Crazy Psychologist

Chapter 635 Between Fragrance and Worry

Chapter 635 Between Fragrance and Worry
Li Mu fell into a drowsy sleep, and it was already [-]:[-] in the morning when he woke up.

He thought of making an appointment to go to the Huayuanqiao Community Health Center for a follow-up consultation today, but seeing that he was late, he quickly got up, took a shower, changed his clothes, took the car keys and was ready to go out.

When taking a shower, there was still a strange smell in the bathroom. Li Mu couldn't believe it was his own illusion, so he searched in the bathroom, from shower gel to shampoo to the skin care products that Qiutong used on weekdays.

The things that may emit odors are all in the bottle, and the caps are also covered, so in principle, no odor will be emitted.

The building of Li Mu's house is not cheap, the bathroom has a window and the space is spacious.

There is no possibility of musty smells over time or weird smells from filth in the bathroom.

Because of this, Li Mu was even more confused, what was the matter with this strange smell like depilatory cream?

Is it really my own illusion?

On the computer, he searched about the problems related to the sense of smell on Baidu, and when he saw brain lesions, people would always smell weird smells.

As soon as Li Mu saw this passage, he immediately closed the webpage, thinking to himself, it really is Baidu's cancer treatment.

Although he didn't believe it intellectually, he couldn't help but think about it emotionally, because it smelled like this every time he walked into the bathroom lately.

Also, where did Qiutong go?

Another reason for Li Mu's upset is about Qiutong, and this matter can be blamed on the fact that there are many people who are popular.

In the past, when Li Mu was not so popular, everyone liked to talk about Qiutong and Li Muzhen as golden boys and girls. Later, after the program group made Li Mu a warm business elite image, Li Mu's attachment to Qiutong and his family It is also getting stronger and stronger.

I originally thought that after the last irritability ended, my life could enter a stable state, and the relationship between Qiutong and him should also return to the original state.

But after recovering for only a month or two, Qiutong was hot and cold to Li Mu again, and when the hot and cold happened twice, Li Mu heard the cat meowing.

Don't care about these messy things, life seems to go on like this, but once you pay attention to these things, your nerves become confused, and Li Mu often feels confused in his mind.

When we drove to Huayuanqiao Community Health Center, it was already 09:30 in the morning. I don't know if it was because he didn't have breakfast. Li Mu's head became heavier and he really felt like he had a brain tumor.

There is no definite symptom, nor is there a definite purpose like when I came to see Dr. Mu a few months ago. What I needed at that time was to restrain my violent emotions.

Now, the irritability is gone, my heart is empty, but my mind is in a mess. I don't know what to say to Dr. Mu, and I am afraid that it will delay the doctor's time to take care of other patients.

Dr. Mu's attitude was as kind as ever, just talking to him seemed to calm his mind and make the current life more real.

Thinking of this, Li Mu quickened his pace and ran all the way to the fifth floor.

"Isn't this Li Mu?" Zhang Wenwen recognized the patient at a glance.

"You know me?" Li Mu was a little surprised to be recognized by a doctor as soon as he entered the outpatient room.

"Is there anything strange? This season's strange duel has two people who are the most popular, one is a business elite, and the other is a healer." Zhang Wenwen said.

"Healer?" Mu Chun felt as if he had heard the word somewhere before, so he lazily opened his eyes.

"You Dr. Mu are lazy when the weather warms up. Don't worry about it." Zhang Wenwen coughed like a parent.

Mu Chun was still half lying on the chair lazily.

"Today is not my job." Mu Chun replied.

"I'm here for consultation, you are his doctor, okay?"

Seeing Zhang Wenwen and Mu Chun talking to each other, Li Mu's mixed thoughts relaxed a little.

"The healer is much more popular than me, and he is very popular with female fans." Li Mu joined the topic with a smile.

Zhang Wenwen took advantage of the topic and said: "So, if I were the director team, I would definitely invite Dr. Mu Chun to participate in the next episode. Mu Chun is much better than any healer."

"So, what exactly is a healer?" Mu Chun was still at a loss.

"Through some natural therapy, what psychodynamic therapy helps people get out of trouble, build self-confidence and so on, there is a little bit of metaphysics."

