Wanli Xinming

Chapter 314 Thunder

Chapter 314 Thunder
"Dead? Hehe, it's a coincidence that he died within a day after entering the prison." Xia Liangxin, a member of the Criminal Division, first glanced at Shao Cheng, the chief of the court, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The chief Shao Cheng lowered his head and looked at the ground in the room where the bricks were milled, and said in a sullen voice, "Mr. Renhuan, this is something no one would have thought of, Hu Yong suffered a year in Daning, and it is estimated that he stayed there. Under the dark disease."

Xia Yuanwai Lang laughed again, and patted the two pages of paper on the desk case lightly: "This case is already open to the sky, and you can't take a report as an example. Record the arraignment in the prison the day before yesterday and be on duty. The records and the confessions of the inmates in the same cell were all sent to me."

Shao Cheng agreed and bowed out.Xia Liangxin placed the report submitted by Shao Cheng in the corner of the desk, smeared a little ink on the lower right corner of the report with the brush in his hand, shook his head gently, and buried his head in the case again.

"Hidden, hideous!" He called out twice in a row, calling back the soul of Han Bixian, the Prime Minister of Shuntian Palace, from outside the Nine Heavens Clouds. He suddenly returned to his senses and looked at the old man sitting on the throne in front of him.

"It's useless for you to think nonsense now." His voice seemed to shout a mouthful of phlegm, and a low, hoarse voice reassured him, "Wang Zongyan has already said that Hu Yong has been in the Heavenly Prison for two days, and he has never seen outsiders except for the death row inmate in the same room. The Queen Mother's birthday next month, there must be a winter competition this month, clean, what are you afraid of?"

Han Bixian hummed twice, his thoughts involuntarily diverged again, and at the same time he felt his heart thump like a drum, and sweat on his forehead.

The old man sighed: "Unfortunately, we can't get involved in Daning. Otherwise, when the case here is revealed, the result will be immediate, so there is no need to take the risk in the prison, but it is a big concern."

Han Bixian hummed again and took a sip of water from the tea bowl in front of him. Because of the trembling of his hands, the tea bowl made a slight ding ding sound.

"Old gentleman, I don't know if Jinyiweijian sent him to the trial. If Hu Yong said it on the road, everything would be over."

Hearing the words, the old man coughed heavily and spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm into the spittoon under his feet.He picked up the tea bowl and took a sip of water to moisten his throat and said, "You don't have to worry about this section. Our people followed on the road, and we reported that Jin Yiwei had not been tried -- if it was really tried, it would have happened earlier."

After speaking, he sighed and said, "I never imagined that the mine would collapse and bury people. Hey, now that the head and tail are entangled, those heads are not easy to deal with."

Han Bixian's face flushed, and the circles under his eyes also turned red.With some weeping, he said, "Now I must show that I only want to save my life, and I have nothing else to ask for. This income is only [-], but when I put my head under the knife, I will show no regrets!"

The old man's mouth twitched a few times when he heard his sincere repentance.He put the tea bowl on the table next to him, and snorted coldly, "There is only one Ma Bin left. If his mouth is blocked, who can find out about you?"

"That fool Wei Yunzhong is a good person to take the blame. If he is not enough, adding Wang Yixiu will also dispel the emperor's anger."

Han Bixian calmed down, wiped his face and said, "Boss, now I have searched for places where people can live near the capital, and Ma Bin's hometown has been turned upside down, but not even a single hair can be seen. Where can this bastard hide?"

The old man pondered for a while, and finally said: "When the Miyun mine collapsed, Ma Bin disappeared without a trace, which shows that he has made plans for a long time. If we can't find it, Jinyiwei can find it? Those people in his family have already arranged it. retreat."

"Ma Bin has been an official for many years, and there must be a lot of identities in his hands that can be replaced. This family has changed names and fled to Myanmar. After ten or eight years, who will be able to turn the case over? Now I can relax. Waiting for the wind to pass - hoping that Ma Bin will do well in the future, no one will be able to find him."

On the ninth day of October in the 12th year of Wanli, the Ministry of Punishment requested the Winter Judgment, and the Political Affairs Hall was transferred to the Qin Tianjian of the Ministry of Rites to set the date as October 24.After the daily newspapers in Beijing and Beijing continuously reported the Miyun mining case, they quickly shifted their targets.After all, in Daming today, new things are happening all the time.

Between the government and the opposition, the little waves that stirred up in the Miyun mine robbery case soon became silent under the intervention of people with a heart.Zhang Jing, the financial planning department of the inner government, secretly ruthless, checked the Miyun Iron and Steel Trading Company upside down, and pulled out a bunch of silverfish, but because of the interruption of the clues, he did not follow the clues to the side of Shuntianfu.

Wei Yunzhong's suspension from his post was as it should be. Under the protection of Wang Tingzhan, Wang Yixiu ate once, and after another hardship in his career, he continuously reported to the Ministry of Personnel to resign and insisted on going.

On the 12th of the winter month in the 24th year of Wanli, Li Wei, Bo Wuqing got up early and arranged for the people in the Bo’s mansion to set up incense halls. At nine o’clock, he took his eldest son Li Gao, his second son Li Kuan, and a group of servants straight to the West Market—— Qiu Xizi, the talented murderer who killed his grandson Li Changgui, beheaded today, and Uncle Li wanted the head from Wanping County to pay homage to his grandson.

Qiu Xizi clashed with Li Changgui, who was in his early days when he was collecting the protection fee, and accidentally beat him to death—the first sentence in Wanping County, the review by Shuntian Prefecture, and the execution at Dali Temple.

Because it is clearly written in "The Law of the Great Ming Dynasty": "Burning the murderer, hangs. According to the law, the copper coins are collected and redeemed and paid to the family of the killed and wounded for the purpose of burial and medicine." Before Qiu Xizi killed Li Changgui, the two had nothing to do with each other. , by no means worthy of murder.

