Crazy Psychologist

Chapter 630 Between Nothingness and Spring Rain

Chapter 630 Between Nothingness and Spring Rain
The two walked from the fifth floor to the outpatient hall one after the other.

Mu Chun took a dark blue umbrella from the corner of the hall. The umbrella was big enough for two grown men.

However, Yang Xing looked out through the glass door. Although the street was wet and sticky, none of the passers-by came and went with umbrellas.

In the spring around the sea, sometimes a gust of wind is followed by a drizzle.

This year is not the first year for Yang Xing to be in the sea, and suddenly he recalled that when he first arrived in the sea, a room of 5 square meters was only enough for a computer desk.

In around the sea, renting a house is a huge expense. Looking at the drizzle on the road, Yang Xing recalled that when he first came to this city, everything in the 5 square meter room appeared in his mind one by one.

A computer desk, a roll-up mattress, a simple wardrobe, and nothing else.

The computer is his most precious thing. With this computer, he met his first girlfriend. He also used this computer to slowly earn some money and find a job.

It is said to be an independent room, but it is actually a balcony. In summer, the sun shines in the room, even if a rumbling window air conditioner is turned on, the temperature cannot be lowered.

The sun made everything in the room deformed, and only after eight o'clock could Yang Xing sit in front of his computer amidst the noisy air conditioner and fantasize about the life that really belonged to him.

Even a five-square-meter room does not affect Yang Xing's ability to become an excellent person. He reads a lot of useful things, contacts as many people as possible, and presents himself as a tasteful and knowledgeable college graduate on the Internet. As for things like family background, let others guess for themselves.

Mu Chun and Liu Tiantian said a few words. From Yang Xing's point of view, this nurse was very unfriendly to him, but he was not interested in this nurse either.

In Yang Xing's view, there is basically nothing worthy of his liking in a woman who doesn't like him, and it's a waste of time to actively pursue a woman who doesn't like him, because there are many good conditions around him that can be used by him. It is not wise to waste time chasing a girl who doesn't like you.

Love is a kind of thing that you love and I wish, this is true at all, first is "you have love", then "I am willing", the reverse is not good, and it is easy to cause trouble.

However, although all aspects of life have improved a lot these years, and he has finally become a very good man, but looking at Zhu Pin's busy and fulfilling life all day long, Yang Xing feels a little bit lost, and the girl's mood is also It's slightly different from before.

I don't know what they see in me, but it's probably what I want them to see.

"What are you thinking, let's go, it should be about the same time now."

Mu Chun patted Yang Xing on the back, and Yang Xing obediently followed him out of the hospital.

"Doctor Mu, why do you need an umbrella if it's not raining?"

Yang Xing found a topic and wanted to get closer to Mu Chun, so that he could invite Mu Chun to participate in the filming of the new drama.

"Oh, what if it rains again later, because this road is in the city center, there will be traffic jams if you take a taxi, and there are many road sections where non-motorized vehicles are prohibited by bike, so it is most suitable to walk there, but if you walk, just in case Rain is more troublesome, I still don't want to go to this event wet."

Mu Chun looked at the umbrella and said, "Don't you have to work today? It seems that I remember you said that you are a part-time graduate student?"

"Yes, postgraduate courses are usually on weekends. On Saturdays, from morning to evening, it's easier on weekdays, and part of the homework and study is done online."

"Is this kind of course useful?" Mu Chun asked casually.

Yang Xing's face was a little ugly. There were more than 30 students in the postgraduate class for this question. Part of their purpose of coming to class was to meet some people and get more resources through social networking. These people generally have stable jobs and their income is also low. The annual salary is more than [-]. After all, the tuition fees for postgraduate courses are really not cheap.

And speaking of class, the ratio of activities to courses is almost half and half, and the class fee is also paid a lot, so it can be regarded as a relatively high-end community.

Yang Xing doesn't like to lose face, and his family background can be concealed. It doesn't matter if he is a local from around the sea, because many of his classmates come from all over the world, but everyone seems to be not short of money. The average per capita for a dinner is 800, but this is Mixing resources, he applied for the on-the-job postgraduate examination for these useful resources, but whether he can finally turn the resources into wealth, Yang Xing is not sure yet.

"Isn't this kind of course useless?"

Just as Yang Xing was thinking about it, Mu Chun asked again seemingly unintentionally.

