Crazy Psychologist

Chapter 596 What's More Fearful Than Fear?

Chapter 596 What's More Fearful Than Fear?

Anyway, upside down is "the greatest fear of human beings is the fear of the unknown."

Or it is full of descriptions like "indescribable".

To put it bluntly, isn’t it Lovecraft’s YY?But speaking of it, this British aristocratic writer has really gradually developed his own style from Edgar Allan Poe's little fan, with some baroque words piled up, a lot of descriptions and even more psychological descriptions.

Adhere to a storytelling method that is neither easy to read nor friendly, but gradually walks out of its own path.

Especially the Cthulhu system constructed in his novels later, it is like pouring another bucket of black ink in the dark forest-like universe.

"You think science is important, don't you? Yes, yes, I admit you are right. But at the same time, I tell you that it is not important."

Thinking of this, Pan Xiaoqing laughed, "God's not important, it's meaningless, it really makes sense."

If I could write like a mental patient, write freely like Lovecraft, and be paranoid about using the old English grammar I like, I don’t know if there will be any readers who will read her things.

Keep up with the times, Pan Xiaoqing thought of Grace's words again, which sounded like advice!

'Finally, am I also a person who needs to find a way to live on in the advice of others? ’ Thinking of this, Pan Xiaoqing felt that she was just like the authors of the self-media "chicken soup" articles that she didn't like. All day long, "the weather is so good, why are you unhappy?"

What is there to be happy about.

These messy thoughts are like the cold air lying on the window sill waiting for an opportunity to penetrate into the room. As long as the owner accidentally exposes a small gap in the window, the cold and humid air will flow in, making you shiver in the room trembling.

Pan Xiaoqing turned on the computer, shook her head, and pressed the power button, intending to write something today no matter what, or at least determine the topic to be written next.

As for what Grace mentioned on the phone, "Keep up with the times and think about what is an effective job in the Internet age", she didn't want to think of a word, but it was like walking unavoidably with her feet. Same as the ground.

It's not easy not to think about it.

So Pan Xiaoqing went to the bathroom, planning to wash his face in cold water first, and then think about what he was going to write.

As the cold water flowed over her face, Pan Xiaoqing's spirit recovered a little, and her concentration seemed to recover a lot.

She walked to the bookshelf, picked up a copy of "Blood Plague" and looked through it for a while, then put the book back.

Then she picked up a copy of "The Secret of Alchemy" and leaned against the bookshelf to flip through it for a while.

"Blood Plague" is a documentary literary work. Pan Xiaoqing has read it many times. Not only the content of the whole book shocked her, but Pan Xiaoqing also admired the way of writing. Therefore, this book is half for literature reading and half for learning materials. Pan Xiaoqing Read it no less than three times.

As for the book "Secret of Alchemy", Pan Xiaoqing doesn't remember which year he bought it and put it on the shelf. The dark purple spine of the book is slightly dusty. "is a hardcover book, and the price is not expensive. The red book cover and bronzing fonts fit the theme of this book very well.

After reading for a while, Pan Xiaoqing suddenly thought of whether it is possible to use some kind of mystical writing method to write documentary literature.

This thought was a little exaggerated, and when it broke into Pan Xiaoqing's mind, Pan Xiaoqing also felt that he was probably crazy.

This is not her best way of creating, on the contrary, Liu Yun may think this idea is good, but Liu Yun is Liu Yun, two authors are two different lives in two different worlds, and no matter how close they are, one author cannot help Another author completes his creation.

Moreover, if they are not done well, they will affect each other, resulting in no one being better than when they created alone.

That's why Pan Xiaoqing has always believed that it is inappropriate for the author and the author to be together. There is always someone who will sacrifice something for this relationship, which may be intangible or only temporary.

After all, there are some couples in the world who are both authors and have a good relationship. After getting married, their respective writing paths have gone smoothly.

But there are also many negative examples. In order to support the other party, one party gradually reduces the time and energy invested in creation and becomes the editor of the other party.

Pan Xiaoqing believes that it is more suitable for the author to be lonely, and it is not necessarily good for two lonely authors to be together.

Now that she has a new idea, let's try to write something. She hasn't thought of a good subject for nearly a month. If this continues, she really doubts that she will never be able to write well again.

Writing a column is still different from writing a novel, and I don’t know why Liu Yun would give up writing novels and rewrite those travel notes and columns, but speaking of it, that guy is really lucky. When someone else travels to Istanbul once, at most it will be on the travel app Send some photos and travel notes, talk about what is delicious or interesting, what is more literary or more thoughtful, and write a little about local customs and history and culture, so that the grade of the entire article will be improved. Read More people will follow.

Liuyun has achieved all these aspects, and Pan Xiaoqing has read some novels written by Liuyun before, which does not mean that there is anything wrong. In Pan Xiaoqing's opinion, Liuyun's novels have a more obvious taste of translation. He also had a lot of literary exchanges. Pan Xiaoqing noticed that most of Liu Yun’s favorite writers were not local writers, and he was crazy about Latin American literature since childhood, and then read a lot of books by Western authors. , There is still a year of exchange student experience in the middle, so his writing style has a hazy sense of neutrality.

Pan Xiaoqing discovered that she was not the only one who felt this way at all. In the comment section of several novels serialized by Liuyun on the Internet, many readers had this kind of comment. Some people said: "This book reads like a world famous novel Feel."

Someone also commented, "Probably only the author himself knows what he is writing."

Pan Xiaoqing speculated that Liu Yun must have felt very uncomfortable seeing this at the time, so his last novel ended hastily before the serialization.

This may be caused by his injury after he changed from an entity author to an online author.

An arrogant author with some achievements in himself has lost his way in online literature. No one will feel comfortable with such a gap in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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