Crazy Psychologist

Chapter 640 Between crying and understanding

Chapter 640 Between crying and understanding
Thursday afternoon, heavy rain.

Everyone's mobile phone received a blue wind warning and a yellow lightning warning.

Mu Chun stared out the window, few patients would come to the hospital to see the physical and mental department in such weather.

Liu Tiantian ran up to the fifth floor with three boxes of curry rice in his hands, almost spilling the miso soup on the ground in a panic.

Said it was raining, and ordered takeout for everyone, Liu Tiantian graciously distributed the lunch boxes to Mu Chun and Chu Sisi.

"The ingredients of this Jingdao restaurant are said to be very fresh. The pork chops are cooked just right, and the umami taste has not been lost due to frying for too long. The tempura is also delicious, and the octopus balls can really eat octopus meat."

Mu Chun and Chu Sisi had their own concerns, so they opened the lunch box and ate silently without speaking.

Chu Sisi's concern was naturally related to her mother Zhang Mei. The matter of Geng Meng hadn't completely passed yet, and something like this happened to Uncle Liu's house. Chu Sisi even felt a little scared.

"You have all seen the video, I have the latest news."

Such a terrible thing happened around the sea.

It may be an exaggeration to say that the streets and lanes are talking about it.

Of course Liu Tiantian would not miss it.

A bolt of lightning pierced the midday sky.

It seemed to fall on the window sill.

"Scary." Liu Tiantian said in a low voice.

"Eat, eat, pork chops." Mu Chun sighed.

"Doctor Mu, how many parts do you think a pork chop should be cut into?"

"Three swords, four swords." Mu Chun replied.

"Where is that person?" Liu Tiantian asked immediately.

Mu Chun looked up at Liu Tiantian's face, then looked at her lunch box, it was already empty.

"You're eating too fast, Tiantian." Before Chu Sisi took a few mouthfuls of rice, she didn't eat a bite of pork chops, and Liu Tiantian had already finished eating.

"Doctor Mu, how many parts do you think a person should be cut into?"

"Head, chest, abdomen, waist, thighs and calves."

After Mu Chun finished speaking plainly, he took a sip of miso soup.

The red garbage bag that Liu Tiantian said was the garbage bag that Liu Mei used to hold Ikeda Jin’s body. According to Liu Mei’s self-report, the police found Ikeda Jin in the abandoned factory at Linhai No. 3, the river at Qingshan Road No. The dead body, but, during the forensic examination, it was found that part of it was missing.

The missing part is the chest cavity.

"So you didn't find the heart?" Mu Chun asked.

"Excellent, as expected of Dr. Mu, it is true that the heart part was not found."

"Did Liu Mei say she didn't know where she was?" Mu Chun asked again.

"She didn't say she didn't know where it was. The news said that the suspect didn't answer. It felt like a deliberate provocation, a bit like setting up a puzzle on purpose, so I was particularly curious about it."

Liu Tiantian knew that Mu Chun was familiar with all kinds of mystery novels, and she was also a senior novel fan. When encountering such a real case, Liu Tiantian was even more interested. Even Liu Dandan, who hadn't talked in the group for a long time, was pulled out by Liu Tiantian to join the discussion.

"Did you see the faint speech in the group? He suspected that he was a copycat."

"It's possible." Mu Chun nodded readily.

"Really? What is that parody? Is it a novel or a movie?"

Imitation crime refers to the act of carrying out a criminal plan according to the criminal method of others.

For example, dismemberment itself is definitely not original, but isn't it an imitation crime?This requires a more comprehensive collection of crime-related information, but these things are the job of the police and criminologists.So Mu Chun told the enthusiastic Liu Tiantian, "Just wait for her to say it herself."

But Liu Tiantian said that she believed that Liu Mei would never tell, so she bet 50 yuan.

Chu Sisi was a little disgusted that Liu Tiantian talked about Liu Mei like this, but unfortunately, this kind of disgust was meaningless, because Chu Sisi knew that Liu Mei herself took the video and put it on the Internet, of course she knew what it would bring, maybe everyone now All talking about her case, exactly what she'd hoped for.

