Wanli Xinming

Chapter 298 Heliocentric

Chapter 298 Heliocentric
The analysis of "Dragon" is just a small episode at the banquet, and no one will think that this is a great thing.Maybe later people will associate "lon" with "dragon" again, but what does it matter?

The jokes between the cups and the cups were originally ramblings. The Spaniards in Lisbon were observing Seris, and the Chinese envoys were also observing these Europas.

During the banquet, a middle-aged man with a long mustache kept staring at Xu Guangqi, opening his mouth several times before he stopped talking.Sitting beside him, Countess Anna Flecka saw this and encouraged him with a smile: "Mr. Brahe, I have worked so hard to get an invitation for you, not to make you shy."

Tycho Brahe blushed when he heard the words, but his nose was not open at all—Anna Flecka didn't know that Oldenburg's favorite, Denmark's favorite, had a fake nose installed when he shared the bed with him.This nose is so vivid that almost no one can see it under the elaborate decoration of Tycho Brahe.

About Tycho's fake nose, it is an anecdote in history.Tycho Brahe has a fiery temper, so he took part in several duels.After walking a lot at night, it was inevitable to encounter ghosts. Finally, a swordsman master cut off his nose in a duel.

After being disfigured, of course Tycho had to figure out a way, and he really figured it out - he made a fake nose for himself, and used superb makeup to hide his lack of a nose until death.No one except his close friends and bedsiders knew that Tycho's nose was fake.

Therefore, Tycho's "true and false nose" has become a mystery.Later historians did archaeology in Tycho's tomb, and found a lot of copper in his nose, which solved the mystery.

Seeing that Bishop Luo Mingjian was praising the Julian calendar that Pope Gregory promulgated three years ago, Tycho Brahe gathered his courage and stood up, raised his glass to enlighten Xu Guang, and said in Latin: "Dear Count Your Excellency, I am Tycho Brahe from Denmark. The Julian calendar is the most accurate, and I am glad to have made some contributions to it. In the past six months, many people in the Roman embassy have written letters describing the astronomy of Seris. Saying it's totally different from Europa, you think the earth revolves around the sun. Do you?"

Xu Guangqi heard the words, his eyes lit up, and just as he was about to speak, his sleeve was gently pulled by Wang Jiaping beside him, causing him to ponder involuntarily.

Seeing everyone put down their knives and forks and stared at him, Xu Guangqi thought for a while and smiled, "Mr. Brahe, this is just one of many sayings - there are various schools of thought in China, and many schools have different viewpoints. "

Of course, this perfunctory answer did not satisfy Tygo, and he immediately asked, "What do His Majesty the Emperor and His Excellency the Count believe in?"

Seeing Luo Mingjian's uneasy expression, Perez stood up and said, "Mr. Brahe, I think you can communicate with the count privately about this issue." But before he could finish his words, the Marquis of Denia took over the topic and said: " I have the same curiosity about it as Mr Bracher."

The speech of the Marquis of Denia set the tone for almost all the nobles present, and they all nodded in agreement - after all, the former governor of Lisbon, the Duke of Ava was once the deputy king of Spain, and the Marquis of Denia might be able to climb one day. Take that position, thereby determining the fate of all the nobles present.

Xu Guangqi glanced at Wang Jiaping, and seeing that Wang Jiaping had no intention of speaking, he smiled and said, "My emperor is a man of heaven, and he was born to know it. My little knowledge is insignificant compared to His Majesty the Emperor. I believe that. The place we are in is but a drop in the ocean; there are things and then gods; not only the earth is in motion, but all things are in motion—motion is absolute.”

After these words were translated, Wang Jiaping, who was sitting beside him, clearly saw that almost everyone in the room changed expressions, including Tycho Brahe.

Luo Mingjian took over the words and said: "Everyone, His Majesty Emperor Sirius has written three philosophical articles, which very systematically explain the Chinese cosmology. Mr. Matteo Ricci translated them into Latin. Perhaps, everyone will soon be able to See these articles."

Tycho Brahe said: "I firmly believe that the earth does not move, it is the sun and the stars that revolve around the earth."

Xu Guangqi had no intention of arguing, but the physicist couldn't agree with the non-gewu point of view, so he could only laugh.

Tycho Brahe seemed to be irritated by his smile, he blushed and said: "Mr. Count, if the earth revolves around the sun, then the earth under our feet is no different from Venus and Mars. I think - God Such a thing will not be arranged."

Xu Guangqi still smiled and did not speak.Luo Mingjian stood up again and said: "Okay! Mr. Brahe. The Bible says, 'God arranged these lights in the sky and illuminated the earth.' As for how God arranged these lights, I think - Ptolemy It's not necessarily right."

If the Marquis of Denia or even Perez had said this, the nobles present would not have lost their composure, but as soon as the cardinal said it, the long table was clanking from beginning to end, forks and knives. And the sound of wine glasses colliding with cups and plates is endless.Immediately, there was a large "My God" sound.

After Luo Mingjian said this, his face was a little pale, but the big heart he had learned over the years made him regain his composure very quickly.Seeing that everyone was stunned, the Marquis of Denia whistled narrowly.

As Xu Guangqi's friends, Luo Mingjian, Matteo Ricci and others have discussed the "university pendulum" many times with him. acknowledgment.

Later, the missionaries in China made a compromise with Gewu - the "Bible" does not describe the revolution and rotation of the earth, and the person who interprets the "Bible" regardless of whether he is Catholic or Protestant, is not Jesus.

With this understanding, Luo Mingjian blurted out that "Ptolemy may not be right".

Claudius Ptolemy was an ancient Greek mathematician, astronomer and astrologer who carried forward Aristotle's "Earth Center Theory" and ruled the Europa cosmology for nearly 600 years.

Although Luo Mingjian is a cardinal, it is still taboo to say this under the rule of Lisbon-Spanish fanatics.To be honest, if he returned to the Holy See to say this sentence, it might not have been as sensational as it is today.

As an old friend of Luo Mingjian, Xu Guangqi of course knew that he accidentally bald mouth and said what was in his heart.Thinking of Luo Mingjian's bishop status and his friendship with him, Xu Guangqi stood up and said, "Marquis Denia, if you have time tomorrow, I would like to prove to you that the earth not only revolves around the sun, but also rotates on its own axis."

When Marquis Denia heard this, he raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Of course, this is my honor."

 I'm sorry, Lao Mo's health is so bad these days.

(End of this chapter)

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