the language, tried and tested repeatedly." Zhao Lin winked her eyes, which made her expression a bit playful and lively.

After solving the basic problem of language and writing, it would not be a problem to pick up any documents and materials, so when Qi Ke was having a hard time understanding the matter here, Zhaolin had already collected enough basic information and had a preliminary plan.

"Are the nobles crazy about selling land? Are there many foreigners buying islands?"

"There are a lot of foreigners who buy islands, but they all seem to have limited capital. After buying the islands, they still have to cooperate with the original landowners to run various businesses." Zhaolin projected a new light screen, "It's like those who came to harass us Pirate ships, from the ship to the guns on the ship are all foreign goods, and the shipbuilding technology of the natives in this country is still limited to canoes, and they move back and forth between several adjacent islands, and they have no ocean-going capabilities at all.”

(End of this chapter)

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