What is Chu Sisi worried about?

Is it Liu Mei?


She was always worried about her mother Zhang Mei.

The heavy rain continued, with no intention of stopping.

After dinner, Liu Tiantian was still analyzing the case with Liu Dandan in the group. The group of Huayuanqiao Detective Agency was buzzing non-stop, and now it really seemed to be a real detective agency.

Chu Sisi struggled for a while, seeing that Mu Chun didn't seem to be busy with work while holding the novel, so she tried to ask, "Teacher, why is there domestic violence?"

"Because the tendency to violence is too serious." Liu Tiantian said angrily.

"Violent tendencies? But some people are very kind-hearted in the company. They don't seem to have any violent tendencies on the outside. They are completely polite. Why do such people also have domestic violence?"

"Some men have no problems in normal interpersonal communication. They understand things, they are both right and wrong, and they are even everyone's pistachios. They don't seem to have anti-social personality at all, and they don't seem to be violent.

But they are not equally friendly to everyone. They will target a certain person, an intimate partner, with vicious words, emotional violence, mental violence, and even physical violence against the other party.

After all, these people still have a friendly side, so on weekdays there will be alternating violence and kindness, and even violence and meekness.

Domestic violence occurred in the morning, and in the afternoon, I begged and apologized sincerely. Women tend to be overwhelmed by such repetitions. "

"However, Liu Mei did not mention Ikeda's recent domestic violence in the video. She should have shouted at the other party's domestic violence, and even produced evidence. In this way, wouldn't everyone sympathize with her?"

It has to be said that Liu Tiantian's idea is reasonable.

Chu Sisi also agreed. She couldn't understand why Liu Mei made such a video but didn't say what happened to her. It didn't seem to do her any good.

What's more, Chu Sisi felt numbness in her back when she watched her expression, tone of voice and relaxed and natural posture in the whole video.

"Did my mother come here this morning? I thought I heard her voice when I was receiving patients. This set of drums must have been sent by my mother."

Mu Chun got up, took a bottle of soda water and walked back to his seat, "Lawyer Zhang came here in the morning. The weather was fine at that time, but there was already a sign of a rainstorm."


Outside the funeral home, Chen Fulou and Ding Lan had been crying for a day and a night holding their son's ashes, that is, at a place like the entrance of the funeral home. They didn't think it was shameful to cry for their dead son.

But they were asked to leave because the funeral home was also closed and they couldn't stay in it at night.

People come and go with different kinds of grief, and no one knows how much each other's lost loved ones really mean in life.

But for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person, this kind of pain will probably always be at the forefront of losing a loved one.

Such a comparison is inevitably a bit cruel. In fact, losing any close relative is an extremely unbearable thing. Children lose their parents, and husbands lose their wives.
Humans are not good at facing death.

Humans are afraid to face death.

Humans avoid death.

In spring, a hundred flowers bloom, and the power of life lies in the catkins, the brightness of the petals, and the pollen on the butterflies and bees.

The plant cultivation in the funeral home is very good, which makes people feel like visiting a park.

The halls are far apart, so that when the funeral ceremony is held, the crying will not spread outside the hall.

Chen Fulou hid in a corner with his wife Ding Lan, fell asleep when tired of crying, and continued crying when he woke up.

The next day, that is, on Thursday morning, they were invited outside the museum. The two cried all night at the bus station outside the gate, sitting on the stainless steel bench at the station like mushrooms.

At noon, the sky was pouring down with rain.

With the strong wind and thunder, Chen Fulou woke up, he stopped crying, he knew that his son would never come back.

"Wife, wife, don't cry, we still have things to do." Looking at the deserted street in the heavy rain, Chen Fulou suddenly recovered.

The tears in Ding Lan's deeply sunken eye sockets seemed to never end.

Cheeks tingled and it was hard to keep eyelids open.

In the rainstorm, her presbyopic eyes became more and more unable to see clearly.

