Chapter 833 Qi Yaopo Shows Her Power ([-])
Qi Ke has been waiting for half a year for this opportunity. The small personal and family hygiene class will start immediately. The villagers have to listen, otherwise, think about whether it is scary for children to pull out so many bugs. Adults smell the fragrance of this medicine I also feel a little greedy and want to eat, which means that there are also worms in my stomach.

From last year to this year, for a whole year of living together, everyone in the village knows that Qi Ke is the best cleanliness. If you walk around the outer wall of her Qizhuang, you can't see a puddle of water, and the clothes are changed every day. In the past, everyone There were many private discussions about rich landlords. Now think about it, there is nothing wrong with people's love of cleanliness and hygiene. At least Qi Ke has no worms in his stomach and no stomachaches.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of lectures, I took the opportunity to introduce toilet paper. If you talk about hygiene and cleanliness, please stick to it to the end. Don't scrape around with a bamboo toilet scraper shared by many people, let alone use leaves or dirt.

The villagers just paid the public grain, and sold some money for the surplus grain in their hands. In addition, these days, fishing at sea, weaving fishing nets, picking clams on the beach and sending them to Xiankelai Inn can be directly exchanged for money. Many people have some spare money in their pockets, so They were very supportive and rushed to buy this toilet paper. Everyone carried several rolls back. Fortunately, there was a layer of wrapping paper on the outside of the toilet paper, so they were not afraid of getting dirty when they held it in their arms.

The village women thought more than the men. When the men were almost gone, someone whispered to Qi Ke's maid about the secrets between women. After receiving a positive answer, she said that she would also buy it. Family members share.

Qi Ke provides so many ways to earn money. It is relatively easy for women to earn some money to buy toilet paper to cope with menstruation. They accept new things very quickly and there is no resistance.

We made an appointment to talk about it tomorrow, and the women hurried home to take care of the whole family and do housework.

That night, the children in the village had diarrhea one after another, regardless of gender, they all pulled out worms. The oldest one was seven or eight years old, and there would be no older ones. This gives a concept of the medicinal effect of the gentleman's medicine aroma.

However, this kind of thing must have benefited the villagers. After the medicine is processed, the fragrance of the medicine will be restrained, and others will not have the good thing that they can have diarrhea and repel insects just by smelling it.

The fire of frying the medicine has not been extinguished, and one pot after another is fried. The strong fragrance of the medicine is floating in the sky of the village. It was not at all practical, and after finally getting up at dawn, every household couldn't wait to put up money and go to Qizhuang to buy medicine.

Considering that the effect of the medicine is too overbearing, Qi Ke changed the original time of taking it for 12 consecutive days. All children over the age of [-] are only given medicine for three days, and children are given medicine for one day. Children under the age of [-] have finished taking the medicine last night and don’t need it. Take medicine again.

After the villagers bought the medicine, they tried it at home, and it was still the children who responded the fastest. After taking the medicine in the morning, it took effect before noon, followed by the teenagers, and the young and strong old people over 20 years old. It depends on who has a weak gut. It is also fast, and people with habitual constipation are a little bit more miserable, and they just can’t pull it out even if they have a stomachache.

Qi Ke stayed in the village, the tall fence blocked many sounds in the village, but Zhaolin could hear clearly all day long, how many bugs were pulled out by someone, who did not respond for a day after taking the medicine tomorrow Continue to eat for three days before reading, carefully sort out the different records, open a file and record it under the item of public health.

(End of this chapter)

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