Chapter 837

"They are all villages destroyed by floods?" Qi Ke was amazed by the frequent flooding in the downstream area.

"It doesn't necessarily mean that it was directly destroyed by the flood. After the catastrophe, there will be a catastrophe. We can't expect the villagers who can't read a single word to know much about epidemic prevention. Even if someone knows some common sense, it is difficult to say that they have the conditions to do something after the flood. .”

"Yes, even if you know what medicine to use, if you don't have money to buy it, or if it doesn't grow in the surrounding environment, or even if it is washed away by the flood, even if you have all kinds of plans, it will be useless."

Qi Ke put his hands on his cheeks, and felt a pity looking at these almost ruined villages, that is to say, the population is small now, if there are more than one billion people in the whole country, will there be such deserted villages in such a livable land?Even if it is really ruined, a new village can be rebuilt.

"The land price of this kind of barren village should be quite cheap. Jiajia Village is the kind of village that was bought directly, but the land price in Nanyang County is not of much reference value for Donglin County." The purchase of the whole village only cost a thousand taels of silver, plus a lot of money to buy up the various expenses of the village elders to help the activities, it was only a few hundred taels, which was less than 2000 taels, which was really cheap.

"We know that this kind of village is really cheap." Qi Ke thought of the Donglin county venerable who just wanted to stay safe and not do anything, and curled his lips disdainfully, "If the government uses us as an excuse to prohibit the expansion of Jiaji Shipping Company, Just let them agree, we don't need to bribe the villagers to help with the activities, I hope the final expenses will be lower than the original Jiajia Village, if there are any unexpected expenses, let's talk about it."


Zhaolin knew what Qi Ke meant. Although Qi Ke sometimes liked to watch the struggle and repetition of human nature, it was like watching a drama, but when it really involved her own interests, she was determined not to allow herself any losses. He has the aura of a high-ranking person.

From Zhaolin's point of view, this is of course a good thing. The unique Thousand Lotus Landlord must have a charismatic temperament that is unique to me. However, this temperament cannot be cultivated overnight, and it has to be cultivated slowly through many things.

Zhaolin readjusted the screen, arranged the four plots in order according to the distance between the village and the wharf, and marked them in red, orange, yellow, and green colors.

"It's very good. We have a village, ready-made fixed docks, inns, car dealerships, warehouses, grocery stores, docks, and various supporting buildings. The land is all there. When it is well managed in the future, it will become a business travel distribution center when it develops."

"Distribution center?" Zhaolin glanced at the four plots, and the color of three of them immediately dimmed, and only the yellow one became brighter. The flow of goods and information is unimpeded, and this land is more suitable for developing into a small distribution center in the future, and the only constrained factor is the land area.”

Qi Ke glanced at the distance between the village and the wharf. It was estimated based on the old road traces. There are more than eight miles. , the distance will definitely be shortened.

"If this village is taken down, how much can the road be shortened by building roads in the future?"

"It's hard to estimate for the time being. The rural road is really curved. I don't know if there was something wrong with the ground when the road was built. We need to check the geological conditions."

(End of this chapter)

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