Wanli Xinming

Chapter 278 Fubo

Chapter 278 Fubo
The gulls have thick throats, and their high-pitched voices are full of provocation as they chirp over the barnacle-covered breakwater.

"Come on! Come on!" When Ling Yunyi was walking on the Dagu Wharf, the birds with gray and white feathers hovered above his head, as if calling.

Seeing the frown of the highest commander of the navy, the deputy envoy of the navy and the governor of the navy, the personal soldiers around him pulled out their handguns and fired a shot at the flock of seagulls hovering in the air.

After a loud tom, the seagulls screamed and scattered, and the pier was immediately cleared.When the entourage saw him, although they secretly slandered Ling Yunyi as a powerful official and made a fuss about his personal soldiers, they all laughed and scolded the seagull as disgusting.

Standing beside Ling Yunyi was an old man with white hair and white eyebrows, wearing a green cocoon robe in the color of the people's clothing.He didn't speak, just frowned slightly.

Although Ling Yunyi was domineering, he did not dare to take it big in front of the old man.He scolded his personal soldiers: "Mr. Xujiang is here, who did you tell when you released the gun? Go down and lead the twenty army sticks!"

The old man still frowned, bowed slightly and said, "The commander's words are serious, so it's okay. Dayou is old and faint, and his ears can't hear well, so it's okay."

Ling Yunyi came to Dagu this time to make arrangements for Yu Dayou. Hearing that, he was willing to let it go. After all, he sent the personal soldier away, and then walked side by side with Yu Dayou.

Yu Dayou's appearance was thin and thin, although he wanted to straighten his back, but the years did not spare him, and his back was still a little bent.He left the position of the left governor of the Naval Governor's Office in the Privy Council three years ago, and after leaving the job, he taught in Nanyuan Martial Arts for three years.

Before he left the capital and returned to his hometown, Ling Yunyi invited him to Dagu to learn the tactics of fleet command.After all, only Yu Dayou has really commanded the Daming warships in recent years.

After the ten-year military reform in Wanli, Ling Yunyi took over from the governor-general of Guangdong and Guangxi to take over as the deputy envoy of the naval governor's office. He has also gone to sea several times in the past two years, but he has been studying with the army - there are no pirates, Japanese pirates and pirates who are not open-minded. Daming Navy put it right.

As the supreme commander of the navy, he couldn't let go of his body to learn from his deputy and junior naval officers, and he couldn't convert the theory into actual command ability in Nanyuan martial arts.Although he had tried his best to take time out of his busy schedule to communicate with Yu Dayou, he did not make up his mind to let Yu Dayou accompany him on the ship for a guidance class until Yu Dayou was getting old.

Although Yu Dayou has not been on board for three years, he has always maintained his attention to the construction of the Daming Navy in Nanyuan, and has also led the teaching and research team to conduct in-depth research on new naval warfare tactics.At this time, Ling Yunyi was dragged to Dagu, and he was also happy, because he heard that the Dagu Shipyard had produced a new type of warship, and the Daming Navy was about to enter a new stage of revolution.

During the Yongle period, the largest treasure ship during Zheng He's seven voyages to the West was 23 feet long, five feet wide, and a displacement of nearly 1 tons—basically the limit of wooden sailing ships. [note [-]]
However, more than 150 years later, in the last years of Jiajing, the main ship of the Ming Navy was Fuchuan, with a displacement of less than 20 tons.Even such ships are not many, and the remaining sand boats, small sentinel boats, trumpet boats, net boats and other small boats that can only carry 90.00 people account for [-]% of the navy.

The reduction of naval power has left the Ming Empire's maritime rights and interests to nothing. During the naval battles Zhu Wan and Hu Zongxian fought against the Japanese, although the rival Japanese pirates were also rookies, when the two sides pecked at each other, the Ming navy often lost their divisions. humiliate the country.

Everything changed in the second year of Wanli, when Zhu Yijun dug out a full set of drawings and materials of Zheng He's ships during his voyages to the West in the old paper pile in the capital.He immediately dispatched middle officials to supervise the construction of new ships at government-run shipyards in Longjiang Shipyard and other places, focusing on using orders to train craftsmen.

Although Zhu Yijun attached great importance to it, the boatmen who could build large ships had already died of old age at that time, and the shipbuilding experience of Daming was seriously lacking.Moreover, although the treasure ship was large, the speed of the ship could not keep up with the speed of the Portuguese warship - the gap was about double, and it did not meet Zhu Yijun's requirements.

Therefore, although the middle officials in charge of supervising the construction at that time used various means to compete for the "senior people" from the private shipyards, and there were some disturbances, it was still extremely difficult to manufacture a ship that could reach a speed of eight knots.

