Wanli Xinming

Chapter 283 Disembarkation

Chapter 283 Disembarkation
In the year since he set off from Tianjin Port, the lonely Xu Guangqi often felt ashamed of his own insignificance and ignorance as he faced Polaris' nervous muttering.Not to mention the greatness of the universe that he experienced along the way, his admiration for the emperor also deepened as he left China farther and farther away.Every colonial supply point left a deep impression on him, and his sense of mission became more and more clear.

It's not that these supply points are so prosperous, and some places are not as good as the towns in Daming.Xu Guangqi was deeply impressed by the various races, strange languages ​​and everything, and he was dumbfounded as if in a dream.When he woke up during the night voyage, he often did not know where he was, thinking that he had left the real world, and took his big ship into the "Book of Mountains and Seas".

In the past year, he has written nearly [-] words of "Journey to the West", detailing everything he has experienced.As Daming's first mission to bypass the Cape of Good Hope, they also attracted countless curious onlookers and even malicious temptations along the way, but Luo Mingjian protected him very well and did not let Xu Guangqi directly face the challenges and challenges along the way. threaten.

After all, a prospective cardinal is not something that a cat or a dog can talk to, and when the top officials of the colonies face Luo Mingjian, they basically cannot look at him.When Luo Mingjian didn't say "please sit down", everyone could only stand and talk to him.

After tens of thousands of miles, Xu Guangqi, who stood on the deck and looked at the pilot boat in front, knew that Luo Mingjian's mission was half over.In the face of this new land and a brand new civilization, the national prestige of the Ming Dynasty and the dignity of the emperor are all tied to himself - a poor boy who ran away from Shanghai County and finally married the princess.

Luo Mingjian, who was standing on the side, saw Xu Guangqi's body was a little tense, and smiled: "Master Xu, don't be nervous, I firmly believe that what you brought to Europa is exactly what they need, and you will be welcomed unimaginably. "

Xu Guangqi squeezed a smile on his face, tried his best to pretend to be calm, and nodded, "I hope so."

Luo Mingjian smiled without saying a word.In fact, he got the news from the Clippers in Port St. Island: the whole of Europe has fallen into a state that he can't imagine for the arrival of the Ming mission.

Pope Gregory XIII, after obtaining a lot of detailed information about the Ming Dynasty, even issued an decree, requesting a truce throughout Europe, and welcoming the distinguished guests from the East with a peaceful face - which shows that the Catholic Church attaches great importance to this exchange.

The first to respond to the order was the Republic of the Netherlands. The first consul of the Republic, Orange William the Silent, was assassinated three months ago.It would be much easier if Spain could obey the decree and the lowlanders at least elect a second consul.

And Alexandre Farnese, Duke of Parma, the lowland governor who was in the siege of Antwerp, scolded and wrote to Felipe II asking him to stop the Pope's decree, saying, "This is a respite for the heretics, and for that bitch in England You can wake up laughing in your sleep.”

Felipe II was of course displeased with the decree of Gregory XIII, but His Majesty the Pope was originally trying to block Felipe with his dignified righteousness, and of course he could not change his course.So he pinched his nose and Farnese wrote back, saying that he could continue to build the Farnese Bridge to besiege Antwerp, but better not to engage the defenders.

The otaku of the Holy Roman Empire, Rudolf II, the unmarried man, was the second to respond to the Pope's decree, because he had long been tired of the endless uprisings and repressions of the Empire - if the rebels responded to the Pope, then Rudolph could live in peace for a while Days, this is exactly what he dreamed of.

In France, the "Three Henry's War" has just started. Henry I, Duke of Guise, led the Catholic Union Army and the Huguenot leader Henri De Bourbon and the Protestant moderate King Henry III are fighting a dog's brain.From a persuasive point of view, the Pope's decree was very fair, because the truce was not good for Catholics - the Duke of Guise was at a loss at this time, and Henry III took care of this and the other.Therefore, public opinion in the whole of Europe believes that the decree of His Majesty the Pope is very just.

In addition to these major wars, the fighting between the major lords in Europe has also stopped. Those with money and power go to Lisbon to see visitors from the East, and those without money and power hold their breaths. All Europe is looking forward to the mysterious visitors from the East. 's first appearance.

On the seventh day of September in the 12th year of Wanli, the Daming Mission arrived in Lisbon.On the pier of Lisbon Port, thousands of people put on festive costumes, finally waiting for the shadows of sails in the distance in the cold autumn wind.

