Crazy Psychologist

Chapter 654 What do these clues represent

Chapter 654 What do these clues represent

Not long after the road left, it was noon.

Liu Tiantian couldn't hide his curiosity. After finishing his work in the outpatient hall, he planned to run to the fifth floor. Taking advantage of the head nurse's meal break, he sneaked up to the fifth floor.

Mu Chun was holding a cup and standing by the window watching the non-stop rain, which had washed the whole city over and over again.

Mu Chun, who was in deep thought, didn't even hear Liu Tiantian's knock on the door.

The account handed over to Ma Lu was found by Mu Chun in the materials of the Slim case, and there happened to be a backup in the hospital's computer at that time.

When Mu Chun saw the account registered by Liu Mei in the video, she felt familiar.

His memory is very good. When he was studying, his classmates often asked behind his back whether Mu Chun had a photographic memory.

Mu Chun didn't think he had a good memory, but he could always quickly grasp the characteristics of things, and then categorize and organize them in his brain.

At first, I just guessed what the username TLiuT might mean, and it is characterized by two capital letters T at the beginning and end of the account.

Mu Chun wrote down the string of letters on the paper with a pen, but found nothing obvious.

Mu Chun wrote this string of letters with his left hand again, and there was nothing special about it.

Finally, he used the mobile phone keyboard and the computer keyboard to type TLiuT respectively. At this time, Mu Chun instantly understood where this account appeared and what this account meant.

Accounts starting with T and ending with T have appeared in the slim case.

These two separate Ts should be TINGTING in "Slim".


Perhaps Liu Tiantian never knocked on the door, so Mu Chun didn't hear anyone coming in.

There are two people behind her, Chu Sisi and the new nurse Xia Xiaoying.

Liu Tiantian apparently didn't notice that Xia Xiaoying followed her to the fifth floor. When he found out, he felt that the new nurse was mysterious and felt a little displeased.

"When did you follow me?" Liu Tiantian asked angrily.

"I..." Xia Xiaoying shyly didn't know how to answer.

"What if the head nurse asks you?" Liu Tiantian lost his temper a little in the manner of a senior.

"No, no, the official working time is Monday, but I want to get used to the working environment of the hospital one day earlier, so the head nurse won't blame me or anything today."

After Xia Xiaoying finished speaking, Liu Tiantian smiled disdainfully.

"This kind of attitude is not very good. Although it is not a formal job today, it is not a spring outing at the hospital. Also, Huayuanqiao Community Hospital is considered a very large-scale community hospital in the sea, and the system is naturally very strict. If you come to the hospital one day in advance to 'check', the head nurse will still treat you as a formal nurse and won't take care of you, okay?
It's not good for you to take care of new nurses. It's a serious matter to get familiar with the work of the hospital early.

What are you always doing behind me? "

Xia Xiaoying didn't know how to answer, she looked at Mu Chun nervously, her bright eyes revealed the meaning of asking for help.

"What are you doing looking at Dr. Mu? By the way, the hospital is so big and there are so many departments. Isn't surgery fun? Isn't internal medicine good? Stomatology is also good. Why do you have a soft spot for physical and mental medicine?
Let me put it bluntly, don’t say I didn’t remind you, the department of body and mind has no place in the Huayuanqiao Community Health Center. In terms of status, it is definitely internal medicine and surgery, or if you want to be lazy, you can apply to go to the department of traditional Chinese medicine. On the other side, the work there is relatively leisurely. "

"I don't go to the Chinese medicine department. I don't know how to do cupping. I can't bear the smell of the smoke. I didn't study hard at school. I don't know acupuncture either. When I came to the hospital, the director introduced it to me. He said that there is still a shortage of nurses for Chinese medicine treatment, and asked me if I would consider working there, but I refused."

"Then why did you follow me to the fifth floor?" Liu Tiantian finally got back to the topic.

Xia Xiaoying didn't expect to encounter such a thing on the first day of work. In the morning, Liu Tiantian was very polite and even introduced her to Dr. Mu. Why did her temperament change so much at noon?

The little nurse who was at a loss looked at Mu Chun again, and almost asked for help.

"Nurse Liu came to see Dr. Chu to study what to have for lunch." Mu Chun said with a smile.

