Crazy Psychologist

Chapter 174 This program was designed by him

Chapter 174 This program was designed by him

"What do you mean?"

Chu Sisi was puzzled.Liu Yiming simply sat down on the sofa at the entrance, sliding his fingers left and right on the phone screen.

"I changed the structure of the living room. The password at the entrance needs my voice and the password I sent to you to open it. After entering, the small living room on the right hand side is now a safe room closed on all sides. People are inside, you go in and bring it to you. Let him go."

"Who did you lock in?"

"The thief who tried to steal from my house."

Liu Yiming laughed loudly, "Impossible, you guys designed your home like a bunker, who can easily get in?"

"Anyway, a thief."

"Then you let him in on purpose?"


"How long has he been in there?"

"Two days, I should be dying, but I prepared two bottles of water inside."

"What about other questions?"

"So, I leave it to you."

Liu Yiming left Chu Sisi where he was, and when he opened the door of the safe room, he found that the people inside were almost insane.

"Are you delivering the courier?"

"I just, just, this man is crazy, the world is crazy."

Liu Yiming called his colleagues, and half an hour later, the police took away the burglar who had been locked up at home for two days.

After being busy for nearly an hour, Jiang Feng didn't go downstairs or show up.

After Liu Yiming came to the second floor, he found that Jiang Feng was still sitting in front of his computer, exactly the same as when he left last time.

Chu Sisi exclaimed, "This is really Hawking himself."

Jiang Feng didn't look back, but just stretched out his hand to signal the two to sit down.

The purpose of Liu Yiming's trip was also roughly clear to him, so he started a technical explanation, which made Chu Sisi completely unclear, and Liu Yiming was also surrounded by clouds and fog.

Chu Sisi just wanted a forum that was exactly the same as before, but from Jiang Feng's point of view, it seemed that the forum had a deep mystery.

"What's going on, I don't quite understand, you said that the forum is technically easy to solve?"

Chu Sisi struggled to squeeze out a few words, trying to clarify what she wanted to express.

"Yes, technically it doesn't take 10 minutes to get it done. The forum was made with the simplest social network program at that time, and it's all open source technology."

"So, what do you mean by what you said so much just now? I don't understand."

Chu Sisi frowned, Liu Yiming took out a can of Coke from somewhere and handed it to Chu Sisi, Chu Sisi shook her head.

Liu Yiming complained, "Do you know that if I bring a girl here, I can't prepare something to drink? Can you still find a wife like this?"

"Hey, don't do this."

Chu Sisi tugged at Liu Yiming's sleeve.

"I have a question and I don't think it's useless to tell you, but I will finish what I promised you within a month."

Liu Yiming sneered and said: "Didn't you say that the technology is fine? Why does it take so long for a month? Wouldn't it be better if you played less games every day?"

"No, the game needs me."

"Then if I don't tell you to come today, will you imprison that thief until he dies?"

"That's not something I'm interested in."

"What are you interested in?"

Jiang Feng fell silent suddenly, and the entire second floor was completely silent.

"I'm only interested in one thing."

"Playing games. I see. When I am on vacation, I will play games with you for a few days and nights. You help me do this well."

Jiang Feng agreed, but after Chu Sisi left Jiang Feng's house, she became preoccupied. She always felt that Jiang Feng was a little weird. Of course, the house was full of traps, and the thieves were locked in the safe house. Moreover, Liu Yiming had already mentioned these matters to Chu Sisi before.

As for things like setting up private cells, Jiang Feng would get into some trouble if he found a lawyer to get to the bottom of it. But a burglar who delivered food didn't steal anything. He was imprisoned for two days for no reason, and he was already driven crazy Well, without the reminder from judicial professionals, I'm afraid it would never have occurred to me that in my criminal behavior, the owner of this house also had some extremes that could be discussed in court.

Chu Sisi found it strange that Jiang Feng reminded her not only of Hawking, but also of another person.

Liu Yiming suddenly kissed Chu Sisi's cheek, which interrupted Chu Sisi's wild thoughts.

"Yiming, what are you doing?"

"I just think you are very radiant when you think seriously. Then, I can't help it. I don't know how to say it. Then hit me."

Chu Sisi raised her hand, not knowing where to start.

So he searched and cursed, "Is that perverted harasser you?"

On the other side, Jiang Feng's eyes shone brightly. When sorting out the raw data of the forum, he saw something that he never thought of.

A kind of hope, as if the light of hope suddenly illuminated his life.

He wants to find out what is going on in this forum, and also find out whether this clue can really lead him to a real life.

Maybe he could have just gotten by in the existing way, which he's constantly improved.

Anyway, what kind of life is a whole life, why must it be the same as others?

A person whose IQ has reached Jiang Feng's level will not care about other people's opinions at all. He can make money, and his parents also have a lot of money.

His talent is enough to live a rich and abundant life with a computer.

He has $235 million in his bank account, which is growing at a rate of $20 to $25 a year.

But a rich and affluent life is as far away as light years away from Jiang Feng.

Only he himself knows what kind of life he lives and what kind of life he wants.

Now, the clue is right in front of him, whether to approach it, catch it, Jiang Feng still has a lot of things to do.

First and foremost is safety.

Second, and most importantly, safety.

In the end, the most important thing is safety.

A person who is familiar with the richness of the Internet naturally understands the darkness behind it.

Cyber ​​wars and cyber security have not stopped for a moment.

In Jiang Feng's view, [Internet Peace] is the same as [Real Nuclear Peace], they are both imminent and cannot be ended.Everyone is walking a tightrope, the whole world is walking a tightrope.

He once participated in the war, sitting by the window, holding the mouse, strategizing, the enemy is in the clear, and he is thousands of kilometers away.

It's just a game, just like other kinds of flying gun shooting games, all Jiang Feng and his teammates have to do is [select target], [configure weapon], and [press confirm].

Everything is in the calculation, and even the error has no place to hide in the precise calculation, because these calculations are designed by the same excellent brain as him.

(End of this chapter)

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