As the sailboat approached, the whole pier burst into cheers, and the noise of various languages ​​reached the sky.Antonio Pérez, the envoy of Felipe II of Spain and Felipe I of Portugal (press: this refers to the same person), smiles to Francisco de Sandoval Rojas, the Marquis of Denia. road:
"Your Majesty, I personally think that this welcome ceremony is a bit too grand for a visiting Earl of the East."

The Marquis of Denia touched the mustache beside his mouth and replied with a smile: "I think, His Majesty, who is about to go bankrupt again, still has certain illusions about Seris. If Lisbon can become a transit station for oriental commodities, then we will Hopefully, those loan sharks will be repaid.”

Court adviser Antonio Perez was speechless and could only stand there with a wry smile.The Marquis of Denia continued: "Have you heard the proverbs that are popular in Lisbon recently?"

Perez expressed his willingness to hear about it, and Marquis Denia narrowed his eyes and smiled: "There are more napkins than wine and vegetables at the table of the nobles." After speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

Perez was speechless in the face of this unsmiling joke, thinking that His Excellency the Marquis had a bad taste in his tipping Felipe II, as if he could always get endless pleasure from Felipe II's bad economic situation. .

He had to change the subject and said: "I think, on the east-west route, there are only His Majesty's sailboats - if His Majesty wants, it is feasible to collect taxes at any port he wants."

The Marquis of Denia stopped laughing, his face became serious: "You may be right, Mr. Perez, but Sirius can choose not to trade with us. What can you do with it? After all, Arrivals All the members of the papal embassy in Lys, without exception, say that Sirius has no need for Europa goods, and that they are richer than us."

"If we only rely on daily consumables such as spices, we won't be able to smoke many ducats, and the king already owes 800 million."

Perez opened his mouth to refute the Marquis of Denia, but the Marquis interrupted him: "They are starting to disembark, it's our turn to play."

With a commotion, the first galleon carrying the head of the Daming embassy docked on the dock, and a long pedal covered with a red carpet connected the deck and the dock, and the Daming embassy finally showed up.

The first to appear were the two rows of Jin Yiwei standing on the deck, holding embroidered spring knives and wearing ceremonial armor.The phoenix-winged helmet, the golden light on the chest, the tiger head on the waist, and the red inverted triangle "Dangyu" battle skirt inserted between the leg skirts made these six-foot-tall men gleam in the autumn sunshine, majestic and majestic.

After they disembarked, they formed two columns on the pier.Xu Guangqi and the members of the diplomatic corps appeared later.Everyone at the wharf saw that the leader Xu Guangqi was wearing a seven-beam Jinxian crown on his head, a golden sable cicada was caged on it, and he was wearing a red Luosheng python robe and a leather belt.The whole body of the Dragon Festival in his hand is made of gold, with the dragon head at the top, two silk sashes, and three tufts of yak tails hanging down—the 25-year-old Earl stood on the deck with a scepter in his hand. A school of calm demeanor of the upper kingdom of China.

The appearance of the Daming honor guards and members of the embassy made the entire pier quiet.Gentlemen in stockings, lantern trousers and women in tight tops and bell skirts all closed their mouths and stared at them with jealous eyes.

Not to mention the blind Xu Guangqi and his entourage. During the actions of the honor guards, people could see the trousers inside their war skirts, all of which were smooth and shimmering with a unique luster.And even the poor people watching the lively on the dock know that it is a luxury that can only be inlaid on the skirts and brim of women's hats to upgrade the quality of the entire clothing, silk!
"Seris! Seris!" Suddenly, a shout broke the silence, and everyone at the dock shouted Seris in unison, making Xu Guangqi stand there inexplicably, not knowing what kind of ceremony this was.The personal bodyguard Liu Chengxi who was following him saw that he had stopped, and immediately followed, and everyone in the mission also stopped.

Cardinal Luo Mingjian, who was standing behind the embassy, ​​saw that Xu Guangqi was unclear, so he quickly separated from the people in front, walked to Xu Guangqi and said, "Your Excellency Count, this is how the residents of Lisbon welcome you. You don't need to pay attention, this. I think this welcome ceremony is a bit strange compared to the grand etiquette of my court. Please go on, I think, standing opposite you should be His Excellency the Marquis of Denia and the King's Special Envoy, Mr. Perez."

Xu Guangqi calmed down and held the Dragon Festival in his hand tighter.He no longer looked at the crowd of onlookers in strange clothes, and under the escort of a group of entourages, he officially took the first step in the exchange between the two major civilizations.

 Headaches for checking data
(End of this chapter)

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