"That's one of them, but it's raining so heavily, I must be eating takeout, even if I walk to the convenience store next door, I'm afraid I'll get wet." Liu Tiantian walked to Chu Sisi, left Xia Xiaoying at the door, and said Gu and Mu Chun chatted.

"That's right." Mu Chun nodded slightly.

"We will discuss some professional issues later, Xiaoying, do you really want to listen?"

Since Mu Chun didn't rush the nurse downstairs, Liu Tiantian was too embarrassed to say anything, thinking that this Xia Xiaoying was a bit strange, how could anyone come to the hospital by himself on Friday after going to work on Monday, and this Xiaoying seemed I am particularly interested in Dr. Mu Chun. If she really came to the hospital through some leadership relationship, what if she reports to the leader.

Liu Tiantian herself has been the "eye" of Dean Jia unintentionally for a long time. If she is not a righteous person who is not used to making small reports behind people's backs, she may still be under the control of Dean Jia and ask her to Report to him about the situation in the hospital.

Could this Xia Xiaoying come to replace her as the new "eyes"?

You must not have the heart to harm others, but you must still have the heart to guard against others.

"It's okay, just let her listen here, do you want to ask about the morning's affairs?" Mu Chun returned to his seat, with a clatter, half lying on the chair, looking relaxed.

Seeing this, Chu Sisi also moved a chair and sat down, "Tiantian, let the little nurse keep it, maybe she is also interested in the Department of Psychology and Psychology?"

From her own point of view, Chu Sisi understood that Xia Xiaoying kept up with the fifth floor. From her point of view, Xia Xiaoying might be as interested in physical and mental science as she was.

If you are really interested in physical and mental medicine, a newly graduated nurse who comes to Huayuanqiao Community Health Center to study with Dr. Mu Chun will definitely gain a lot.

"Yes, Nurse Liu, to tell you the truth, I also said that morning that I came to work at Huayuanqiao Community Health Center for Dr. Mu Chun."

Really!Are newborn calves not afraid of tigers?Not shy at all?

Although Dr. Mu Chun can be regarded as an "elder", but he is not a few years older. Is it appropriate to say that?

If Dr. Mu Chun was about the same age as Dean Jia this year, it might be fine to say so.

But Mu Chunyi is young and still single, so is it really appropriate for a girl to speak directly in front of others?

Not only Liu Tiantian thought it was weird, but Chu Sisi was also a little surprised.

I never said so directly that I came to work at Huayuanqiao Community Hospital because of Dr. Muchun.

This little nurse is really brave.

"Doctor Mu Chun is also well-known in our school, no, it should be said that he is very famous."

"Sumikawa Medical College?" Chu Sisi asked curiously.

"Yes, yes, I am a graduate of Sumikawa Medical College. Dr. Mu Chun is really popular among our classmates. Everyone said that they want to wait for the opportunity to study as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology and Psychology!"

Xia Xiaoying was telling the truth. At the beginning, she only saw Mu Chun’s video in her classmate’s Weibo forwarding. After chatting with her classmate, she realized that the exhibitionist incident that occurred in Sumikawa Medical College last year could be resolved smoothly. , which also has the credit of Dr. Mu Chun.

So, in the last year of university, in addition to the graduation internship, Xia Xiaoying spent a lot of time in the library looking for all the books on physical and mental subjects that she could find. Although there were not many books, she couldn't put them down.

After the internship, she tried her best to work in the Huayuanqiao Community Health Center. Now that Dr. Mu Chun was in front of her, Xia Xiaoying's heart was beating fast.

Obviously Liu Tiantian's attitude towards her was not very polite, but Xia Xiaoying didn't take it to heart at all.

For her, she is here to study, as long as she can study with Dr. Mu Chun, she will be very happy.

Now that Chu Sisi said the same thing, Liu Tiantian couldn't embarrass the new nurse anymore, so he started to get into the topic and asked, "Doctor Mu, how did you do it? Why did Dean Jia and I persuade him for a long time?" It's useless, as soon as you came, the two old people obeyed your words and went to the office obediently, did Dr. Mu use any magic?"

Mu Chun replied lazily: "There is no magic, how can there be so much magic, but it is necessary to analyze what the problem is, what is the surface, and what is the essence, in order to find a temporary solution to the problem."

