Chapter 687
Maybe I will see Zhou Ming, who is dark and small but has clear eyes.

Mu Chun thought this way, and unconsciously reached the next intersection.

I never met again after that.

Mu Chun believed that if Zhou Ming didn't show up in the convenience store, it meant that his mother kept her promise and spent as much time as possible with Zhou Ming, and maybe Zhou Ming's father also gradually stayed away from alcohol, cooking for Zhou Ming and teaching him homework.

No matter what the family conditions are, in the heart of the child, as long as the parents are willing to accompany him, listen to him talk, or even just live in a space, it is the greatest security and almost all the meaning of life for the child.

Although the annual meeting is only a short week, this week is of great significance to the mental health work of the entire city of Raohai.

What excites Mu Chun most is that the annual meeting clarifies the focus of work in the next few years in the following aspects.

The first and most meaningful thing is to formally clarify the concept of "psychology" according to Professor Chu's proposal, and to set up a psychology major at the undergraduate level. According to the opinions of experts, the undergraduate majors include: clinical psychology and applied psychology. Specialty; newly added major at the master's level: child developmental psychology.

Second, train professional mind and body talents in the judicial system, community work and school system.

Third, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation in the field of mental health work.

Fourth, add a physical and mental clinic.

Fifth, increase the number of professional mental health teachers in primary and secondary schools (mainly part-time teachers who have received professional training within five years, and full-time teachers are required after five years.)
Sixth, a psychological assistance system composed of schools, hospitals, and the police.

Among them, in the first year (that is, this year), the suicide crisis intervention system was improved, so that help can be sought by telephone, Internet, and text messages, and it is online 24 hours a day, and someone must answer the phone within five rings.

Seventh, improve the non-medical system psychotherapy market, train therapists for general psychological problems, tentative name: psychotherapists.

Eighth, actively develop and practice group therapy, online therapy, various drugs and adjuvant therapy methods other than surgery.

Ninth, to further support the work of non-profit organizations in the field of mental health, focusing on financial and human support for non-profit organizations for the mental health of children, adolescents and the elderly.

Tenth, pay attention to the hospital's hospice care work.


While Mu Chun was excited, he was also facing tremendous work pressure, especially when Professor Chu said to him, "Mu Chun, I can only write books now, and the outside work depends entirely on you."

Although there was no sound in this sentence, in Mu Chun's eyes, it was full of voice and appearance, and it was exactly Professor Chu's meaningful tone.

Professor Chu did not say these words with his mouth, because after the operation, his language function was affected, in short, he lost his language ability.

Zhang Wenwen cried for a whole day and night for this. In his opinion, it was his mistake that caused this result.

"Why are you crying like a child." Mu Xiao patted Zhang Wenwen on the shoulder, "It really is Dr. Zhang who will never grow up."

"Sister Xiaoxiao, don't say that. I'm really sad. What we were most worried about happened."

Mu Chun told Zhang Wenwen that he could not be blamed at all.

Mu Chun was present throughout the operation, Zhang Wenwen did not make any mistakes, and the neural correction of the language system was not delayed. Everything seemed perfect, but in the end there was such a result.

Although such a result is not perfect, it is definitely not Zhang Wenwen's responsibility.

Zhang Wenwen squatted silently in the kitchen, like a child who broke a bowl.

Professor Chu didn't even complain a word, even to everyone's surprise, the professor accepted the result very gladly.

He sent a text message to Zhang Wenwen on his mobile phone and told him, "I am full of joy. I wonder if it was your wonderful hand that turned on the switch of happiness in my mind. I really can only thank you very much."

On the third day, that is, the evening of the first day of the annual meeting, when Mu Chun and Mu Xiao forcibly brought Zhang Wenwen to Professor Chu's house, Zhang Wenwen's tears finally turned into a smile.

"Professor? You can't be a mutation, are you?" Zhang Wenwen said at the time.

Mu Chun also had a similar feeling. The imaging report showed that everything was normal, the tumor had been cleared up, the follow-up treatment was not complicated, and the most difficult time was over.

The condition of Professor Chu after the operation was somewhat beyond Mu Chun's expectations. He studied a lot of materials and cases, but found a few legendary patients who had been in the same situation as Professor Chu. He wanted to know more details, but suffered from lack of more learning materials.