Although he is in the same program group, Li Mu has a relatively distant relationship with anyone. He just wants to go home after recording the program. After all, for him, the company's affairs are the focus of life.

Had it not been for the company's financing problems, it would not have agreed to shoot this show. Recording a show late at night is really easy to make the brain confused.

Well, this episode is finally over.

Zhang Wenwen asked Li Mu some questions, and Li Mu answered them one by one. Zhang Wenwen glanced at Mu Chun, as if to say, "This is the patient you told me to have a brain tumor?"

"Since we've paid the fees and made an appointment for inspection, it's more reassuring to check, right." Mu Chun patted Zhang Wenwen on the shoulder, called Li Mu to his side, and sent the two of them to the corridor.

Zhang Wenwen didn't care about accompanying Li Mu to the examination, but it was Mu Chun who directly pushed the patient to others, which was really very Mu Chun.

Li Mu also felt a little embarrassed, and smiled awkwardly at this piece of text.

Half an hour later, the two returned to the outpatient room and saw Mu Chun playing with a few empty bottles.

"No problem." Mu Chun asked.

"No problem, no problem at all." Zhang Wenwen opened the refrigerator and took out the ice box, glanced at Li Mu again, and asked, "Coffee?"

Li Mu nodded, "Thank you."

Since there is no problem physically, it is a bit of a psychological condition.

Mu Chun thought for a while and asked, "Do you still feel the sound of a cat meowing?"

"Yes, mainly in the middle of the night, in the bathroom."

"The possibility of stray cats entering the ventilation area should have been ruled out," Mu Chun said.

"Yes, I went to the property to ask again, and they checked it again, and the fence is intact."

"That's weird." Mu Chun scratched his hair.

"Yeah, it's so weird." Li Mu picked up his coffee and took a sip.

"What are you talking about? Meowing?" Zhang Wenwen asked curiously.

"Yes, Li Mu often hears cats meowing in the bathroom, as well as a strange smell."

Mu Chun explained a little bit to help Zhang Wenwen understand what was going on.

"Do you have any memories related to cats, or is there any story between you and cats?" Zhang Wenwen asked.

"Eh? This is really a good starting point." Mu Chun praised, and Zhang Wenwen laughed smugly.

"I remember that my wife used to like cats very much. It should be said that she likes all kinds of small animals, and she is very caring. When we were dating, we had a kitten, that kind of black little cat, very beautiful."

"It is said that taking care of small animals together can enhance the relationship between two people. Is there such a saying?" Zhang Wenwen looked at Mu Chun.

"That's right, it's true." Mu Chun affirmed.

"I don't know who suggested keeping pets at that time?" Mu Chun asked.

"That cat is." Li Mu hesitated a little.

"Could it be your ex-girlfriend's cat or your wife's ex-boyfriend's cat?"

When Mu Chun asked, Zhang Wenwen and Li Mu looked at him stupidly at the same time.

Zhang Wenwen felt that Mu Chun had too much of a brain.

Li Mu was surprised because he never thought how Mu Chun would know.

"There is a device in everyone's body, which contains all the memories of a person." Mu Chun said to himself.

"What?" The other two were inexplicable again.

"This is a story, so that cat" Mu Chun asked slowly, without putting any pressure on Li Mu.

"Ah, that's the thing. That cat belongs to me, so it's not an ex-girlfriend. Qiu Tong doesn't know about it, and I haven't told her about it."

This kitten does not belong to an ex-girlfriend, it can only be said to be the kitten of a female friend that Li Mu admires and is better at. At that time, the girl went to study abroad, so she gave the kitten to Li Mu. Qiutong is together. When Qiutong came to the house, he saw the kitten and thought it was cute, so he raised it together.

Qiutong is very kind to this kitten, buying imported cat food for it, various fun toys, and cleaning its nest every day.

"I see."

Mu Chun took out an empty bottle from the drawer and said to Li Mu, "Does your wife use perfume?"


I was talking about cats just now, why did the topic suddenly become perfume?

"That." Mu Chun said hesitantly, "I've been researching various perfumes recently, can you secretly get me some perfumes."

"Qiu Tong's perfume is too much, do you have to take some from each bottle?"