"Ham, isn't the essence of the problem that Chen Fulou begged Dean Jia for help?"

Liu Tiantian said.

"Yes, Dean Jia also agreed." Mu Chun said.

"Yes, but these two old people still refused to stand up. Dean Jia and I persuaded for a long time, saying back and forth, we know, if we have something to say, we will find a way, you have to tell us what happened What's going on or something."

"These words sound right, but they don't seem to be talking about the essence." Xia Xiaoying braved up her courage to interject.

"Then what is the essence?" Liu Tiantian said angrily.

She doesn't like self-righteous girls the least, especially if they seem to know it well.

Everyone is not born in this major, so don't have any sense of superiority.

"Well, what does Dr. Chu think?"

Chu Sisi was a little stunned by Mu Chun's sudden question. After gathering her thoughts, she said, "I think it might be that the old man didn't express his true thoughts, or that what the old man really wanted was not satisfied."

"Very good! It's very close." Mu Chun praised, and then continued: "The old man knelt on the ground and begged, and Dean Jia himself was very passive at this time.

The gesture may seem humble, a request for help.

The strong and weak relationship between Dean Jia and the old man is obvious.

But is this really the case? "

Under Mu Chun's gaze, the three girls fell into deep thought.

Chu Sisi thought: It does not seem to be the case, but Dean Jia must be considered the stronger side anyway, and the two old people are very weak both physically and mentally. The old people are weak in the first place, let alone The two old people have just experienced a white-haired man sending a black-haired man, and their whole spirits are fragile or even in a state of collapse.

Liu Tiantian said whatever came to her mind, she said: "Of course the old man is weak, how can someone kneeling on the ground be strong?"

"Not necessarily." Xia Xiaoying said timidly.

Although she said so, she was not sure whether her thoughts were right or not, and she just felt that the relationship between strength and weakness was not what everyone saw, but what would it be like if it wasn't?

"Teacher, I was wondering if the old man actually became a strong man in a humble way."

After Chu Sisi tried her best to sort out the sentence, she spoke slowly, keeping her eyes on Mu Chun as she spoke, for fear that she would make some joke.

"Dr. Chu has made great progress recently, and you can feel such an uncommon sense thing."

"Teacher Mu Chun is over the top. I just secretly reasoned about what the teacher said, because since the teacher asked such a question, it must mean that things are not as simple as they appear on the surface."

"Yes, the old man has become a strong party in a certain sense in this way, so it is Dean Jia who is passive and at a loss. Because he doesn't know what the old people want, he can only persuade the old people first Stand up and talk.

But Dean Jia is a very cautious person with rich work experience. He instinctively felt that there was something deeper hidden behind the old man's words and deeds.

This is how the seemingly weak party turned into a strong player in the negotiation. "

"The teacher said, what happened in the morning, is the old man negotiating with Dean Jia?"

"Yes, they hold simple but effective bargaining chips, the old man, the rain, the dead Chen Feng, and what happened between Dean Jia and Chen Feng 20 years ago, these things the old man said in front of everyone in the hospital He came out without fully explaining it clearly. In fact, Dean Jia had no way of knowing what the real purpose of the old man was.

It seems to be asking for help, but in fact the appeal is not only that, what they want is "Dean, you have to help them", which is the purpose of the old man. "

"But Dean Jia has no way to agree until he understands the matter." Liu Tiantian grabbed the words.

"That's right, because this is a hospital. In a public place, Dean Jia can't promise anything before he finds out the truth. This is not only for himself, but also for the hospital."

"It's really difficult, but why did the old man stand up willingly after Dr. Mu Chun went downstairs?"

Liu Tiantian was still very curious about this seemingly magical scene.

"Changing the target and the hot towel effect." Mu Chun said briefly, "After you and Nurse Xia came to the fifth floor and told me about it, I have basically understood the situation downstairs. The old man has a deeper purpose. This purpose will not be revealed for the time being. What I say to them may not be more effective than what you said to Dean Jia.

So what I'm going to do is another thing, that's what the hot towel does.

Emotionally, the original attitude of the old man was changed, and only emotionally made the overly sad old man feel that he could not refuse the warmth of the towel held in the palm of his hand.

Let the old man's originally "planned emotional car" suddenly change.

There is also a principle involved in this.”

(End of this chapter)

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