space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 811 Agricultural Technology Writer

Chapter 811 Agricultural Technology Writer ([-])

Qi Ke has no regrets or guilt about contradicting the county magistrate. She doesn't care because she knows that with her in Donglin County, it is impossible for Bai Qing's team to be able to control the lifeline of food and grass. , the entire Baijia army can be self-sufficient in food.

So if you don't agree with the place, you don't agree. If you feel uncomfortable, you can quarrel and fight.

Qi Keli was confident and proud.

The two village chiefs covered their faces with their hands, not wanting to say anything.

After having lunch at Lao Jiuye's house, Qi Ke finally left and went back, otherwise she would be nagged to death.

After returning to her own Zhuangzi, Qi Ke was not idle, she turned on the computer to write documents, and she had to hurry up to do something important before Qiu received her arrival.

The method of planting pig roots.

During the summer harvest, although Bai Qing didn't say it clearly, Qi Ke could guess what he wanted to do. Now that pig root is a native plant with an amazing yield, now that it has been proved that it can be planted artificially, for the Bai family army who is short of food , Bai Qing definitely hopes to promote the cultivation method in the whole army to alleviate the problem of food shortage.

Not only Baiqing, villagers in Siliu Village and neighboring Sanliu Village and Wuliu Village have inquired about the method of planting the roots of the pigs. When the harvest is harvested in autumn, the villagers will come to replace some of the saved seeds, and wait for Baiqing to harvest. As for the public grain handed in, most of it must be used to save seeds.

How to plant new crops, Qi Ke is definitely impossible to stand in the field every day and teach others how to do it. The best way is to write down the planting methods and distribute them to everyone to learn by themselves.

As for the fact that the villagers are all illiterate, Qi Ke ruthlessly ignored it.

The illiteracy of the whole people is not caused by Qi Ke. People who really want to farm well and hope to have a full stomach will naturally force themselves to read and study hard after getting the planting manual.

But this planting manual is easy to say, but it is troublesome to write, because everyone is illiterate, and this manual is written for the illiterate, and the complex and unfamiliar planting methods must be described in simple terms that the illiterate can understand.

Qi Ke just started to write the beginning, and the document didn't even fill a page. She felt that she might go bald when the planting method was finished.

Reluctantly insisted on finishing the opening introduction. When the text began to use various numbers to describe the height of the field ridges, the depth of the pits, and the distance between the pits, Qi Ke found it more and more difficult to write. Anything that used numbers and scientific terms The content has to be changed, and the more it is written, the more irritable it becomes.

Just when Qi Ke angrily threw down the computer and got up to walk around the room, Zhao Lin came in with a pot of freshly squeezed juice, glanced at the lit computer screen, and knew what was going on.

"Is the first draft difficult to deliver?" Zhao Lin poured out a glass of juice and handed it to Qi Ke, smiling softly.

"Yeah, I'm so irritable when I write it." Qi Ke was thirsty and angry, and drank the cool fruit juice in one gulp.

"Where is the trouble?"

"All words and sentences must be changed, and scientific terms and special nouns cannot be used."

"Well, you have never written such a style, and it is really difficult to write directly. In this way, you write first, don't worry about other things, use your own words to write it first, and then use it as a sample and then revise it."

Qi Ke played with the cup and thought about it, and thought it seemed feasible, "Okay, I'll think about it again."

"You don't need to be too strict in terms of words and sentences. You think you have to use this term in agricultural technology to be an accurate expression. Use it as a standard term for promotion. In the future, you will write too many agricultural manuals, so you can't write one. If you change a noun, those conventional terms will simply take the opportunity to be fixed."

(End of this chapter)

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