Li Mu was a little troubled, not saying it was impossible, although it was a bit weird, a man stole his wife's perfume at home and sprayed it in another empty bottle.

Besides, this empty bottle is too big, one is about 5ml, generally speaking, 1ml is enough.

"You should use the small one, a very small tube, Dr. Mu, your big bottle is not for perfume, but for pen and ink."

Zhang Wenwen expressed his own opinions very knowledgeably, and he is indeed very knowledgeable in this regard.

"Okay, if Dr. Mu needs it, I'll go back and pretend to bring it on Friday."

"Do you also know that apart from the perfume that women use, there are other things that smell like perfume?" Mu Chun asked modestly.

"Too many, fragrance, essential oil, shampoo, balm." Zhang Wenwen introduced clearly.

"Salve? What is it?" Mu Chun blinked.

"That's why you are a psychosomatic doctor, but your colleagues can be healers."

Zhang Wenwen leaned leisurely halfway on the chair, seeing Mu Chun's stunned expression, felt a little relieved for a while.

"Don't change the subject, what does this have to do with my question?"

Li Mu frowned and said, "I probably understand what Dr. Zhang means. The therapist in the program group gave each of us a fragrance gift before. Everyone in the program group has them. I'll listen to that set." It’s not cheap, it costs 489 a set, and it’s only for students to buy.”

"Student? Buy fragrance?" Mu Chun became more and more confused.

"Well, it is said that it has the effect of calming the nerves and pleasing the mood. Qiutong will light up the fragrance when practicing yoga. I can't tell the smell. It definitely doesn't smell like depilatory cream."

Zhang Wenwen laughed when he heard the word "poof" for hair removal cream.

"Ignite the fragrance? It feels like you are talking about the kind of thing used in the sacrifices before." The more Mu Chun heard it, the more weird it became.

"It's almost that kind of thing. Practicing yoga or something. Women pay special attention to rituals at that time. It's really a bit like the previous sacrifices."

"Is there a smell if you ignite it directly?" Mu Chun was like a curious child.

Zhang Wenwen shook his head and interrupted: "Doctor Mu, enough is enough. You should go online to find out such a complicated question. Even if the three of us summon Zhuge Liang, we may not be able to answer this question."

"Well, it seems that I still have to go to the store and consult a professional."

"Why is Doctor Mu so interested in this fragrance?" Li Mu also felt strange.

"Isn't there a movie called "Scent of a Woman". It is said that women's personalities and thoughts can be understood through women's preferences for fragrance."

Mu Chun said casually, but Li Mu didn't believe a word.

Zhang Wenwen didn't believe it anymore.

The two looked at Mu Chun seriously, "What's going on?"

"I just feel that I smell a very familiar smell on Li Mu, and I have smelled this smell on different people."

Mu Chun spoke seriously.

Zhang Wenwen laughed out loud, "Doctor Mu, are you kidding me? Perfumes are all mass-produced, unless they are custom-made or made by themselves, otherwise many people use the same brand of perfume. Isn't it normal for you to smell a similar smell?" ?”

"It's not normal, what if they all appeared in the physical and mental department?" Mu Chun's expression became more serious.

"What do you suspect?" Zhang Wenwen suddenly became nervous.

He believed that Mu Chun would not be interested in perfume for no reason. This guy didn't look very serious, but he was always thinking about serious things in his mind.

"Do you think your wife is different recently? For example, she is in a bad mood or her relationship with you is different from before. Any difference can be felt between husband and wife."

"Yes, she has a strange schedule recently, and I seem to think that when I got home, she was either practicing yoga or already asleep, and we had very little communication. I can't remember how many days we haven't eaten together?"

"Is the cat meowing in the bathroom and the smell of depilatory cream and the change in your wife happening around the same time?"

"Dr. Mu's words are really similar. It was two or three weeks ago. I'm really getting more and more confused." Li Mu rubbed his forehead with his hands.

There is nothing but coffee in my stomach, but my mind is even more confused.

"Did you come late today because you fell asleep?"

"Yes, I'm wondering if I'm going to prescribe some sleep aids to improve the quality of sleep."

"No, I refuse." Mu Chun was firm.

"Why, why?"

Seeing Mu Chun's attitude, Li Mu was a little startled.

(End of this chapter)

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