Wanli Xinming

Chapter 144 Gold letter red card

Chapter 144 Gold letter red card

In October in the winter of the second year of Yongle, the imperial court made letters and golden letters and awarded them to Mubang, Babaidadian, etc., and the local officials of Fuzhou.

The letter talisman is made of copper and has five sides. One side is engraved with the four characters of "Wen, Xing, Loyalty, and Faith" in inscriptions.

With the letter talisman, coupled with the "approval", "combination" and "book", a complete set of decrees and orders processing procedures for the imperial commander's shackles are formed.

All envoys sent by the imperial court or the governor of Yunnan must first lead the order and go to the Neifu or the Chief Secretary of Yunnan to obtain a document for approval; with the approval, the Neifu or the Chief Secretary of Yunnan will issue it to the local officials in the land, and include it within the government. The government and the Chief Secretary of Yunnan each kept a set of kenhes, with the reasons on the left and orders on the right, which were sent by messengers to the shackles and handed over to the native officials for handling—similar to the letters of introduction from later generations.

After receiving the kanhe, the local officials in the land of the land inspected the seal of the yang talisman first, and checked it together with the seal of the yin talisman left by him. This step is to verify the identity of the messenger.Then take out the "bottom book" and check whether the matching number and the bottom book can be matched. If they are all correct, follow the order.

In this way, it is almost impossible for other chieftains to forge the imperial letter and kanhe at the same time, thus preventing cheating.

At first, Yue Feng could not forge Doshining's worthy and letter talisman, so he killed Doshining's family and joined Dongyu as Doshining.Wang Ning, a fool, thought that Duoshi Ning was alive and well until the court questioned him.

As for the gold letter red card, it is a legal document, but it is written on the paper and issued with a red card engraved with gold characters. The specific content is different for each generation of emperors.For example, Emperor Yongle issued this:

"Instructing a local official in a certain place, you can abide by the order of the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, and there is no violation. Since I ascended the throne, I have respectfully repaired my post and paid tribute, politely and diligently. Worrying that the officials, big or small, would disturb their needs in the name of the imperial envoys, and cause you to be uneasy. The Ministry of Rites was specially ordered to cast letters. Use this defense to appease the people, be safe, follow the rules, obey the orders, and be in harmony with your neighbors. The heart of the matter is that your children and grandchildren will protect the territory of the territory, and the people in your territory will enjoy peace forever. They will abide by my instructions, neither neglect nor neglect."

The general idea of ​​this imperial decree is that you, a chieftain officer, listen to the emperor's words very much, and the court will also focus on "fusui" for your "far away people".In order to prevent the local officials from bullying you, the emperor made a letter talisman token, and the court officials without the letter talisman token are all fake, you don't have to listen to him.As long as you are obedient and obedient, you can "enjoy peace forever".

This golden letter red card is immediately reissued and reissued by the court whenever the new emperor ascends the throne, changes the title of the year, adjusts the political district and native officials, or even loses it in the war.

In the form of legal documents, it clarified the jurisdiction of the Ming court over the three declarations and six comforts.Every chieftain should hang this card high in the main hall of the government, to show the court the meaning of "forever and forever".

Therefore, the Indo-China Peninsula has been China's territory since ancient times, and the legal basis is very sufficient.As the emperor of transmigrators, Zhu Yijun must of course make this "since ancient times" more solid, lest there will be miscellaneous disputes in future generations.

Now what makes Zhu Yijun blow his lungs is that Jinyiwei played a report, three announcements and six comforts, a total of 27 pieces of detention land, of which the 17 yuan gold letter red card has been replaced by the red card of Burmese Taungyu Mangrui style-this guy is quite similar. It looks decent, but for Zhu Yijun who was newly awarded the gold letter red card in the first year of Wanli, it was indeed a great shame and shame.

Hearing what the emperor said, Zhang Juzheng felt a little stunned in his heart, thinking that this arrogant body really slapped his face.The emperor is young, how can he bear this?
He hurriedly knelt down and said: "The emperor calms down his anger, the so-called humiliation of the subject to death, the Burmese Mangrui body does not listen to the voice of the imperial court, and dares to raise troops to invade the territory, and it will be difficult to atone for his sin if he does not kill this scorpion! Changzuo, and sent Chen Wensui to gather the soldiers, and fight to redeem the former guilt, and don't wait for the meal!"

When Zhu Yijun saw that Zhang Juzheng finally unified his thoughts with himself, the anger that was tumbling in his heart stopped for a while.

He took a sip of tea and said: "I must sort out the affairs of Burma and repeat the prestige of the Han family. But at this time of Huanghuai's governance and the development of the Northeast, it is not appropriate to use swords and soldiers." Zhang Juzheng was relieved to hear what he said. This is the normal state of the emperor I know.

Zhu Yijun continued: "But Mang Rui Ti, Si Yi Yi, and Mu Bang and other Xuanwei Divisions attack at will, and ignore the imperial court's decrees as nothing, and we also need to teach them some lessons - I plan to send a Beijing camp to work with Yunnan. Frontier army, give them a thunderous blow!"