No wonder Zhang Wenwen showed a weird expression of crying and laughing after crying. Professor Chu, who was wearing a cowboy hat, was holding a guitar in his hand, as comfortable as a cheerful cowboy sitting on the fence of the grassland.

The professor can play guitar?

never heard of that!

Moreover, Chu Xiaofeng didn't use the guitar as a guzheng to play a few tones of "A Laugh in the Cang Hai", nor did he use the guitar to pretend to be literary. What Professor Chu did was play with the guitar.

He was playing a gavotte by Bach.

"How is this possible?" Zhang Wenwen was surprised.

This is of course impossible. For normal people, even if they want to learn the guitar well, it is not an easy task, let alone playing a piece composed by Bach, which requires a high sense of rhythm.

Mu Chun smiled and said to Zhang Wenwen: "Miracles are not necessarily gains, and losses are not necessarily sorrows."

Zhang Wenwen immediately went back crying with a smile, "There is true love everywhere in the world, and there is true love everywhere in the world. A good person will live a safe life, right?"

"Okay, nothing wrong!"

After Mu Chun finished speaking, he left the kitchen and walked to Professor Chu. Professor Chu changed his tone and began to play a popular song.

It can only be said that this is a popular song, but it has long been out of fashion.Mu Chun sang along, "Hand in hand, one step, two steps, three steps, four steps, and look at the sky, seeing the stars one by one, two by three, four by four in a line."

"This is talent." Mu Xiao asked Professor Chu, and he nodded with a happy smile.

Unexpectedly, after the language function was lost, Professor Chu's feeling towards music suddenly became like Paganini's rebirth, Beethoven's time travel, Bach's possession, and Mozart's rebirth.

Of course it's not that exaggerated, but Chu Xiaofeng did have a completely different feeling about music than before.

He said that different sounds have different colors to his current ears, each sound is different, and each sound has a different color.

In addition, it is easy for him to remember a melody. When Mu Chun asked how to memorize the melody, the professor said that after listening to it once, humming it would be fine.

At this time, the melody becomes different colors and different objects, including oranges, dinner plates, trash cans and even toilet brushes.

That's right, it can't be anything else, it can only be the brush for cleaning the toilet.

Chu Xiaofeng laughed out loud after speaking.

The late spring sunshine shines on the gate of the Huayuanqiao Community Health Center. The bright light is in stark contrast to the rain during the Qingming period.

At this moment, everything seems to be alive and well.

Elderly and sick people prefer sunny days, spring and summer are easier for the elderly to feel the power of life, but in winter, many elderly people worry that they will not survive the next spring.

Pedestrians on the street have changed into unlined clothes, and we can no longer see people's cautious hesitation in dressing when it is warm and cold in early spring.

The young woman couldn't wait to change into a beautiful skirt and a top that showed off her figure. She sat in a coffee shop in the city center and looked at the street view through the glass window.

After returning to the studio from the Hengdian studio, Liu Xiaoying was exhausted. Assistant Keer handed Liu Xiaoying a stack of newly taken photos.

Liu Xiaoying's motto is to do everything by herself. If you work hard, you can lose weight. Anyway, you can't leave all your work to others.

There are a lot of things these kids in the studio can't do well.

Liu Xiaoying's temper is not bad, but she has a lot of bad habits. For example, the tea must not be hot, because she has no time to wait for the tea to cool before drinking.

When she was busy with work, Liu Xiaoying didn't even have time to drink a sip of water, let alone a cup of hot water.

"Is this a new photo? When was it taken?"

Liu Xiaoying felt that there was something wrong with her memory, probably because she was too busy with work recently.

She shook her head, feeling a little more awake, picked up the photo and looked at it.

"Which company filmed this?" Liu Xiaoying asked blankly.

On weekdays, she pays great attention to managing facial expressions, because too many facial expressions are prone to wrinkles, and she has reached the stage where wrinkles will definitely appear if she does not prevent them. Hey, after the age of 30, if a woman wants to maintain vigorous energy and be as beautiful as a girl, she must be everywhere Just be careful.

"It's a photo taken by Youpin Culture. I asked you to be a guest before."

"Guest? What show? A reality show?"

Xiaoying gradually recovered her memory, and finally remembered when this group of photos in the little blue dress was taken.

