The strongest space princess is too rich

Chapter 423 Do you want to be an empress? ?

Chapter 423 Do you want to be an empress? ?

"Go to Prince Xiao's mansion and tell Prince Xiao that this matter is a rule set by both parties, and it is useless to seek me."

"Yes, Erchen retire."

Dong Yinchuan and Dong Chenyuan bowed and retreated.

Emperor Dongyue walked to the window, and faintly saw Prince Xiao and Prince Xiao's mansion kneeling outside in mourning clothes, and Princess Xiao was crying like hell.

The four palaces are his reliance and must be promoted.

It's a pity that he also knows the temperament of the Xiao family's son-in-law, so there has been no movement for a long time.

Xiao Yingyue is dead, and Xiao Changdi is also a useless person. If he really doesn't move at all, it will cool the heart of Xiao Wangfu.

"Deshun draws up the decree."

The talents of the Yu family are too good to be left alone.

The two sons of Prince Xiao's Mansion are in the hands of the Yu family, so he will use the lives of the three sons of the Yu family to return to the Xiao family.


High Priest House.

The guards in the Priest's Mansion currently have two things to do, one is to watch Bi Shui Ling, and the other is to watch Yu Wushuang.

After the accident at the First Academy, Jing Tianquan got the news immediately, and he just laughed and said, "It's your own fault."

"Grandpa, cousin and cousin are really brave. If it were me, I wouldn't dare." Jing Fanzhi admired it.

Jing Tianquan rolled his eyes: "You don't dare to do anything, but dare to talk back to grandpa."


"Hmph." Jing Tianquan got up and walked to the inner room.

"Grandpa, don't you want to eat?"

"What to eat, your cousin's shop is about to open, I'll give her a fortune teller."


Jing Tianquan walked into the inner room and took out a box from the dark room, which contained several brown beads and a divination chart.

The divination map is handed down from the lineage of the high priest. The priest has the ability to psychic and also divination the direction of fortune.

The drawings are densely packed with some weird characters and zigzag stripes.

Jing Tianquan raised his hand and pressed the brown beads to the dead corner of the divination chart, and shook the remaining few beads in his hand, and muttered silently, the beads scattered.

He fortune-telling fortune.

The beads rolled from the bottom to the top of the divination map, and the high priest suddenly burst into laughter.

Good fortune?

It's terrible, his granddaughter is going to make a fortune, and she is the richest man.

The high priest was overjoyed and became interested, and began to divination Yu Wushuang's fortune again.

The fortune is high, and the fortune is in the lead.

"Okay, granddaughter's luck is good." The high priest praised.

Raise your hand and hold the beads in your hand to start divination.

As soon as the brown beads were sprinkled, waiting to settle down, Jing Tianquan choked and his expression changed.

emperor?emperor? ? ?
Future is the emperor?

Is his granddaughter going to be an empress?
Jing Tianquan's heart trembled, he was so frightened that he almost sat on the ground, Emperor?
When he was divining Emperor Dongyue back then, the brown beads were on the bottom, precarious and about to fall, but her granddaughter was on the top, and it was stable, as if it was sucked up by a magnetic disk.


Jing Tianquan shook his head and hastily took the brown master back. Could it be that the divination was wrong?

Priests should go through the altar for divination. If they don't pass the altar, it's not surprising that there is a deviation... But even if it is a deviation, isn't it a bit too bad?

Jing Tianquan couldn't help but do the divination again, but the brown pearl still fell above the emperor's fate.

He took it back, took it again, God—

Occupy again, or the emperor——

Seven or eight times back and forth, the result is the same.

Jing Tianquan's expression was horrified and complicated, Emperor?Where is the emperor?Dongyue?
Is the Yu family really going to rebel?

As soon as the idea came up, Jing Tianquan shook his head and vetoed it.

No, no, no, the Yu family won't, since it's not the emperor of Dongyue, what kind of emperor is it?

(End of this chapter)

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