"As for changing the land and returning home like the Northeast, now, the conditions are not mature, and it will take a few years. The soldiers of the Beijing camp have been trained, and it is impossible to see blood without fighting. This time, I used Mangrui and others to train the soldiers. , is one of the gains.”

Zhang Juzheng listened and smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, there are still many chieftains in Sichuan, Gui, Xiang and other places with high mountains and dense forests. If they want to reform their land and return to the current state, there is a long way to go, and it is impossible to do so at this time."

Seeing Zhu Yijun nodding, Zhang Juzheng said again: "My minister also agrees to train the troops from the Beijing camp, but it is better to use the soldiers from the south when fighting Burma. Several battles were fought in the town, Xuan Da, etc."

Zhu Yijun listened, pondered for a while and said: "No, there will definitely be more than tens of thousands of soldiers in the Beijing camp after this. Troops, generals."

"I think, choose a commander, and transfer [-] troops from the capital and some officers to the south, first join forces with the locals in Yunnan, practice together for the first half of the year, and also learn soil and water. After the method of fighting in the mountains and forests is mastered, then use it as the main force. , together with the soldiers of the barbarians, to destroy the Mangrui body in one fell swoop, build an altar to swear by the congregation, and reaffirm the voice of the court. Is this feasible?"

Zhang Juzheng listened with a solemn look on his face.After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Your Majesty intends to use troops in the south first? This is the south and then the north, or the north and then the south. We must first come up with the regulations - the future of the court will be based on this."

After Zhu Yijun heard this, he gave Zhang Juzheng a thumbs up in his heart, and finally smiled and said, "The old gentleman said in one sentence the important points of governing the country, he is indeed far-sighted."

Not waiting for Zhang Juzheng to thank him, Zhu Yijun continued with a smile: "The two directions of north and south need to be considered repeatedly by the imperial court, but I cannot decide it in one word. This Burma campaign is not a strategy. After the south - it depends on the effect of implementing land reform after the development of the Northeast and the governance of the two Huaihe Rivers."

Zhu Yijun paused, sorted out his thoughts, and said, "I asked the Servant's Office to sort out the previous regulations of the court governing Burma. It is very interesting to find two memorials, the old gentleman and the soldier have a look." After that, he put the table on the table. The two yellowed memorials were handed to Wei Chao, who turned it over to Zhang Juzheng.

When Zhang Juzheng took it to look at it, the first memorial was in the ninth year of Zhengtong, and it was played by Wang Ji, the marquis of Jingyuan: "The profit-seeking people near the border, carrying weapons and objects privately, sneaked into Mubang, Burma, Cheli, and eight hundred other places. At this place, make friends with native officials, etc., and it is easy to have or not. Even those who have taught weapons, are close to women, stay at home and do not return. It is not so much to miss my side feelings. Interest, military and civilian hardships.”

130 years ago, Wang Ji pointed out that the flow of weapon-making products and technology from border trade into the Indochina Peninsula would bring great hidden dangers to the Ming Dynasty's rule.Later, things developed as expected. Without Zhu Yijun, the traverser, almost half of the entire Indochina Peninsula would have been owned by the Toungoo Dynasty.

Zhang Juzheng read the first memorial, gave it to Tan Lun, and then read the second.This memorial was written by Liu Nian, a Yunnan official in the ninth year of Jiajing.At that time, Sejong ordered Yunnan to purchase gems, and he pointed out to Emperor Jiajing that during the Hongzhi and Zhengde years, the Portuguese had entered Burma and carried out gemstone trade with the local states in the Mengmi area, which was under the imperial court.

Liu Wei warned the court that the expanding gem trade in the Mengmi area and the court's purchases would increase the power of the chieftains in this area and raise tigers.

However, this insight not only did not arouse the imperial court's urge to "open its eyes to see the world", it did not even splash.Sejong still bought gems as before, and the Toungoo Dynasty in Lower Burma gradually grew in the gem trade between the East and the West.

Based on the two memorials and the investigations conducted before, Zhu Yijun basically has a full understanding of the situation in the Indo-China Peninsula.When Zhang Juzheng and Tan Lun read the memorial and were speechless, Zhu Yijun instructed the political purpose of this mobilization:
"The analysis report reported to me by the Attendant's Office is very good: 'The general situation in southern Yunnan, for example, a family, the east of Cang'er is its hall, Tengyong is its door, and Sanxuan and Manmo are its barriers. Those who are close to the fence are said to guard the thieves and bandits outside, and secure the gates and courtyards inside, so that the master can enjoy the palace, gather his son's surname, and keep his goods and wealth.' Therefore, the purpose of this campaign is to restore the imperial court's golden character in the southwest. The authority of the red card, let those toasts who stand and take down the card, kneel down and hang it for me!"

 Well, although it's not enough for [-] words, Lao Mo seriously wrote it for four hours. ——First read through the materials, then ponder the major policies and military strategies, tired and happy.Please support us a lot, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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