space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 859 Madam Wants a Treat

Chapter 859 Madam Wants a Treat ([-])

One of the key points in the verbal contest is not to be led away by the opponent, but to always maintain your own rhythm, speak your own words, try to pull the opponent into your own rhythm, and defeat the opponent in your own language.

Yun's mother froze for a moment, she didn't expect Qi Ke to start another topic without answering her, and asked a question that people had to answer.

"Yes, Madam is receiving guests in the main room."

"Okay, let's report." Qi Ke put his hands behind his back, raised his feet towards the main room, and walked away.

"Eh? You! Stop!"

Yun's mother has lived a stable life since she was a nurse for the young master, and she is really good at taking care of the child. Everyone respects her from the adult wife to the girls below. Wherever she has been so angry, she immediately ran a few steps and overtook Qi Ke. , turned around and opened his arms to stop the person.

"Vice Chief Qi, etiquette is mutual. I respect you, but you can't be rude. You come to see your wife in such a dirty suit. The house is full of distinguished ladies. You are ashamed. What should I do if my appearance offends them?"

"Mama Yun, right? Your voice is too low, I can't hear you. Ma'am, really, why did I find you, a nurse with weak spirits, who is too weak to take care of the energetic little boy. I happen to have many maids under my command." There are quite a few people who can read, write, and count. I will suggest to your lord and wife that someone in good health replace you. The young master grows up day by day, and the illiterate who can't write his own name is also worthy of serving the young master. ?joke!"

Who looks down on who, Qi Ke is too lazy to play tricks with this Yun's mother, and directly hurts her heart.

The two stood so close, Qi Ke purposely spoke at a volume that they could hear. If someone stood farther away, she could only see her mouth move, and she couldn't hear what she was saying at all.

But Yun's mother was really angry. Anyway, she enjoyed the blessings of these days and raised her temper. It's been a long time since Qi Ke stepped on her face regardless of her face. She was threatened. Is it human to bear to replace her as a wet nurse?

Just before Mama Yun took a deep breath and prepared to fight back, Zhao Lin suddenly reached out her hand, like dusting, brushed Mama Yun's arm with the back of her hand, and lightly brushed her aside.

But for Mama Yun, the force of the light brushing made her instantly unsteady on her feet, and she stumbled and staggered to the wall. Fortunately, she tripped over a large flower pot that adorned the yard.

Several flower pots placed together supported her feet and stabilized her body that was about to fall, but the beautiful potted flower tree was unlucky because it was supported by the nurse's hands a few times, and her palms were pierced. After entering the wood thorns, the flower tree also broke a few beautiful branches.

After Zhao Lin brushed the person away, he didn't care about what would happen if he fell, and took Qi Ke up to the steps of the main room. The four maids were separated from each other under the steps.

Standing outside the main room door, the two maids who were in charge of opening the curtain and passing on the message were too frightened to make a sound. They should have come down to stop them when they saw a conflict, or find a bigger maid, and figured out what to do. In the end, the two girls didn't do anything, just stood there stupidly, staring blankly at Qi Ke and Zhao Lin who came up the steps.

Of course, unless these two girls rushed into the room and yelled at the madam, they would not be able to find the girl who was one level older. The big girl next to the madam even broke a finger, and those who could speak in front of the madam were temporarily disabled.

(End of this chapter)

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