The two passed the bakery on the corner of the street and walked east along Shunming Road.

"That's Luoshui Street in the past." Yang Xing took advantage of the situation to change the subject.

A drizzle of rain hit his face, Yang Xing touched the rainwater on his face, it was itchy and sticky.

"Well, the event is held in the central square there, and there are two or ten minutes left, so we just happened to be there."

"It's a high-end location. The surrounding houses have sold for 10,000+ square meters. Are we going to the shopping mall next to Luoshui Park?"

Yang Xing is very familiar with that area. He used to go to Luoshui Center every week when he kept posting news on the Internet. It can be regarded as one of the favorite landmarks for young people, with world-class design Teacher shops, gourmet food from all over the world, and a variety of cultural activities.

"What's going on in Luoshui Center today?" Yang Xing asked curiously.

"The signing event and the fan meeting." Mu Chun replied excitedly.

Walking through Shunming Road and turning to Fengxing Road, you can already see Luoshui Park. Even during working hours, there will be some jogging young people or leisurely young women around Luoshui Lake. They are all dressed in fashion, Many of them are of mixed race or foreigners.

Quiet and comfortable, everything is natural, but it makes people feel a sense of unattainable distance.

Every time he passes by Luoshui Lake, Yang Xing will always feel this sense of loss. No matter how long he has been in this city, no matter how much progress he has made compared to Yang Xing three years ago, when he walks by Luoshui Lake, he will always feel empty in his heart. of.

Looking at his own shadow in the lake, there will be a feeling of nothingness, which makes him angry and scared.

And whenever there is such a sense of loss, Yang Xing will especially want to fall in love, and want to find a better girlfriend, a girlfriend who loves him, treats him wholeheartedly, and tolerates everything about him.

Of course, a girlfriend must be excellent, must have her own income, and must be good in all aspects.

Later, when he was alone, he never wandered around Luoshui Lake, and even if he went, he would go with Zhu Pin or take his girlfriend with him.

With his girlfriend, Yang Xing is not afraid to look at himself in the lake, and this feeling of loss and nothingness will be much less.

He didn't understand the reason for this, but it didn't matter, he might not be able to perceive the source of all emotions, which is one of the characteristics of human beings.

"Wow, Luoshui Lake in the rain is so beautiful. It's really right to sneak out of the hospital."

Having said that, Mu Chun stepped out of the eaves in front of the shops along the street, holding a huge umbrella, and flew towards the lake.

"Doctor Mu, wait a moment." Yang Xing complained and chased after him.

"Hurry up, why is running so ugly at such a young age." Mu Chun turned around and complained.

"Where is it ugly?" Yang Xing complained softly.

"Look, there are big companies around here, big companies, and they are all people with real talents." Mu Chun held an umbrella, circling in a circle, and said: "The world's top [-] like Get together to open branches, and ah, the financial industry also likes to open banks together, you see, Citibank, China CITIC Bank, HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, Hang Seng Bank, and various insurance companies, they are all A super rich company."

The more Mu Chun talked, the more excited he became, but the more Yang Xing listened, the more disappointed he became.

"Is the doctor bad? Why do you envy these banks?" said Yang Xing, who was standing next to Mu Chun without an umbrella and completely drenched in the rain.

"Of course the doctor is fine. Taking care of patients with my own efforts is my ideal and what I am doing." Mu Chun suddenly became serious.

cough cough!Yang Xing coughed and thought, "This is a TV series before I watch it, Dr. Mu is already in it."

After thinking about it, isn't this a good time to propose a drama with Dr. Mu Chun?

So Yang Xing went around to Mu Chun and said, "Doctor Mu, our company is short of a doctor like you, a doctor who has a sense of justice and loves his work. I was thinking maybe you would like to try it?"

Yang Xing tried to say a few words of praise as much as possible. Generally speaking, people are willing to listen to words of praise.

Of course Mu Chun was no exception. Hearing what Yang Xing said, he immediately expressed that he was very happy.

"However." His face suddenly sank, and Mu Chun said again: "Wouldn't that delay my time to see a doctor, it's inappropriate."

Seeing that Mu Chun was worried about this kind of thing, Yang Xing waved his hand and said, "No, no, generally speaking, it's all indoor dramas, do you understand indoor dramas?"

"Chamber drama? Like "Love Apartment"?"

"I didn't expect Dr. Mu Chun to know this. He seems to be a young man."