Holding Chen Feng's urn, she refused to talk to Chen Fulou, and refused to hear any voices that disturbed her getting along with her son.

A person immersed in grief locks himself up with memory, and seems to be still with the dead in a world.

This is human instinct.

"Honey, don't cry, we want justice." Chen Fulou tremblingly took out a tissue to wipe Ding Lan's tears as he said.

"Don't touch me, I blame you. If you had treated my son better while he was alive, why would he go back to find that woman?" Ding Lan blamed Geng Meng for the pain of losing her son.

She has always disliked this daughter-in-law, but Chen Feng likes it.

Looking back now, if Chen Feng hadn't married Geng Meng back then, no divorce would have happened.

"Let's go find that stinky girl Geng Meng." Chen Fulou still couldn't change the name of Geng Meng.

The 75-year-old Chen Fulou is lame and short in stature. He is not at all like the father and son of the dead Chen Feng. Chen Feng is nearly 190cm tall, with a burly figure and strong as a cow.

But they are father and son, and the son died in vain. The old man cried for two days, and he understood. He felt that something was wrong. There must be something wrong with this matter.

Ding Lan didn't have much culture, and she didn't understand the principles of life after farming all her life, but she knew that her son was not a bad person, and his son shouldn't just fall asleep and die like this at his age.

"What gas poisoning?" Chen Fulou shook Ding Lan dejectedly, "We were all deceived."

"What nonsense are you talking about? The doctor said very clearly that he died of gas poisoning. What's the use of you talking about it now, there are only so few people left." Ding Lan wailed as he spoke, " My poor Xiaofeng, a person so tall and big has become so little, so little."

"Bah, I don't believe my son will disappear like this for no apparent reason. I'm going to find the stinky girl to find out what's going on."

Chen Fulou understood from the rain. Isn't this a typical city bully? Play, find some lawyer to divorce, and take all the money from the family.

20 years ago, 10,000+ was not a small number. It was Chen Fulou and Ding Lan who sold their home house and saved half their life savings. They were originally going to use it for their son’s business. Who knew it would be less than half a year? Geng Meng took away nearly [-] yuan.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Seeing that Ding Lan couldn't be persuaded, Chen Fulou became violent.

The two yelled at each other in the heavy rain, but fortunately the rain was pouring, and there was no one on the road, and no one heard what they were saying except the two of them.

In this way, Chen Fulou walked out of the awning of the station and walked into the rain. The heavy rain instantly drenched his whole body.

"Look, the heavy rain around the sea is so fresh."

Chen Fulou laughed out loud.

"You're crazy, you're crazy, you're crazy, aren't you?"

Ding Lan hugged her son's urn tightly, for a moment she looked at Chen Fulou's crazy appearance, and felt that her life was over, she might as well die with her son, it would be over.

"Lanzi, listen to me, this matter is not that simple, where is the sea around, how can gas poisoning happen casually in this place."

"Crazy, I don't want to talk to you."

Ding Lan was in despair, Ding Lan's world completely collapsed.

Chen Fulou grabbed Ding Lan's knee and knelt down in front of her, with his face resting on his son's urn, crying and laughing and beating his own head.

"What's the matter with you? Do you want me to live? If you don't let me live, I'll let a car hit you to death right now, drag you in and be cremated."

Ding Lan shouted in despair.

"No, no, listen to me, look at this funeral parlor around the sea, look at this road, look at this station, how can this city die of gas poisoning casually? It doesn't burn coal here, and it doesn't There are still people in the north who know how to burn coal, so there is no such thing as gas poisoning."

"I, didn't you tell me that?"

"What am I telling you? I heard from that stinky girl Geng Meng. Who is she? Don't forget that she and Xiaofeng divorced, and they divorced more than 20 years ago. She is the one who insists on divorce, and now she is killing Our Xiaofeng is still hers, do you think this matter is so simple? Our family used to burn coal, and Xiaofeng was not poisoned, how could he be poisoned to death around the sea?"

(End of this chapter)

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