It seems like it was two weeks ago, but now when I see the photos, I feel as if I have been a lifetime away.

Recently, this feeling has been increasing.

Liu Xiaoying didn't dare to show it, for fear that other people in the studio would find that she was not in the mood.

So she habitually picked it up, "Is this dress a bit too big? Didn't it be fixed at the back? Do you think the waist is a bit too wide? My waist has never been so wide."

Liu Xiaoying pays great attention to her figure on weekdays. She can run nervously and frantically if she weighs a little more than 0.2 kg.

After taking a sip of tea, Liu Xiaoying looked at the photo again, but she still felt something was wrong. It didn't seem to be a problem with her clothes, maybe her waistline was getting fatter?

God!How can you be fat.

Thinking about her body, Liu Xiaoying suddenly stood up from her seat and did a set of squats on the spot. Feeling a little sore in her waist and abdomen, she breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, her headache problem occurred again.

"Where's my painkiller?" Liu Xiaoying asked.

When Ke'er heard this, she knew that Xiaoying was about to lose her temper again, so she hurriedly searched for painkillers in the medicine cabinet. After searching several times, she found that the painkillers were gone.

"Have you found it? What's the use of you?"

Ke'er has been with Liu Xiaoying for 5 years. At the age of 25, Liu Xiaoying was still a starlet with no reputation at all. Now she is in her early years. After the contract with the original company expired, she set up her own studio with more and more resources. It's better to come, it can be regarded as a bit of a late bloomer.

After all, in terms of age, Xiaoying is already 31 years old. If she is not popular, she will not be able to make some girly TV series.

It's just that Xiaoying is petite and has a natural baby voice. Now that animations are being converted into live-action versions, Xiaoying has more and more opportunities.

There are still several directors waiting to discuss the script with Xiaoying.

Of course, Xiaoying's hard work has also brought some disadvantages. There seems to be something wrong with her body, and she needs to rely on painkillers to relieve it from time to time.

Ke'er was very worried about Xiaoying's health, and advised her to go to the hospital for a checkup. A month ago, she made an appointment with the doctor for a full body checkup, but no illness was found.

But Xiaoying's headache problem still shows no sign of relief.

"What about the medicine?"

Xiaoying is a little irritable.

Anyway, in her own studio, Xiaoying has nothing to pretend in front of Keer.

She already has to pay attention to various images outside, but in the studio, Xiaoying can't control her temper at all.

"There's no more medicine, I'll go buy it now."

Ke'er said as he grabbed his phone and prepared to go downstairs.

"Don't buy it." Xiaoying waved her hand, "When you buy it, my head will crack. Shouldn't these things be done normally."

Ke'er felt that Xiaoying's complaint was not unreasonable, so she nodded silently.

"Otherwise, I'd better go to the doctor to have a look. Xiaoying has been suffering from headaches for more than half a year."

"See a doctor? Go to the hospital? Aren't you afraid of being followed by paparazzi?"

Xiaoying's worry is also true. It is not a trivial matter for a celebrity to go to the hospital. He is already cautious during the physical examination.

But sometimes the headache may be more serious.

Seeing that Xiaoying's top was soaked with sweat, Ke'er didn't dare to ask whether it was the sweat from the squatting exercise just now or because of a headache.

"But just taking painkillers is not the answer." Ke'er was a little anxious.

"I'm not sick, are I?" Xiaoying said impatiently, "Isn't it because there is no painkiller, and I can concentrate on work after taking two pills."

"But." Speaking of this, Ke'er suddenly thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

"Xiaoying," she walked to Xiaoying's side, leaned close to Xiaoying and said, "We can invite the doctor to the studio."

"This method is not bad." Xiaoying nodded, "but what kind of doctor should I find? I don't know the reason for my headache."

"Have you heard of Xiaoying, a famous doctor around the sea? A doctor of mind and body."

"Psychology?" Xiaoying shook her head. "I've never heard of it. Is it because I have a bad memory?"

Ke'er quickly shook her hand, "No, no, it's not a memory problem. This department is very small, and many people don't know about it. But I heard that this psychosomatic doctor is very capable and has treated some starlets."

"Little star?" Xiaoying is more sensitive to these two words, and also has a little curiosity about this physical and mental doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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