"I'm a young man, when did I say I'm not a young man?" Mu Chun didn't hide his displeasure, and directly wrote the words "dissatisfied" on his face.

Seeing this, Yang Xing quickly flattered: "So, the shooting can be done at night. You don't have to worry about it. There must be part of the shooting during the day, and it can be done when the doctor is resting. I have investigated it. The hospital If so, there is still a day off on Sunday.”

"Actually, Saturdays are also on duty in shifts, but the physical and mental department is understaffed. Usually I am on duty by myself." Mu Chun said.

"In this way, there will be no problem that the shooting time will affect the work." Yang Xing's joy is beyond words.

Even the rain on his face no longer bothered him.

With a good mood, Yang Xing and Mu Chun walked into Luoshui Center together.

As soon as he walked into the shopping mall, Yang Xing caught the attention of a huge poster. There was a blue sea, a beautiful bridge and cities connected by bridges on the poster.

Yang Xing is also very familiar with this picture, isn't this - Istanbul?
"What are you in a daze for?" Seeing Yang Xing staring at the poster intently, Mu Chun, who had already walked a few steps, could only turn around and come back, reminding Yang Xing, "Hurry up, it's about to start, I don't want to sit In the last row, I have to wait for half a day for the signature, and I have to go back to work."

Yang Xing nodded, and asked Mu Chun confidently, "Do you know where this poster is drawn?"

"Eh? Where is this?" Mu Chun scratched his head, took a closer look, then turned back in frustration and said, "Why isn't it written on it?"

"Hahaha, this is Istanbul, Dr. Mu Chun has never been there."

Yang Xing knew it, but Mu Chun didn't know it. This time, Yang Xing was really happy, and his self-confidence was soaring.

Then, although he followed Mu Chun into a bookstore, he felt that his brilliance was much brighter than Mu Chunke's, and the young clerks in the bookstore seemed to be watching him secretly.

"Excuse me, will the signing be held here?" Mu Chun approached a female clerk who was sorting out the bookshelves.

The female clerk looked at Mu Chun and then at Yang Xing, then pointed to the passage on the right, "Just pass through the literature area, it's about to start, why are you so late, you won't be allowed in for a minute. "

After the female clerk finished speaking, she got busy again.

"This bookstore is really good, and the attitude of the clerk is not good at all." Mu Chun complained to himself, but Yang Xing showed a bright smile to the clerk, and the other party returned the sweet smile as he wished.

In this way, Yang Xing's mood can be said to be brighter.

In contrast, he felt that the vague inferiority complex he felt when he was with Mu Chun seemed to disappear without a trace in an instant.

After the two walked to the literature area, they found that the interview activity had already started in the glass partition.

Yang Xing recognized the host of the event at a glance, "That's Lu Xin, she is a very famous host."

"Ah? Is that so? Then let's go in quickly." Mu Chun said as he planned to open the sliding door of the partition by himself. At this time, two shop assistants came to block Mu Chun.

"What's going on, didn't you agree that there is still one minute left? We are not late either?" Mu Chun complained unhappily.

"The time has come and the event has already started, so it is inconvenient for you to go in." The clerk said coldly.

Mu Chun saw that he couldn't understand clearly with the male clerk, turned around and said to the female clerk beside him, "Look, this is my reservation code, I made an appointment right after the event was released, how can you disrespect the readers so much? "

The female clerk looked at the appointment on Mu Chun's mobile phone, and admitted that he did make an appointment, but the event had already started, so he really couldn't go in at this time.

"Why don't you just listen here, can you let the two of you go in between the activities?" The female clerk tried to find a solution that everyone was satisfied with.

Yang Xing thought this method was fair, but Mu Chun was not satisfied, he insisted on going in, insisting that he had to sit in the first row.

"Look, the vacant seat in the first row is mine. I signed up. Of course I should go in and listen. It's hard to wait until the signing event."

Seeing this going on, the female clerk couldn't explain clearly to Mu Chun, so she turned her gaze to Yang Xing, and Yang Xing said handsomely, "Let me tell him."

"Excuse me, host, can I leave for a while." At this moment, Lu Xin stopped the interview in the venue, and the writer went straight to the door along the aisle in the middle.

"Teacher Mu Chun."

When the clerk saw that it was the writer himself, he opened the glass door.

"Teacher Mu Chun, I thought you weren't coming."

The speaker was Liu Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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