Zhu Yijun gritted his teeth and insisted on investing. Until Yu Dayou took over in the fifth year of Wanli, there were only more than [-] large ships that met the requirements, and the largest displacement was only [-] tons.Even so, in the eyes of contemporary people, it already belongs to the "giant ship" level.

With the ship, the more important thing is to train the navy. What Yu Dayou was assigned to be responsible for is to train and explore the tactics.Yu Dayou started to build a navy with the support of Zhu Yijun from the beginning of the change of the river to the sea in the fourth year of Wanli.Because of his status as a military general, Zhu Yijun was afraid that he would not be able to convince the public. At that time, he added the commander of the military governor's office, and he was also the chief soldier of the Haicao Protectorate. The command post was located in Dengzhou.Later, before he left office, he was promoted to the left governor - a retirement package.

Although Yu Dayou fought naval battles, most of his opponents were small boats of Japanese pirates.Over the years, he has exchanged letters with Zhu Yijun, and Zhu Yi's ideas in combination with the new ship need to be drilled at sea and summed up experience and lessons.


In the fifth year of Longqing, the European Combined Fleet and the Ottoman Fleet fought the Battle of Lepando.In this war, the Europeans used the artillery placed in the bow on a large scale, and achieved amazing results.

After the Battle of Lepando, only the British warships went to the dark and began to study broadside artillery, trying to conduct non-contact operations.For the rest, including the Spanish Armada, the use of firearms by warships around the world is still limited to bow artillery, crews use caltrops and arquebuses, and ramming and gang warfare are still the mainstream of naval warfare.

Fortunately, Daming in this time and space has a traverser.Even more fortunately, Qi Jiguang organized and invented the anti-recoil device for naval guns in the 39th year of Jiajing, and applied small artillery to the ships of Qi's army.

When Qi Jiguang reported the anti-recoil device of the naval gun to Zhu Yijun, Zhu Yijun's eyes were wet.Although Qi Jiguang had already been awarded a title by Jing Haibo in this time and space, Zhu Yijun knew that what he had given was far from enough - just for this invention of Qi Jiguang, it was worth a marquis. [Note 2]
With the new tactical ideas of the traversers, and the device to solve the anti-recoil of the artillery, the birth of the "sail battleship" and the corresponding tactics will be a matter of course.The arrival of the Roman embassy in the ninth year of Wanli gave the navy of Daming its wings to take off. The shipmen of Daming, who had recovered [-] to [-]% of their craftsmanship, learned the manufacturing skills of the new Galen soft sailboat. Finally made up for the last short board.

This time, Ling Yunyi took Yu Dayou to Dagu to receive the first new type of naval battleship Fubo.The keel of this slender and beautiful three-masted galleon was three and a half times the breadth, the bow was pointed and long, the foresail was as big as the mainsail on the mainmast, and the mizzen had a jib.

The concept of the jib was proposed by Zhu Yijun, and it has been widely used on the new ships of the Ming Dynasty after verification.In fact, most of the later generations of non-professionals have come from "Pirates of the Caribbean" for the galleons of the European era: the sprits and jibs that stick out far out of the bow.Besides, Zhu Yijun knows as much as Yu Dayou.

But the emperor, after all, has his own way of looking after the house - the Royal Inventory.After the establishment of the Gewu Institute, the theoretical research on sailing has also been put on the agenda.There are three results of their research: First, the "sail" was added to the sails, which made the Daming ships have the advantages of both hard sails and soft sails.Another result is the addition of multiple trusses to the mast, which cut the large sail into small pieces, so that when the wind is headed, after complex maneuvering, the sailboat can still maintain a certain speed.

The most important thing is that, after assiduous research, Daming Academy finally put the rudder on the front deck - it became a rudder, and in the Galen sailboat manufacturing technology brought by the Holy See, found a way to overcome the Daming Fu ship. The manufacturing process of the huge disadvantage of the rudder.

After a long period of hard work, the Fubo has finally been finalized, and construction will start at ten shipyards including Dagu, Linqing and Longjiang at the same time.The first test ship and training ship will serve as the flagship of the Ming Navy's mission to Japan.

Ling Yunyi, deputy privy envoy and naval governor, will lead the first large-scale fleet of Ming Dynasty to Japan to convey the emperor's anger at the king of Japan declaring the emperor.Before that, he must master all the "sail battleship combat methods" that Yu Dayou said and researched in martial arts.

 Sorry, it took two days.Feel sorry!
  [Note 1]: The size of Zheng He's treasure ship has been controversial for decades, and Lao Mo has no authoritative answer after consulting a lot of information. This is a reliable point.

  [Note 2]: In the 39th year of Jiajing, Qi Jiguang used the marine artillery recoil device on the ships of the Qi family army, more than ten years earlier than similar devices were used in Europe.Regrettably, with the downfall of Zhang Juzheng, the corresponding technology has also been annihilated.

(End of this chapter)

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