In "The Law of the Great Ming", there is a clear difference between murder and manslaughter. A beheading is shown to the public, and a hanging can leave the whole body behind.

But the identity of the victim is the nephew of the Empress Dowager Cisheng from the perspective of relatives. The Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple must leave room for the Empress Dowager to vent their anger.Sure enough, after reviewing the death penalty file, the emperor sentenced Qiu Xizi to be executed on the grounds that Qiu Xizi had no money to pay for the burial.

For Qiu Xizi, decapitation and strangulation are both killings, and he doesn't care too much about leaving the whole corpse, not to mention the experience of being hanged is more painful.The emperor added the guilt, but it was a win-win situation for him to be exempted from paying the funeral expenses of the Wuqing Bojia camp.

When Wu Qingbo Li Wei's carriage arrived at the West Fourth Archway, there were already some people around the court. Seeing that a noble person was driving, the officer in charge of maintaining order arranged for someone to separate a passage, and they moved two benches from nowhere to let Li Bo Lord sit on the ground.

Before Japan and China, the surrounding area of ​​the Dharma field was already crowded with people, and there was a lot of noise.The people of the capital gathered in the west city to see the red difference like going to a market.This day is the end of the death row, but the common people see it as a remedy in a dull and boring life.

For small traders, the days of red business trips are a good opportunity to make a profit.The executioner wielding the ghost-head knife is always on time at noon. At that time, it was already past dinner time, and the spectators were hungry. Buying something to eat and drink was a routine action - the same as buying popcorn and soda while watching a blockbuster movie in the future.

As soon as Japan and China arrived, the gong sounded in the distance, and a team of red-clothed soldiers led a row of prison carts around the short street on the east side of the West City, and entered the sight of the onlookers.There were bursts of cheers at the intersection of Xishi Street, because the spectators were anxious because they had been waiting early.

There are a total of 19 people in today's winter show, and there are various tricks of cutting, killing, and twisting. Spectators can choose different angles to watch at the same time.Uncle Li Wei sat in the inner circle, facing the temporary mat shed and supervisory platform in the north.Now under the mat shed, tables and chairs have been placed, the head of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, the official of Jinyiwei Hall, Shuntian Mansion, Daxing and Wanping county officials are all sitting or standing under the mat shed, waiting for the death row prisoner to be escorted to the execution ground.

When Li Wei looked at North Street, he could still see the flagpole of the small temple on the street behind Jianzhantai. Because of the red business trip today, a tooth-hanging flag embroidered with "Buddha's Light" was hung on the flagpole to avoid evil. Drifting in the cold north wind.

This "Dangjie Temple" was built by Emperor Yingzong in order to thank the Wataru also released to himself first, and there was an decree to let the officials and people of the capital detour from both sides.Different from ordinary temples, its radius is no more than ten feet. It was built in the middle of the North Street at the crossroads of the West City, facing south and north--I don't know which feng shui master gave him the idea.But to the Ming emperor and the common people in the capital, this temple can only be regarded as an ugly scar left by the change of Tumubao.

The sudden death of Li Changgui made Wu Qingbo feel depressed for the past six months. Today, when he saw that Buddha's light on his teeth hanging the flag, he became more and more panicked. He gritted his teeth and widened his eyes.

As the prison carts opened one by one, they were all tied up, and the prisoners with wooden rafts behind their backs were escorted by red-clothed officers and soldiers and filed in.

Except for a widow who had conspired with her lover and successively poisoned her in-laws in an attempt to inherit her estate, who was sentenced to be cut and tied to a stake on the west side of the execution ground, the other prisoners were divided into two groups. Kneel down on the east side.

Jinyiwei, who was wearing a flying fish suit, took out the imperial decree and read it out as usual, showing that the emperor was careful in punishment and killing, and was sympathetic to the will of the gods and the people, but the prisoners sentenced to death today are all on the list of unpardonable ones, only to deter lawlessness and not punish them.Officials and people in the world are ordered to take this as a precept, not to commit crimes, violate the law and so on.

After the court officials and people listened to the emperor's decree, Shao Cheng, the head of the punishment department, served as a prisoner and went to the shed to verify the prisoners' bodies one by one.

The sturdy Qiu Xizi, who was bound, knelt on the ground, strangled her neck, and rolled her eyes to look for her family in the crowd.

Suddenly, he saw his wife with yellow hair and haggard face looking at him in the crowd with a basket, followed by her maiden brother, holding a bundle of reed mats in his hand - at this moment, this ruthless and black-handed The big man collapsed and exchanged tears.

While he was sobbing in a low voice, Shao Cheng walked up to him and, as usual, asked him if he had any grievances.

This is the legacy of Ming Taizu. All death row prisoners in Daming were removed from the wooden balls that had to be worn in their mouths during the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Zhu Yuanzhang left a last sliver of life for criminal prisoners who may have died unjustly.

When Qiu Xizi heard Shao Cheng ask him if he was wronged, he first shook his head with tears in his eyes.When Shao Cheng walked away with a sigh of relief and went to ask the prisoner next to him, he heard Qiu Xizi shouting from behind: "I have grievances to report! It's not my grievances, it's Hu Yong, Miyun County, who is in the same prison with me, he is in heaven. He was fired from prison and died!"

"He was fired and died in Tianjing!"

"He was silenced!"

"He told me the truth about the Miyun robbery case! I would rather obey the law, just give me a chance to speak!"

With his hoarse scream, at noon in the capital where the sun was hanging high, the sky was inexplicably shrouded in a layer of dark clouds, and in the head of the supervisor Shao Cheng, there was a rumbling sound of thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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